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13499411 No.13499411 [Reply] [Original]

Why did he turn liberal towards the end of his life?

>> No.13499414

He realised that the workers were inferior

>> No.13499419

Could you elaborate?

>> No.13499440

A turncoat, a sellout, a bug-chasing faggot. What do people see in this bald-headed serpent?

>> No.13499443

Probably dementia

>> No.13499459

because he couldn't embrace any law and tradition, so he reverted back to the faith of this myopic culture: liberalism.

>> No.13499477

Because liberalism has done the best job in emancipating the human spirit

>> No.13499487

postmodernism eats itself and ends up endorsing whatever the status quo is

>> No.13499491

But Foucault didn't believe in the Human

>> No.13499493

>Frenchman: "I'm so radical you can't even understand me, I'm SCHIZOPHRENIC bro, I'm a BODY WITHOUT ORGANS and I'll dissolve any hegemonic power structure right down to the basic WORDS we use because we are INTERPELLATED into hegemonies and oppressive structures just by EXISTING so my whole life is praxis bro I'm in a constant state of flux and don't ask me to be today who I was yesterday and I'm not even the author of that book you're reading because I'm such a wildcard that I can't be contained I'm a free spirit I'll liberate every human potentiality and open new lines of flight for every oppressed person in the world"
>Marxist: "OK do you want to resume attempting to change society from a neoliberal slave economy"
>Frenchman: "No..."
>Fascist: "OK do you want to liberate the human spirit from its reduction to a horde of pathetic slave consumers"
>Frenchman: "No...."

>> No.13500109

lol, the French are such a joke.

>> No.13500128

you guys dont get the poitevin reactionary mentality

>> No.13500153

foucault, just like with houellebecq and all of french intelligentsia are covert reactionaries drooling for ancien regime like a masochistic girl for her daddy

>> No.13500350

>why did he turn liberal?
can you name any other ideology that condones fisting?

>> No.13500497

extremely good

>> No.13500502 [DELETED] 

French culture is too complex for any non frenchmen.
It s the soart of profound and apatgetic apeciation of life one aquires after
>recieving 10/20 for your 16pages philisophy dissertaion in the classe prepa
>the teacher doesnt even coment on your work and limits hinself to a complesent bof.......travail correcte.....rien à dire.
>beeing wet for days on end on your way to the lycee due to the endless autom rains.
>croiser le regard of a cute 16yo seconde girl after a failed Math kholle that will no doubt ruin your class ranking.
>realize that she is smiling at you at the bus stop
>Yet you cathegorically refuse to even smile back, because you have been crushed by the prepa and your ego uttery anihilated.
>You are afraid that at 21 you are too old for her.
>You dont want to corrupt her and make her suffer.
>You dont want to make her realize how futile her struggles are, as ahe is still a kid.
>Your frear of the upcoming ENS entrance exams is turning you into a creature incapable of love or afection.
>You anderstand love yet you are no longer capable of feeling it.
>You tell yourself that after the concours it will all come to normal once again
>But it never comes back.
>The apathy never leaves you

>> No.13500583

nice blog, frog

>> No.13500596

Old age. Maybe he was sick and tired of the marxists constantly challenging him

>> No.13500597

>arab LARPing as frenchman from the 70s


>> No.13500619

Liberalism is what is left when you value nothing.

>> No.13500621

"Negative freedom" ideas were overall less conductive to the policing and confining of other people than "positive freedom" ideas.

He was just sick of marxists, really.