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13498073 No.13498073[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Never gonna make it bro!
>Life is about overcoming challenges, doesn't matter what it is haha make your own meaning bro!
>What do you mean you don't care? Work on your goals bro, go big or go home haha!

>> No.13498087

>t. asshurt french faggot posting from his rental studio apartment

>> No.13498089

Add in that your goals should also help your loved ones and this is unironically the best possible answer. The only other option is being a Christ / Eastern religion LARPing faggot

>> No.13498106


>> No.13498116

Your blind positivity is not only annoying but completely undeserved. You're chasing a carrot on a stick, you'll never be satisfied, you'll never have enough, as long as you remain slaves to desire you'll be blind to the truth of life.

There is no goal, there is no purpose, the only winning move is not to play.

>> No.13498131

You're get old not playing and die and other people will get old playing and die.

>> No.13498133

Is why is never being satisfied a bad thing? You’re defeatist worldview is based on the idea that suffering is bad.

We both agree that suffering is bad, you just choose to coward from it instead of just manning up and accepting it.

All forms of asceticism is just manchildren rage quitting because life isn’t perfect

>> No.13498139

whats the difference in the end between playing or not playing the game? you just die

>> No.13498144

And both lives will amount to the same when we're lowered 6ft down.

No, suffering is just suffering. It's not good or bad. It's part of life just like pleasure is, there's no governing principle behind it though and there's no honor or merit to subjecting yourself to it unnecessarily. You're under this delusion that suffering pays off as pleasure, that if you channel your energy into productive suffering you'll be rewarded with pleasure and less suffering in the future. It doesn't work like that.

Take your childish "man up" nonsense elsewhere, I don't base my life around what others think of me.

>> No.13498149

>There is no goal, there is no purpose, the only winning move is not to play.
Then stop posting and go kill yourself

>> No.13498160

I'll kill myself when life gets so unbearable I'd rather end it. Right now it's tolerable most of the time.

>> No.13498166

There's a difference inside of the context of the game, dying means leaving the context, you are thinking about it too broadly.

It's like saying "well, when you consider the universe, life is meaningless or we are only a small small small portion of the universe", of course, if you broaden the context it's easy to be right about pretty much everything.

There's the comparison of ancient and modern philosophy. Ancient philosophy looks at the horizon. Modern philosophy looks at parts of the horizon.

>> No.13498169

Let’s say there’s a flood in my town, and the houses need to be rebuilt. Under your worldview, suffering isn’t “bad” so I should just fuck off and not help my neighbors rebuild their houses.

I have never said suffering pays off as pleasure. I’m saying suffering is real, if I see someone on fire, I’m not gonna be like “eh that’s not good or bad” I’m gonna put him out.

Self indulgent theories like these are never applicable to real life and are usually are just an excuse for for lazyness or fear.

>> No.13498177

>Under your worldview, suffering isn’t “bad” so I should just fuck off and not help my neighbors rebuild their houses.
Do what you like, I said there's no governing principles to good or bad, suffering or pleasure. But don't pretend like it's anything but an arbitrary choice. Help them or don't, neither choice is correct nor incorrect.
>Self indulgent theories like these are never applicable to real life
They are when you stop being delusional.

>> No.13498180
File: 303 KB, 1386x570, self improvement virgin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13498183

What wonderful books you must read that these were the best lines you could quote from them.

>> No.13498187

Saying it’s an arbitrary choice is like saying if you accidentally put your hand on a stove, the act of of immediately taking your hand away from the stove is “arbitrary choice with no governing principle” like listen to yourself man

>> No.13498205

It's nothing like that at all.

One harms you, the other doesn't unless you let it.

>> No.13498216

What am I if I'm neither?

>> No.13498225

Then you're a human being and not a memeing being

>> No.13498232

So seeing all my loved ones become homeless only harms me if I “let it”? So having a conscious understanding of there being no God and nothing mattering is supposed to prevent me from feeling anything about my loved ones becoming homeless?

I’d say you’re the one who is being the delusional optimist

>> No.13498236

cringe midwit

>> No.13498237

Then you feel there is some purpose in life and you're posting for attention like a total bitch. Fuck off

>> No.13498268

>So seeing all my loved ones become homeless only harms me if I “let it”?
>So having a conscious understanding of there being no God and nothing mattering is supposed to prevent me from feeling anything about my loved ones becoming homeless?

>Then you feel there is some purpose in life
No, I don't. But the effort required to end your life requires a significant magnitude of suffering.

>> No.13498275

Yeah? People who are happy usually have something they work towards. And "happy" not in some ultimate disney fairytail sense where you feel never ending joy but real life happy as in enjoy life even if there are some set backs. You are obviously depressed and think that deep down everyone feels the emptiness and like nothing really matters but thats not true. And btw what kind of alternative would you like? A life that you feel some never ending happiness and joy without any struggle or some god telling you as long as you act nice you'll get to go to a place where you have no struggles and are essentially a mouce hooked up to a machine that makes you feel never ending satisfaction?

>> No.13498301

God you’re stupid.

>> No.13498317


>> No.13498323
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You sound pretty frustrated which is a funny contrast to the 'enlightened' worldview you are trying to preach here.

>> No.13498327

He doesn't seem frustrated to me, you cucks are just grasping at straws.

>> No.13498345
File: 71 KB, 840x588, 1562358099045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13498353

>suffering is bad
Midwit and possibly söy opinion.

>> No.13498359

Why do people act like happiness is so rare, if you’re not happy it’s because you’re a loser. Most people are losers. Everyone becomes a loser with age. There’s guys out there winning all the time and enjoying life. You could have been a girl and have everything handed to you and be carefree. Happiness is easy it’s just something you’re born with not something you can earn. Achieved happiness isn’t the real thing, there is no reward, only outcomes. If you somehow made it you would have to weigh the good with the bad, you would never be equal to the born happy. Every second you spent unhappy makes it fundamentally harder to relate to the happy. A happy person would never stoop to being unhappy for your sake, nor should they, so you working to be happy on the unequal footing makes you cuck. Stop trying to make it, it’s what they want.

>> No.13498375

i don't love anyone though. i either am neutral or hate.

>> No.13498416

not literature