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13503094 No.13503094 [Reply] [Original]

Today I read 267 pages, felling pretty comfy. How's your reading going anon's?

>> No.13503097

Ok I'm starting the pages general RIGHT NOW

>> No.13503201


>> No.13503204

If you read more than 20 pages in an hour, your brain is 100% not processing the information properly. I bet you're one of those speed reading faggots who thinks he's Good Will Hunting and can read and absorb all information on a page in 10 seconds.

>> No.13503224
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Read "On The Shortness of Life" and "Of a Happy Life" by Seneca. 171 pages total. Feeling pretty comfy also. Gonna read "Of Anger" later.

>> No.13503243

I usually read a book more than once, that's how I absorb information and that's how I learn languages. For example, I read a book and there are a lot of words and concepts I'm not familiar with, so I search the meaning of some of it or just jot it down somewhere to learn more about it later, then I go back to this same book and read again, but now it will an easier read than before.

You absorb/learn things by repetition.

>> No.13503251

>but now it will be

>> No.13503542

Seneca is one of the few authors with whom I feel in profound peace and connected to while I read him. Do you get that feeling too? Such a comfy sage individual. Irrevocably based and immortalised through his work.

>> No.13503569

cope, cumbrain
professors read 700 wpm, which translates to about 90 pages every hour

>> No.13503570

I liked these threads more when the number was lower :/

>> No.13503587

Based and bookpilled.

>> No.13503610

Yes, that's how I feel.
I was feeling really down for being such a cumbrain, but then I read "Of a Happy Life" and I'm better now. At least I'm trying to get rid of these intrusive sexual thoughts.

>..."You talk one way," objects our adversary, "and live another." You most spiteful of creatures, you who always show the bitterest hatred to the best of men, this reproach was flung at Plato, at Epicurus, at Zeno: for all these declared how they ought to live, not how they did live. I speak of virtue, not of myself, and when I blame vices, I blame my own first of all: when I have the power, I shall live as I ought to do: spite, however deeply steeped in venom, shall not keep me back from what is best: that poison itself with which you bespatter others, with which you choke yourselves, shall not hinder me from continuing to praise that life which I do not, indeed, lead, but which I know I ought to lead, from loving virtue and from following after her, albeit a long way behind her and with halting gait. Am I to expect that evil speaking will respect anything, seeing that it respected neither Rutilius nor Cato? Will anyone care about being thought too rich by men for whom Diogenes the Cynic was not poor enough? That most energetic philosopher fought against all the desires of the body, and was poorer even than the other Cynics, in that besides having given up possessing anything he had also given up asking for anything: yet they reproached him for not being sufficiently in want: as though forsooth it were poverty, not virtue, of which he professed knowledge.

>> No.13504680

I've been tested as being able to read 1000 wpm with 100% comprehension, but that pace isn't enjoyable for reading literature or appreciating the work fully.

>> No.13504720

Is speed reading really that bad? I have always thought the faster you read the more you get out of it. Maybe i should reread some more books after I'm done with them

>> No.13504757
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I read 20 pages of Nietzsche and didn't understand any of it so I think I actually read 0 pages today.

>> No.13504763

Whenever I speed read I forget the contents of the book I read a lot faster.

>> No.13505083

How do you even keep track of the pages, do you go back and count when you're done or are you keeping track while you go along?

I've been reading for an hour a night recently, and about 10 to 15 minutes when I take a shit.

>> No.13505217

I read about 10 pages per day.

>> No.13505233

I read half of the page today then fall asleep

>> No.13505537

I went to a play so I haven't touched my book all day except to put it in my bag this morning. Might read some before bed. Well done OP and the other readers itt. (Even you Nietzsche anon)

>> No.13505582

not much lately. I read some French (few pages of Le Mur) to practice. Still making my way through the Sot-Weed Factor as well. Those are usually 20-50p bursts.

>> No.13505598

I've spent all day cleaning up and vacuuming and haven't gotten any reading done yet.

>> No.13505602

20 pages an hour is really slow unless you're reading kant or something. are you retarded?

>> No.13505643

Just keep track as I go long subconsciously

>> No.13505680

I read 20 pages an hour when reading Infinite Jest. The plot is easy to follow but the language used in the book is fucking jarring

>> No.13505838
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I tried reading but the book was shit and there was a part where the characters fucked. I instantly stopped and cumbrained (broke my 3 days nofap). I tried nofap but I'm just beyond help, my last hope is a bullet in the head.

