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13499124 No.13499124 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 23, and the past couple of months it has kinda just clicked and now I just feel old as fuck. Every day I look in the mirror the more I look like the average office cuck who is prematurely ageing from stress and less like an early 20s student who can still fit in with 18-20 year olds. I went to a party that was majority 18-19 year olds (have a younger friend) and it just felt like they were fucking kids and zoomers from another generation.

What are some books that explore the depressing feeling of losing your youth and never getting it back?

>> No.13499126

What did you expect? Getting younger?

>> No.13499131

my diary

>> No.13499132

Go to gym and improve nutrition.
Use nongreasy natural oils and rub it in your face and hair.

>> No.13499152

Which non greasy natural oils?

>> No.13499160

nice, time to move up in the world. you are no longer phased by hanging out with lesser beings. congrats bro read more

>> No.13499161

Stop identifying with teens?

>> No.13499164

Recognize your own autonomy. It's the most empowering thing in the world.

>> No.13499196

I'm the same age and I've noticed that a few years' difference, what wouldn't have made that much of a difference 10 years ago, is a much wider gap now... if you didn't grow up with the same memes and lingo and shit then you're out of the window of easily relating to people.

And of course the only way to relate to most people our age or older now is through work, or conversations about work. Instead of focusing on how you're not getting any younger, maybe try really getting into what makes you excited in your spare time, channel that authentically, find people who respond to that and make an effort to keep them around. Ignore the kids, they'll be you before they know it too.

>> No.13499213

I can't wait to be middle-aged

>> No.13499219

It used to be that life was just starting in earnest at that age. Unfortunately now is the opposite and 23 is the end of any life worth living.

>> No.13499353

I'm also 23. Despite what you think, you still have youth. People in their 30s and 40s will tell you this. The best thing you can possibly do is start reading and exercising so that when you turn 30 you don't feel like you've wasted your youth.

>> No.13499367

This feeling is going to reoccur ever single year.


>> No.13499398

expand on this.

>> No.13499515

>I'm 23

You're a fucking baby.

>> No.13499523
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>23/2 = 12.5
>12.5 + 7 = 19.5

I am too old to date cute 18 year old girls without it being weird. Tell me again how i'm just a baby.

>> No.13499528
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I'm 27 and look like a 16 y.o.

>> No.13499530
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instead of BECOMING, you must embrace BEING!

>> No.13499553
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Just stop being a wagie

>> No.13499558


>> No.13499569

So how would one get higher chances happiness from 45 to 60? Exercise? Family? Creation? Less stress?

>> No.13499571

makes u think

>> No.13499574

I already answered in my previous post stop being a wagie

>> No.13499576

its because the really sad people killed themselves and were removed from the numbers.

>> No.13499597

nice literature thread faggot

>> No.13499620

If toil, labor and boredom comprise most of our waking life; and if the price of joy is not suffering but an unending sense of ennui. I don't want it. Day in and out performing the same act, there is movement but no distance is traversed and every action pushes me farther away from my destination. I don't want it. Always repetition but no difference.

>> No.13499623

what're you reading today anon?

>> No.13499665

Read Difference and Repetition by Deleuze

>> No.13499722 [DELETED] 

Alls my life I has to fight, nigga
Alls my life I...
Hard times like, "Yah!"
Bad trips like, "Yah!"
Nazareth, I'm fucked up
Homie, you fucked up
But if God got us, then we gon' be alright
Stay strong, brother. I be with you.

>> No.13499796

Good that I was feeling old when I was 20

>> No.13499836


it's a great decade to build up your body, or at least not let it go to complete shit

>> No.13500139

Good grief. When I think of all the crazy shit I did between 23 and 33... get out there and start having fun and enjoy your youth, you miserable kid, and take lots of nude photos of those zoomers.

>> No.13500161
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How to go out and enjoy youth?

>> No.13500176
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Well, I took up nude photography and started photographing everyone I knew. After a few years I could get 2-3 friends out for a day in the woods shooting and then have a nice party that night. But you find whatever works for you.

>> No.13500193

There is a name for it that I don't remember, but some oils clog the pores less than others, or even not at all.

>> No.13500233

The internet distorting our perception of 'young'. Relative to the predominant age of frequent social media users, anyone beyond 24 is considered old.

