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13501955 No.13501955 [Reply] [Original]

Name a more annoying guy on Goodreads

>> No.13501957

Is this the guy who reads like six books a day? How does he do it?

>> No.13501961

Yeah he reads a ton, I don't know how he finds the time between posting about Trump all fucking day

>> No.13501964
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>> No.13501972


>> No.13502003

KEK this looks like a friend of mine who reads 5 books a day too, but he isn't a goodreads cuck.

>> No.13502004

He's the definition of a midwit who goes through vast amounts of information but doesn't know how to form a coherent worldview.

>> No.13502006

who's this cutie :3

>> No.13502018

Not me

>> No.13502028
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Why do midwits feel the need to exxagerate their intelligence. Bc of that they feel the need to obsessively read or whatever activity they perceive as being "high iq" even more...

In my opinion midwits cease to be midwits when they acknowledge their limitations..

>> No.13502072

I mean i like his reviews...

>> No.13502076

Is he an incel?

>> No.13502084

>Looks are not deceiving...

>> No.13502473

>Browsing through books
>See he has a review of it
>Whole thing is an anti-Trump rant, totally unrelated to the book

>> No.13502481

90% of his reviews aren't even reviews of the books. It's usually a "joke" that doesn't make any sense unless you've read the book already.

>> No.13502484

>2508 ratings
That's two books a week for 25 years.

>> No.13502826
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2019, still doing the whole ""layers of irony"" routine

>> No.13502858
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Rookie numbers, this madman has 7461 ratings under his belt

>> No.13502869

I’m glad I’m not alone in hating this guy.

>> No.13502901

That's just one layer though

>> No.13502903

>Give 5 stars to all the books

>> No.13502911


These are the worst. Aside from the girls imported from tumblr circa 2011 who "review" with gifs.

>> No.13502927

>I quite often review books I haven't even started
What did he mean by this

>> No.13502935

He’s not quite as bad as the women or maybe he is worse. Hard to tell.

>> No.13503207

Nah I think he really doesn't read these books

>> No.13503576

Some books just reek, and they can be safely bagged on. Perhaps he reads and paraphrases reviews to save him and us the trouble.

Trying to make the Guinness Book, aren’t they

>> No.13503657

Who is he

>> No.13503677

>he doesn't know who Ahmad Sharabiani is
I don't think he ever rated anything bellow 4 starts

>> No.13503689
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>> No.13503706

post your goodreads butterfly :3

>> No.13503713

Don't post in my thread

>> No.13503733


>> No.13503744
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I don’t have one.

You’ll be glad to know

>> No.13503759

>Whole thing is an anti-Trump rant, totally unrelated to the book
This would apply to literally everything in the public sphere atm.

>> No.13503779

This pseud srsly gave Hedyphagetica a 1-star rating

>> No.13503783

>Why do midwits
As if you yourself are not one

>> No.13504950

It's true. I was in the gifted program in school and some of my best friends were in basic or near-dropouts.

>> No.13504963

a lot of people on goodreads must never read teh books they review. I have seen too many seriously shit tier books given five stars where they go on about how well written tehy were or the worldbuilding. Gotta be paid reviews or fakes buying into the hype.

>> No.13504990


Feels sad when someone writes their own wiki page

>> No.13505004

Kek this is brilliant

>> No.13505021

I despise this trend of writing reviews as a snarky dialogue between the characters in the book, horrendous

>> No.13505063

Imagine actually using Goodreads enough that you recognize users or have played yourself into giving a fuck about them

>> No.13505073

Great taste in french lit actually. Pinget, Queneau, etc.

>> No.13505086
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This. Goodreads is below reddit.

>> No.13505118

good taste, consistently enjoyable reviews. ur jealous.

>> No.13505128

Imagine actually having to cope this much. We just mark books as Read on some website.

>> No.13505137

this faggot has reviews on many a classic novels, though. I don't even use GR that often.

>> No.13505141

East Euro women never have enough ass.

>> No.13505163

the only reason to mark them on a website is to show off to others.

>> No.13505175

You couldn't sound more insecure desu. There's no difference between some website and a fucking notepad. Get a grip.

>> No.13505181
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>> No.13505190

Spot on.

