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/lit/ - Literature

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13503107 No.13503107 [Reply] [Original]

This general is dedicated to provide motivation for anons to finally start reading. Post how many pages you've read today, your daily reading goals, tips on how to maintain focus, etc.

>> No.13503117

17. Read one chapter of Blood Meridian. I intend to finish it today so I'll try read 117 more today.

>> No.13503122

read 300-ish pages today, feeling pretty good.i usually go for a few hours a day, but depends on schedule. tips for focus are to have a room just for reading, and to put your phone/computer in another room. and stop when you get tired, don't force yourself through, be patient

>> No.13503150

How do you anons read 100 or more pages a day? Just how fast do you read? It takes me around an hour to read 25-30 pages ;___;

>> No.13503157

Read two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening. If you're a NEET that should be easy. Of course if you're reading hard nonfiction it's different.

>> No.13503158

Lmao ur lying

>> No.13503160

I’m new to /lit/ and I have a hard time understanding why the number of pages you read per day or per hour matters. Last I checked reading wasn’t a race, and there’s really no better way to read a book than at your own pace, whatever it may be. Or am I missing something?

>> No.13503167

it's just to motivate others if they feel like they can't read/ lack the effort

>> No.13503168

Is it true Harold Bloom can read like 100+ pages an hour?

>> No.13503172

I guess that makes sense.

>> No.13503184

He speed reads. It's a technique you can learn with some practice. What's important to know however is that speedreading will only give you the complete basics. If you're just trying to extract knowledge out of a textbook or something it's great, however if you really want to imagine what's happening in the book and experience the prose and truly process what the characters are feeling then speed-reading won't help you.

>> No.13503385

Its 4chan and its still retarded.

>> No.13503395

23 of literature but i dont know how much text on in internet comms.

You've just gotta love what your reading. I dont have goals for it. seem retarded to me. Just do what comes naturally. You shouldnt have to "keep focus" you should want to. If its boring stop reading it. If you have to you fucked up. Go back and try again.

>> No.13503399

who /readsbychapter/ here? In books where there are clear breaks in the text, I usually find it easier to set a goal of x number of chapters per day; it's usually a nice mixture of long and short periods of reading that feels a little more natural. What are the advantages of a page goal (besides consistency)?

>> No.13503463

>tfw enjoy the feeling of having finished a book more than the story itself

>> No.13503477

i stick to that though it usually breaks down if the fiction im reading wont let me

>> No.13503579

Over the last few month's I've been learning Italian and im finally at the stage when i can , without too much difficulty, read Italian poetry.

I've read 2 cantos of leopardi and some Eugenio Montale aswell,

for motivation i;ve read Goethe's Journey to Italy at about 40 p before bedtime

>> No.13503621

If anyone is having trouble with distractions like the Internet and 4chan, I suggest you go outside and read in the park or some other public place. The "Books" application and pub are your friends, load up your phone with books. That way you can read without Internet, and without Internet, your only source of entertainment is books. Bye-bye distractions

>> No.13503776

>he doesn't feel empty after finishing a book and try his hardest to postpone finishing it
never gonna make it

>> No.13503802

read 30-32 pages of Siddhartha yesterday, i have around 40 pages til i finish it. it's been good so far

>> No.13504405

does 4chan pages count? because if not then 0

>> No.13504427

Same. But I retain what I read better, so there’s that.

>> No.13504494

I read a chapter of The Idiot, hoping to read another one later today.

Any books you recommend for someone looking to learn Italian?

>> No.13504560

i second this request. i'd love to learn italian

>> No.13504572

Read the last 90 pages of a Clanchy's Peter Abelard biography

>> No.13504638

That's what I do usually. It's the reason I'm stuck on this Turgenev book, the next chapter is 35 pages long and I've been putting it off.

>> No.13504949
File: 51 KB, 387x580, sixfour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

66 pages, finishing off this.