>> No.13500273

Not him. I use lotion. Oils are good but I haven't found the right ones. I rub "provon hand and body lotion" in my hair and any dry areas that aren't on my face. My hair is really soft and scalp is nice. I put on cerave AM lotion on my face in the morning and cerave PM lotion after a shower at night. I used to put provon on my face too but it can make me break out. Those are all hypoallergenic. Though I am completely clear at the moment without any medication, I have had battles with my really severe eczema and psoriasis among a dozen other skin issues that I have to baby or my body tries to nuke itself from orbit. There was a point only a few years back where I would comb my hair and enough dead skin cells would fall off to make a small snowball and my face was so red and peeling I looked like a burn victim. My skin looks nice now and I look like a normie but holy shit I had to baby it to get here. But probably the most important thing that people deprive themselves of in today's day and age is sunlight. Yes vitamin d supplements can help specific sunlight deprived people. No its not enough. Don't take a supplement. Get the real thing. Depriving yourself of all sunlight deprives you of humanity. Get the fuck outside. Yes wear sunscreen. SPF 30 (which is found in cerave AM).
>I work 9-5
So do most people. Get outside on your weekend. Eat outside on your lunch. Just 2-5 hours a week of midday sun is really fucking good for you. I live in the pacific northwest and even I get enough sun. You should too.

Other random tips for not looking 50 when you are 23
>Fat is literally good for you even in borderline excess and you've been lied to your whole life.
>Cut back on sugar. Cut way the fuck back on sugar. Its in all of your shit for no reason
>work out 3 days a week. Its not hard at all. You just lack motivation
>Shower in the evening only. In the morning just stick your head in a sink to wake yourself up and get rid of bed head
>only use unscented soaps/lotions/deoderants. This is true for everyone even non eczemafags. Those fumes aren't good for anyone. I don't care how many times it says "natural" on the bottle.

>t. woman
I'm a straight dude. I was just tired of my body shutting down at 25.

>> No.13500286

>I went to a party that was majority 18-19 year olds (have a younger friend) and it just felt like they were fucking kids and zoomers from another generation.

This hit me too recently. Am 24 though. It’s weird, all of a sudden I just feel a disassociation from these people who now just seem like kids.

>> No.13500296

Shut the fuck up. 23 isn't old. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.13500301


>> No.13500307

>only use unscented soaps/lotions/deoderants. This is true for everyone even non eczemafags. Those fumes aren't good for anyone. I don't care how many times it says "natural" on the bottle.

What fumes? Perfume/aftershave is 99% perfumers alcohol.

>> No.13500705


>> No.13500742

i'd be surprised if they didn't control for that

>> No.13500820

From the age of 14 to my current age of 21 I have felt mostly depression and panic attacks. Does this mean it is only going to get worse?

>> No.13500824

No but seriously, what the fuck am I supposed to be doing?

>> No.13500834
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I'm turning soon 25 and just now clicking I've wasted years of my life but I'm struggling to make a change

What dov

>> No.13500838

Unironically read

>> No.13500846


>> No.13500930

I have to move soon so I might not even hook up my desktop. Just maybe make a station for my laptop

>> No.13500933

>>Shower in the evening only

>> No.13501005

I also completed four degrees. I think a balance is possible.

>> No.13501009

Ha ha wow 50 year old here, just wait until you start pondering your own mortality.........

>> No.13501041


It must be recognized that man in his limited and relative earthly life is capable of bringing about the beautiful and the valuable only when he believes in another life, unlimited, absolute, eternal. That is a law of his being. A contact with this mortal life exclusive of any other ends in the wearing-away of effective energy and a self-satisfaction that makes one useless and superficial. Only the spiritual man, striking his roots deep in infinite and eternal life, can be a true creator. But Humanism denied the spiritual man, handed over the eternal to the temporal, and took its stand by the natural man within the limited confines of the earth.

>> No.13501227

No you're not.
Or go for a cute 19 you.

It only gets worse, fren.

Eat a healthy diet, get good sleep. Exercise, stay fit. Wear presentable clothing. You will not look old.

>> No.13501273

Save your calculations. If they're out of high school and can legally drink, date them.

>> No.13501278

Pfft why out of high school? Some states the age of consent is much lower

>> No.13501281

19 year old here OP. I don’t think it’s a generational thing, there will always be us spergs who post on image boards till the end of time, then wonder where our lives went.

>> No.13501325
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Because it sounds like he's bored with younger teens, and it's annoying having a girlfriend who can't produce a valid ID.
No idea. I don't know you or what you love, or what you're good at. But I'm sure you can find something that gives you some personal growth or satisfaction and find some kindred spirits to help you enjoy life, given a little concerted effort. Photography and books helped me, but you'll have to find your own path.