>> No.13505192

Or if you are old and want to make sure you aren't accidentally getting a book you already read especially one that had a good premise but turned out to be a shitty book.

>> No.13505208

I'm smart enough to know how stupid I am. All I've tested actually smart at was English though. Basically, I have jew smarts but instead of neurotic I'm autistic.

Part of being smart is accepting how stupid you are. I breezed up until calc iii and then with no study skills at all I couldn't continue because I didn't have my differentiation memorized well enough to do it quickly so I quit engineering and just got an English degree.

>> No.13505215

Goodreads actually has some decent /lit/ users though. We used to have goodreads threads fairly often a few years ago.

>> No.13505242

He's a volcel

>> No.13505814

The most based user of goodreads

>> No.13505820

Do you think he posts here?

>> No.13505835
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>> No.13505974

>12 ratings
>3 reviews

its probably terrible

>> No.13506175
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>> No.13506391

It's a quite obscure, underrated book that anticipates the black-humor, parody-antiquated postmodernists by a handful of years but via the Paris of the gallo-anglophone avant-garde and its racy Olympia-Pressness, and it's written quite amazingly

>> No.13506411

Same, now I'm doing analytics for a pharma company and my best childhood friend is in jail for murdering a rival weed dealer over $100.

>> No.13506474

You should make one

>> No.13506499

>black-humor, parody-antiquated
Wasn't that a Renaissance schtick first?

>> No.13506509

I don't use goodreads often but I have seen this guy's reviews on so many books. As soon as I saw this thread I was shocked that I was not alone.

>> No.13506637


>> No.13506648

His review of Finnegans Wake is one of the worst reviews on the website

>> No.13506656

>80 likes for a high school 10-minutes-until-class-and-I-haven't-finished-my-assignment review

>> No.13506809

any woman

>> No.13506863

uhhh who is this

>> No.13506868

This guy is based

>> No.13507063

I miss based Szplug, the best reviewer on that site

>> No.13507389
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>> No.13507427

Were you guys not around for the GATE threads? Most of 4chan is from a gifted program

>> No.13507439

>paid reviews
we have a winner. There is monetary gain to be had by falsifying review scores of your books.

>> No.13507481

GATE? I vaguely remember those threads and everyone getting spooked about it but not the specifics. I was in some kind of program but I don't remember what it was called.

>> No.13507595
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It was a bs conspiracy. The gate program was mandated to counter common core but midwits have the delusion theyre super geniuses in a government psyop responsible for their lack of achievement.

I was in Gate too btw..top of my class. I'm midwit. I'll admit it. Rest of my class were basically retarded. Everybody else outside of the Gate class probly had an iq resting at a lukewarm 90 unironically. Must be the fluoride.

>> No.13507675

Putliu Uzpakaliuku

>> No.13507737

what the fuck is wrong with you not reacting to this gif ass grab and her face on the left and talking about books instead who the fuck cares bruh priorities yo

>> No.13507761

back to twitter

>> No.13508390

He doesn't actually read any of the books. He translates the summaries to Arabic.

>> No.13508524

>He won the Welsh Chess Championship in 1976.
One of the Queen's greatest sons.

>> No.13508573

I failed out of HS then did an ez 4.0 in jr college and bullshitted my way through ucb philosophy coasting on 3.0 with zero homework. I'm probably around 120 IQ but i'm so fuckin lazy i can't imagine being some middling lawyer. I'd rather be poor and fuck off. Of course, people think I should be ashamed of myself, but what the fuck do they know. really, where'd they get all their divinely sanctioned knowledge. What epistemic system fell from space and conferred pure truth on them? we're all apes anyways, just do what makes you happy i guess.

>> No.13508643

>The gate program was mandated to counter common core
Common Core didn't start until Obama. I was in GATE under Clinton, and it probably began before him.

>> No.13508656

Control yourself for we are not victims of the flesh here.

>> No.13508718


>> No.13508977


>> No.13508984


>> No.13509650
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>> No.13510615

Pala, tu lietuvė?

>> No.13511119

This fag even gave 3 stars to Lord Dunsany.

>> No.13511179

Try not to become this type of reviewer when you've read more than ten books.

>> No.13511400
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Taip, žinoma, mano brangus