>> No.13505848


>> No.13505862

Make anime great again.

>> No.13505923
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ive tried reading but had to stop because everything in my life is COPE

>> No.13505933

Got 40 pages read of thirst for love by Mishima, finished off “Charmides” and took some notes.
Also read a bit of persuasion by Austen. The books I’m reading seem random, but I’m taking a break from the idiot by Dostoyevsky.

>> No.13505939

Try Permafap

>> No.13506305

it's not that slow for non-fiction

>> No.13506565
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>Start reading at page 67
>End at page 89
>Quick maths
>Read 22 pages.

>> No.13506608

How did you learn to read that fast?

>> No.13506654

It depends on what you're reading, I can demolish a pop intro book to any subject at a rate of 80-100 an hour while taking notes and of course a fiction novel even faster

>> No.13506912

I was reading Plato's Sophist and got to the part where the visitor tries "patricide" of whatever against Parmenides and forgot that what he was saying was supposed to not make sense and kept going back and confusing myself to the extent that I was stuck on about the same 5 pages for about 30 minutes. I finally made it through and sped up but then I got pulled away. Being midwit is shit t b h

>> No.13507019

I've been reading ever since I learned how. When I was a kid I went through the school library reading every nonfiction book they had because I was obsessed with learning new things. Wanting to get to new things pushed me faster until it was habit. I read everything as fast as I could until I learned to enjoy fiction in highschool.

>> No.13507048
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I just finished blood meridian, only took six months.

>> No.13507153

I started Hunger by Knut Hamsun today and I'm enjoying it so far so I can't complain.

>> No.13507173

I started it a year ago, I plan on restarting this summer considering I only got around 20 pages in. I just can't get over the punctuation and fucked up grammar. I've been reading Faulkner lately though so maybe that will help.

>> No.13507398

Finished the Melancholy of Resistance today, probably the best book I've read all year.

>> No.13507517

What other books do you like? A cursory glance at the book you mentioned seems interesting, I'm wondering if I'd like it.

>> No.13507528

I don't count pages, that sounds ridiculous.

>> No.13507571

Please refrain from posting jezebels, good sir. This is a literature board.

>> No.13507585

Some of my favourite writers are Melville, Keats, Coleridge, Tolstoy, Swift, Cervantes, Celine, Robert Burton, Clark Ashton Smith, Dostoevsky, Beckett, Goethe, and Kafka.

>> No.13507586

Just come to realize that literally everything is cop, anon. Money is cope, having kids is cope, even buddhism is cope.

"Cope" is a non-word used by zoomers when they have no argument and resort to flaming.

>> No.13507597

How big is your brain?

What is your job and have you ever been laid? Are you happy? Please be honest with us.

>> No.13507607

imagine believing in a 1000wpm reading speed.

>> No.13507680

>Seneca is one of the few authors with whom I feel in profound peace and connected to while I read him.
Robert Graves is the author that fits that's spot for me. Often when I read him I find a sense of synchronicity with what he is writing and what has happened or will happen in some respect over the course of that week.
To sound like a mother at an Oprah book club I feel he and I are "kindred spirits".

>> No.13507681

Alright, I'm reading this book once I'm done with my current reads. Thanks.

>> No.13507768

How do I take the Graves-pill?

>> No.13507800

My personal best is a little over 200
It was a book by Jung, I think his one on dreams? Interesting but fairly dense, at least by my feeble minded standards

>> No.13508006

I started with Goodbye to all that and then moved on to his poetry.
Understand the man and you understand his work.
After that I moved on to his fiction. I found King Jesus to be most impressive and well worth the effort. The White Goddess also helped further my understanding of Graves and his motivations.
Principally it is his poetry which moves me day in day out.

>> No.13508072

I read Stoner in a day, that's what? 250 pages? Usually I take a lot longer, it's pretty embarrassing.

>> No.13508561

If you expect me that porn makes me a nigger you really are on some shit

>> No.13508576


>> No.13508587

Intrusive sexual thoughts brother, I have been through that, now I am almost healed, stay strong.