>> No.13501339

We are the chosen few.

>> No.13501343

I had the same thing, really badly
I just self medicated lsd, normal sized doses every 2 weeks or so until you feel comfortable enough for a large dose, then after a few years try a heroic dose

>> No.13501379

>Unable to find half of 23
>Wants to socially interact with an 18 year old child


>> No.13501410

In what universe is an 18 year-old a child?

>> No.13501449

i was born in warzone ,pondering my mortality before i even crawled.

>> No.13501451
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I'm 36 and look 23, babbyface and bad acne on/off until now though.

>> No.13501453

Fucking Jerusalem babies always say this

>> No.13501457

Beautiful fellow anon, do you live this? I practise presence and i feel more connected and alive day by day as i grow older i feel better,tho i still have painbody to resolve

>> No.13501466

Balcan tho, all in all its kinda good now much happier than normies . Suffering is good catalyst for spiritual growth.

>> No.13501479

This is the gayest shit I’ve read today

>> No.13501547

Yup, I started feeling it at 21 and still do at 24, realizing it's just a regular phenomena now. Point is, just ignore it, get your affairs in order, and enjoy life. The dose of sobriety being taken here, though it initially brings sorrow, will prompt the actions from you which help you reach a lasting happiness.

>> No.13502244

When you're over 5 years older than them, 18 year old girls look and act just like kids. Of course they're cute, but it feels weird wanting to date them.

>> No.13502278

You should read big sur by jack kerouac

>> No.13502300

>2nd sunlight
>2nd fat good (omega 3; ie. Fish)
>2nd sugar bad
>add: eat a reasonable amount of good cholesterol. I eat 5 eggs a day. Cholesterol is necessary to synthesize progesterone, which is needed for many other hormones

>> No.13502306

Gtfo with your morals normalfag.

>> No.13502655

Fuck off boomer.

>> No.13502666


Stop blogposting.

>> No.13502678

Whatever by Michel Houellebecq

>> No.13502682

By "Whatever" I mean Whatever, not whatever.

>> No.13502717

Infinite Jest, unironically.

>> No.13502738

How’d that work out

>> No.13502754


>> No.13502786
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>be 28
>work with machinery
>most workers are 50+
>two guys there who are 20
>mfw they see me as one of the old boys

We have a laugh together as I hate all the old fucks that work there but when I refer to people as ‘our age’ with the younger lads they laugh

>> No.13502805

I don’t know how people get in bed with the filth and grime and sweat of the day all over them. It’s disgusting. Cool clean crisp sheets, freshly showered body— anything different is gross.

>> No.13502953

All you need to read is the mcdonalds logo, m. To understand who and what our society is, the tragedy we have fallen into.

>> No.13502971

If you've ever come home mentally and physically exhausted, and in pain, you'd understand.

>> No.13503008

I am turning 27 soon, and had the same "revelation", having a soul-crushing office job (I work from 10 to 7 on a good day, and have hour and half long commute to work) does make it difficult to make a positive change though

>> No.13503011

On The Shortness of Life by Seneca.

>> No.13503016

>What are some books that explore the depressing feeling of losing your youth and never getting it back?

Mann's Death in Venice

>> No.13504312

I wish there was an age survey of 4chan users, really curious about the demographics

>> No.13504343

My estimation is 50% underage, 40% between 20 and 30, 10% over 30

>> No.13504354

>My estimation is 50% underage
No way. This is not 2009. Vietnamese basket weaving imageboards are not the hip shit anymore

>> No.13504474

interesting observation

>> No.13504488
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>tfw you are not able to calculate 23/2+7 in one step

>> No.13504492

Literally me, I want to but have been unable to lately. But I know it can be done

Based societyposter

>> No.13504510

why till 50? literally anyone realized theyre mortal by age 10 retard

>> No.13504538

mostly hormonal shifts. people feel content no matter what the older they get, even if its unearned

>> No.13504556

This is a lie, no one escapes age in the technological society. You can try to create meaning by getting married and having a kid but the world will most likely ruin your economic situation for daring to want a good life.

>> No.13504663
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>> No.13505247

It's not even age for me. It's just knowing i'm going to be stuck wagecucking for the next 40~ years.

>> No.13505264
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>I'm 23, and the past couple of months it has kinda just clicked and now I just feel old as fuck

Soon you will stop giving a shit. You're still insecure like a small child.