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File: 119 KB, 1280x720, plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13501796 No.13501796 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine people in the year 4300 talking about you and your ideas. Bros, how are the old greeks human? This is literally impossible...

>> No.13501800

of course we know about the greeks, they were on the wining side.

>> No.13501827


>> No.13501965


>> No.13501967

I'm insecure about my forehead too, pewds

>> No.13501993


it should motivate you. This is actually a theme in Dante's inferno. Some people leave forever through their stories and legends.

Isn't it worth dedicating your life to such a worthy cause? Not fame or fortune, but contributing ideas worth talking about 2,000 years later?

>> No.13502023

Not necessarily. Everyone dies when history ends, and history will end. Every man's goal is to ascend into eternal life by shedding his earthly cocoon. Eternal life is found within the spirit, within creativity. Legacy isn't as important. Plenty of evil men leave legacies. Plato ascended regardless of whether or not he'd end up having a legacy. He was a virtuous man in tune with spirit.

>> No.13502178

cuck. why do you despise yourself?

>> No.13502224

takes one to know one you insufferable asshole

>> No.13502803

Let's be real. If humans really reach the year 4000, they're more likely still speak about Plato than about us.
>you insufferable asshole
That's not the way to ascend, bro

>> No.13502811

He thinks humans will be around in 4300

>> No.13502995

>replying to tripfags at all
you already lost

>> No.13502999
File: 453 KB, 512x512, Bane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest question, what do you guys think humanity/earth will look like in 4300?

>> No.13503017


>> No.13503056

Either a beautiful crime-free agrarian utopia of white people, or a jewified dystopian shithole filled with trash heaps, strip malls and 80 IQ brown people.
It's literally a coin toss and the outcome will be decided in the next 25 years.

>> No.13503080

>yeah bro, in 2k years the sociological problems of today will be exactly the same and conceptions of race and religion and gender will be identical to how my /pol/ fantasy envisions it and people's IQ will not change at all...
Very prescient observation desu senpai.

>> No.13503084
File: 609 KB, 1600x689, 1561919603827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw will never be able to look at the sky in ancient times

>> No.13503104

They actually will though. Our basic problems at its core haven't changed much since Greek times either. We just have the illusions of technology and they have fooled you into thinking we have made some kind of """"""progress"""""" when really at our core it is the same fight of people who want to control you vs. everyone else who wants to be left the fuck alone.
The fact that you think human nature has somehow changed or ever will change shows that you are a victim of indoctrination. I bet you unironically think that "urban youth" commit crimes because of their "environment" too.

>> No.13503142
File: 36 KB, 220x345, 220px-germanic-warriors-antiquity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if this is some elaborate bait. Europe in the times of the Greeks was just as savage and primitive as Africa is now. Aristotle himself called Europeans deficient in intelligence. The word "barbarian" literally was used to describe white tribes.

Also culture changes so fucking rapidly. Look at the 1950s. That was only 69 years ago and culture has changed DRASTICALLY since then. But you're trying to project our current notions of race and religion 2000 fucking years into the future.

>> No.13503181

Dont know. There will be a catastrophy before then that wipes civilisation more or less clean. Same happened with atlantis (Ireland). Read Aion by Jung, he has a diagram there that shows how humanity is continually destroyed and rebuilt across time.

>> No.13503189


>Europe in the times of the Greeks was just as savage and primitive as Africa is now.
Jesus Christ. Imagine unironically believing this. I feel sorry for the dogshit white guilt public school education you got.

>> No.13503198

the word barbarian refered to the inability to spreek greek, brainlet

>> No.13503247

My bad bro I forgot that I'm talking to a /pol/tard. Ignore everything I said. Europe has always been a haven of intellectual development and civilisation and the White Man has always stood tall and glorious over the other races of this world. Nevermind that white is a modern concept not found in antiquity and that white people were still living in caves and painting their faces blue while the Greeks and Middle Easterners were teaching mathematics and philosophy.

Actually I misspoke in my previous comment. Obviously the Africa of today is more developed than the Germanic tribes of antiquity. The point I was making is that the ancient primitive cultures in Europe were not much different than the primitive cultures in Africa and elsewhere. Thus to assume that in 2000 years these same primitive cultures will still be primitive is the same as a person in antiquity claiming that the Germanic peoples will never be able to develop.