>> No.13508803

Pretty bad I keep getting glued to the computer

>> No.13508821

>slip the introduction
>skip the preface
>speedread the first chapter
>skip to the end chapter and read it
>get a sense of who dies, who marries, etc
>speedread the rest of the book, skipping dream sequences, physical descriptions
>look out for mentions of main characters and read a few sentences to get the jist of their narrative
>finish the book and google it to make sure my understanding of the plot was correct
>go on Goodreads and find the most liked quotation from the book
>repeat it a few times internally until I've memorized it
>post on /lit/ about terrible and overrated the book was

>> No.13509584

Yesterday I read The Marquise of O...about 50 pages. Great short story. Highly recommend Henrich Von Kleist.

>> No.13510749

honestly depends on the book, I recently bought lord of the flies and well through half way through it in one day of light reading. Each page has an incredibly small amount of writing on it. 100 pages in an hour or two whilst on a book like the iliad it would take me an hour or two to read 30

>> No.13510754 [DELETED] 

I wrote 30 pages of a trilogy.

>> No.13511099
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I was a cumbrain until about 7 months ago, finally noticing improvements in cognition. Hadn't read a full book since graduating high school, I'm 23 now. Read about 12 books or so in the past 7 months, I was doing about 20 pages an hour (non-fiction). It was common for me to have to re-read a page because I would completely blank out and start daydreaming.

It gets better bros, just hang in there.

>> No.13512088

20 pages of The Wandering Earth which is the minimum I've set per day.

>> No.13512112

Thanks, anon. I’m pleased that you’ve improved so much

>> No.13512125
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52 pages. Was feeling like shit this morning for skipping church but I picked myself back up later on in the day. There’s always tomorrow to improve and being harsh and overly-critical on myself is only going to make me perform worse.

>> No.13512127

Finished slaughterhouse five today. I started it yesterday. Good book imo, the ending was fucking with me a bit and had to take a break but it was a good book nonetheless.

>> No.13512131

Isn't that a reddit book?

>> No.13512148

I don't know, tbqh. I found it when I searched for more books by vonnegut. It was funny, easy to read, also has aliens and "time travel" in it and makes the philosophy behind it surprisingly easy to understand. So I guess yeah, it might be a reddit book.

>> No.13512155

sounds reddit.

>> No.13512170


go back

>> No.13512172

Goodreads says my average is 127 pages per day. I know it's more than that because I only mark books I finish and a lot of the books I have read have smaller page counts than they should.

>> No.13512173

this is my pace reading stoned lel

>> No.13512935

Read 60 pages of Proust. I'm on the last book from In Search of Lost Time, so I'm going slowly. I'm also gettin really emotional about this thing, it was a beautiful ride and I get sad everytime I remember that is ending :(

>> No.13513049
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Got through 50 pages of this French book I’m reading. It’s not much but I notice myself improving and picking up new grammar. Feels good :)

Speed reading fiction serves no purpose imo. Unless you’re in a literature program and have to get through 1000s of pages a week, take your time and enjoy the journey.

Non fiction is really where you should speed read if possible.

>> No.13513130

>267 pages
that sounds mathematically divided from the total pagecount

>> No.13513633

I mean you'd know what page you started on so.

>> No.13513687

When your proudest attribute is how quickly you can consume greater people's work. Pathetic. You're not smart for amassing a collection of consumption. You're literally no different than those grandmas who read every book churned out by Patricia Cornwell and take breaks to do word searches. Go produce something.

>> No.13513697

Just read two chapters of Sapkowskis Narrenturm. And the day just started :-)

>> No.13513730

How do you even speedread non fiction?
If I won't read it slowly I won't remember anything from it if its a text book.

>> No.13513745

Sir, this is a forum about reading and discussing literature, we rarey produce anything more worthwhile than the avarage /tv/ consumer or /pol/ack.

>> No.13513748

No, it sounds like he wasn't counting and just read as much as he felt comfy reading.

>> No.13513944 [DELETED] 

I bet the book is exactly 800 pages and he wanted to read the first third. He even rounded properly, hence 267 rather than 266.
I only make this observation because it's what my OCPD brain would do. I tend to divide things into thirds.

>> No.13513947

I bet the book is exactly 800 pages and he wanted to read the first third. He even rounded properly, hence 267 rather than 266.
I only make this observation because it's what my OCPD brain would do. I tend to divide things into thirds, and so numbers like 267 stick out to me.