>> No.13505036

Read around 20 pages of SPQR. I brought my ereader to the beach but ended up just laying without doing anything. But afterwards after going home I started reading at bed comfyly.

>> No.13505168

Not impossible if he doesn't have a job. I don't and I can pretty easily knock out a few hundred pages in a day if I commit a good few hours to reading.

>> No.13505221

He's reading fiction anon

>> No.13505224

An hour for 30 pages is like average speed though. 2 minutes per page of anything that isn't YA tier isn't slow.

>> No.13505229

The Beard book? How is it?

>> No.13505250

>> No.13505257

Read an hour a day everyday.
You can read at any time of the day and if you're a late sleeper reading an hour before you go to sleep at 1-3 Am should be fine even if it passes midnight. If you miss a day don't try to catch up doing this will demotivate you accept it and move on with the habit as if nothing happened. Reading 1 hour a week for 2 weeks gets you farther than reading 8 hours on one day. CONSISTENCY IS KEY. Put an alarm on your phone and put the phone far away from you turn of your pc. If possible turn your back to it so that these electronic distractions aren't in your field of vision have water ready and go to the toilet beforehand so you can really dig into the text. Wasn't a big reader but these tips got me to read over 2000 pages in the last 3 months.

>> No.13505259

Been really busy today but i read about 200 over the past day and a half

>> No.13505306

75 Pages today
Need to read more 50 to complete my daily reading goal

>> No.13505333

Yes, but he also reads aloud which is more like a page every 5 minutes

>> No.13505366

I don't have a job, so that helps greatly

>> No.13505445

I started it yesterday, but it seems pretty good for now.

>> No.13506674

Waiting till no internet, I have so much bullshit to do but hopefully in a month or two I'll be resting on a boat with a dog not giving a flying fuck about what everyone else is doing

>> No.13506689

I read 8 hours a day and keep a notepad detailing my pages, switching between books throws the progress off a bit but if I'm finishing two books in a day then I just consider it progress. The goal is to eventually be able to read a 300 page book in a day

>> No.13506823

I have terrible focus. I only manage to read 15 pages per day

>> No.13507143

Nonfiction is easier to read to me than fiction. I usually blow through nonfiction no problem.

>> No.13507181

there's an apu poster/set of members, who put(s) up how many pages the retarded little helper frog had read in a day. OP shows up in those threads thinking it's such a good idea that he should make new threads called pages general and put a Pepe frog as the pic, since he doesn't understand kawaii or anything about Japanese image boards and why he's just showing how fucking desperate for stolen glory he is while being so bad at memeing it's not even bathetic because he could make another retarded Apu pages thread with "3 pages read" as the text and get way more (you)s than this humourless shit. he likes to think it was an original idea he had, you see?

>> No.13507205

Read ~70 pages today so far, hoping to get the introduction to Against Nature done today as well so I can start it tomorrow.

>> No.13507823


It depends how you learn, there are lots of gimmick book's that try to keep you motivated by being funny or teaching you recipes etc, some people need this. My book was called Italian Now!: A Level One Worktext, which i picked chiefly for having an answer key in the back and not on some website somewhere. It's got a good focus on grammar so you can drop it half way through and move over to something more substantial.

>> No.13508887

just thought i'd add that for me learning app's proved kinda crummy and much less helpful then old fashioned flash cards (real or app based). Also those learn any language in 30 day's manuals are either scams or aimed at absolute retards because the useful advice there can be summed up on a fucking post it note.

>> No.13508919

As long as you’re doing you best anon

>> No.13509005

Chapters in the book i'm currently reading have been 30-40 most of the time. It's fucking exhausting. Read for like 40 minutes and don't see any chapters. Makes me feel like i'm making next to no progress. I feel you.

>> No.13509043

Finished Jack London's White Fang this morning. Have had read about the half before that. Feels so good :)

>> No.13509276

I just started reading. What books would you recommend for a beginner that are not that hard to read?

>> No.13509284

Managed to get to 100 today. It was a lean weekend so it feels good to catch back up a bit