>> No.13503284

Greeks are white you dumb fuck. And Muslims just rediscovered all of their "knowledge" from the Greeks. Did you have a textbook showing Aristotle as a Tyrone dindu or something?
You are a god damn moron. How can one post be so wrong about so many things

>> No.13503287

Why do kids like this Poodipie? What's so special? Does he make them feel smart before they tackle the deep intellectual theories of Herr Doctor Professor Jordan Peterson?

>> No.13503299

Is this a joke? Don’t know what period you’re referring to but take the Bronze Age which meant a huge development in civilisation or even take the Renaissance which was arguably the fastest growth and advancement socially economically and culturally. The Greeks went berserk and took a thousand leap into the future just like that. In that period, what were the rest of Europeans doing? Nothing. Naked and running around in huts. But maybe you meant later on. Let’s take a couple of hundred ears into BC. What were the northerners doing? There’s massive documentation on this since the Romans were quite knowledgeable on this. Not gonna spoon feed you and spoil the surprise, but guess what. The Germanics were basicslly animals stuck in prehistoric cultural levels.

>> No.13503307

Erred. Not the inability to speak Greek, but the fact their language sounded like bar-bar gibberish.

>> No.13503311


t. my freshman sociology teacher made me read Jared Diamond and I now fully understand that literally everyone BUT white people had civilization.

>> No.13503313

I unironically believe the person you’re answering to is legitimately retarded.

>> No.13503326

Lmao minority brainlet

>> No.13503338

there are black people who don’t have fire TODAY

>> No.13503347

He brought up Germanic tribes into the argument even though I never mentioned them because his whole position falls apart without it.
No fucking shit the Germanic tribes were savage and primitive. But I was talking about the Greeks. And Greece is a part of Europe the last time I checked. So I am completely justified to point out that "Europe in the time of the Greeks is just as bad as Africa is now" is pants on head retarded.
That would be almost as ridiculous as suggesting that Alexandria was a backwards primitive civilization because nomad sand people lived 500 miles away in the desert.

This whole board is filled with complete brainlets who think they know how shit works because they read Guns, Germs and Steel and it's actually disgusting.

>> No.13503348

I see you Finally understand, because they actually will

>> No.13503365

>This whole board is filled with complete brainlets who think they know how shit works because they read Guns, Germs and Steel and it's actually disgusting.
Hard agree.
And they call You /pol/tard at the slightest provocation too.
Never been to /pol/ desu but it looks like a mole stimulating place than here.

>> No.13503372

Mate, you are honestly very unintelligent. No better than the low IQ niggers you hate.

>> No.13503373

Lmao. You truly are a pol tard. Take a look at the first greatest civilisations, they weren’t in current European soil. Mesopotamia isn’t in nowadays Berlin, did you know that? This is common knowledge, what are you trying to prove? Knowledge spread west from current Irak/Iran, which we can follow with the proto indo Europeans migrations and what language the tribes spoke. I dont know what you mean by white, but I doubt you’re acquainted with haplogroups. Take a look at that. Greeks invented what we call today civilisation, at least the one in the west. And yes, while Egyptians were building huge temples which required incredibly advanced mathematics and architectural engineering the germanics were, as I said, brutes. Maybe you equal Germanic with white? They BEGGED the Roman Empire for centuries to have a citizenship and boast the pride and benefits that meant. You mad now?

>> No.13503383

Please quote where I mentioned the negroids.. they never developed anything because of their average intellect, which basically moulds everything culturally. The Australian aboriginals if it wasn’t for the European settlers they would still walk aimlessly in that god forsaken land drinking their piss, raping and not speaking a vocabulary of over 20 words.

>> No.13503401

You (or whoever made >>13503104
post) argued that we're going to descend into societal destruction because of low IQ niggers because they're genetically inferior. ("I bet you unironically think that "urban youth" commit crimes because of their "environment" too.")
His point was that perceptions of intelligence change over time. The pure white societies that we aspire towards today (Germany, UK, Scandinavia etc.) were considered savage by the Mediterraneans/Near East Civilizations two thousand years ago.

>> No.13503412
File: 90 KB, 598x465, greek women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greeks are white though, so your argument makes no sense. I know you have probably been taught in school that Socrates was sitting around discussing the best watermelon cultivation methods, but pic related is what Greek people look like.

>political society founded by white people
>philosophy started by white people
>99% of all technological, scientific and medical innovations created by white people
>any work of art, literature or music that has any merit whatsoever was created by a white person

>b-b-but muh mesopotamia

>> No.13503415
File: 927 KB, 945x861, detached black guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arguing with somebody who believes there will be strip malls in the year 4300

>> No.13503421

If whiteness = prosperity, how come the more white civilisations (Germans, Brits) were savages while the Med societies (less white) were more advanced? Makes ya think

>> No.13503422

The planet will be destroyed by then, retards.

>> No.13503426

lol off yourself /pol/tard

>> No.13503430

I don’t understand the obsession with the Germanics some people on this board have, this is a contemporary notion it seems to me. I do understand a Hellenic, Roman, Persian, etc fixation and what their contributions to the world meant, if one has a penchant for grandeur, power and heritage. But although an old tribe they developed rather late compared to their Mediterranean counterparts.. besides, saying civilisation didn’t originate in current Germanic land doesn’t take away anything from their legacy, which btw is quite recent and I respect greatly, mainly in academia and scientific discoveries and gifts to the world.

>> No.13503436

There's actually a better chance of that than us going into space.

>> No.13503438

There's no point arguing with you. Your brain cannot think outside of modern racial delineations which the ancient Greeks themselves were unaware of. You are just as low IQ as the black people you hate.

>> No.13503439
File: 38 KB, 530x298, reeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Greeks are white
Your fellow pol retards would disagree with you and why the fuck are you posting modern day Greeks? You poltards have literally zero ability to contextualise or read and understand anything, you have absolutely no subtlety.

>> No.13503450
File: 69 KB, 645x1200, 14brainlet88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/tards cannot decide whether Italians and Greeks are/were white so they just switch between the two options when it fits their agenda and narrative.

>> No.13503452

Nations are based on fiction.

Just want to throw this one in here to anger the /pol/tards a little bit more.

>> No.13503459

Let me add something: nations are manmade and occur in a specific moment in history and development when certain conditions are fulfilled. There was almost no national consciousness (the kind we understand today) before the 19th century.

>> No.13503467
File: 41 KB, 645x450, 1458071207353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like an idiot because you obviously haven't read this whole argument. It started by one person claiming that the world's sociological problems in 2000 years will be identical to ours. When one poster pointed out how ridiculous this is he responded by saying that the world's sociological structure has always been the same. The Germanic tribes were brought up as a counter-argument to that.
Turks are white too? Pic related.

I also can't stress the absurdity of posting modern Greek people and claiming this as proof of how ancient greeks looked.

>> No.13503468

That, or /pol/ is fucking lousy with trolls playing divide et impera like You're doing now.

>> No.13503475

>also can't stress the absurdity of posting modern Greek people and claiming this as proof of how ancient greeks looked.
We have statues and frescoes and mosaics, you know.

>> No.13503476

Maybe my choice of word wasnt the best. I meant that the Greeks are white, one only has to look at their dna. I believe that gives us more clues of our genetical identity, at least more so that judging by appearance. Genes don’t lie, genetic recombination in facial feature does though lol.
Although iirc early Greeks were a mix of Europeans Neolithic farmers of Hellas, Anatolians, Mycenaeans from the island which themselves where a mix of Phoenicians and other tribes, which would eventually compose the trademark eastern Mediterranean makeup of the region, I haven’t read about genetics in years so I’m being inaccurate most likely.

>> No.13503488

even if they're man-made that doesn't mean they're bad
it's like saying
timezones and latitudes and longitudes are man-made, let's get rid of them
and nations are less man-made than that, since places and people are actually different, and in groups with similarities they form unities that reside in one place etc.

>> No.13503492

Explain why that's absurd. Do you think Greeks magically looked different 2000 years ago? That's like a blip on the evolutionary time scale. Even factoring in immigration and racial mixing, that's only been happening like 50 years, if that. So it's almost a non factor.

>> No.13503504

What does more white or less white mean? Also, it’s a very complex and extensive topic but one reason is for instance the lifestyle they had. Hunter gatherers f.e. didn’t have the chance to settle and build villages, therefore increasing population and growing. Agriculture therefore meant growth (no pun). Climatic conditions played a part, naturally. Proximity to other cultures to the share of their knowledge and advancements, whether that meant in agreeable terms or by conquest. Etc etc.

>> No.13503510

>/pol/ is one person
You literally dont have a point.
>If whiteness = prosperity
It doesn't, Med chads are superior

>> No.13503513

> What does more white or less white mean?
I don't know, I'm not a /pol/tard so I don't worry about defining such useless terms
> Also, it’s a very complex and extensive topic....
I agree, so doesn't it fly in the face of the /pol/tards theory that genetics = everything?

>> No.13503532

>lefty hates on /pol/
>reveals themselves to be a brainlet

>> No.13503537

You got it mate, go jerk off to another Ryan Faulk video

>> No.13503559

Wow, you had the realization that nations are meaningless and borders are just imaginary lines. I know, I was 15 once too.

Nations are necessary for civilization to happen, you dumbfuck underage. Read some Hobbes.

>> No.13503581

Before the 19th century...
??? Say that to the proud Spartans or the xenophobic Atticans.. we have been fighting and dying for our land and people since the beginning of times and up until 50 years ago that was viewed as a noble thing..

>> No.13503597

>white utopia
>any utopia for that matter
God that sounds so boring i feel only double digit IQs could desire this and they're the exact reason it'll never happen thank god.

>> No.13503620

I'm fucking annoyed at how wrong that video was
Its like he speedread it

>> No.13503622

TIME is an illusion. wake up

>> No.13503633

Considering Plato was talking about the Hellenic race 2000 years ago why wouldnt race still be a factor in the future?

>> No.13503641

Although I wish for a peaceful existence devoting ourselves to the arts, spirituality and science (to those naturally inclined to, not forced like nowadays) the future seems grim and i only expect war, disease and ethnocultural clashes.

>> No.13503652

there is no art in peace. profound art needs profound suffering.

>> No.13503739


The Saddam comparison felt like something I'd hear from a 13 year old in 2005

>> No.13503765

They simply got there first. It's easier for ideas to be fresh downstream of history, as the "search space" of ideas hasn't been explored. Therefore the Greeks, with their sophisticated agrarian civilization allowing for the leisure that allows for speculative philosophical thinking, were able to give the first sketch to all sorts of puzzles that we have since inherited.

And of course, once an idea has been birthed, recorded, and propagated, it "forecloses" on posterity, influencing those upstream of history. And so through a feedback process the "first movers" of the Greek philosophers set the tone of what was to follow.

>> No.13503774

I confused downstream with upstream here but anyway, the point stands ;3

>> No.13504384

There are no ideas generated today that are worth a dime, let alone survive for several millennia.

>> No.13504483

what about moe?

>> No.13506066

I think this argument is weak, although I am not a /pol/tard. While the greeks simply perceived Europeans dumber than themselves, we have actual data that shows us it's true to some extend.

>> No.13507449

>The pure white societies that we aspire towards today (Germany, UK, Scandinavia etc.) were considered savage by the Mediterraneans/Near East Civilizations two thousand years ago.

No shit retard, those countries were backwards pagan shitholes and became nice countries after totalitarian Christendom

>> No.13507516

>strip malls
You do know malls are dying right? People don't go to the mall anymore you old fart.

>> No.13507538

ITT: People who aren't aware other calendars exist.

Gregorian calendar 2019
Ab urbe condita 2772
Armenian calendar 1468
Assyrian calendar 6769
Bahá'í calendar 176
Balinese saka calendar 1941
Bengali calendar 1426
Berber calendar 2969
British Regnal year 68 Eliz. 2
Buddhist calendar 2563
Burmese calendar 1381
Byzantine calendar 7528
Chinese calendar 4715 or 4655
Coptic calendar 1736
Discordian calendar 3185
Ethiopian calendar 2012
Hebrew calendar 5780
Hindu calendars
- Vikram Samvat 2076
- Shaka Samvat 1941
- Kali Yuga 5120
Holocene calendar 12019
Igbo calendar 1020
Iranian calendar 1398
Islamic calendar 1441
Japanese calendar Reiwa 1
Javanese calendar 1953
Juche calendar 108
Julian calendar Gregorian minus 13 days
Korean calendar 4352
Minguo calendar ROC 108
Nanakshahi calendar 551
Thai solar calendar 2562
Tibetan calendar 2145 or 1764 or 992
Unix time 1577836799

>> No.13507596

The Irish word for the English language derives from their word for gibberish.