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/lit/ - Literature

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13498057 No.13498057 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind.

>> No.13498068


>> No.13498070

i have found inner peace and meaning in christianity, but now im lonely beacuse theres nobody to share it with

>> No.13498088

This game is feminist bullcrap, lara is a stupid cunt

>> No.13498091

join a christian community and meet a pure, caring and loving christian girl anon

>> No.13498096

christianity of my type is very rare though, i have to drive for hours to mass

>> No.13498100

and what type might that be

>> No.13498103
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lol i love how juvenile boards like /a/ and /co/ and /m/ and the other manchild hobby boards are. every time i think /lit/ is bad i go to one of those boards and this place seems golden in comparison.

>> No.13498109


>> No.13498110

i wanna know and do so much, I can't focus, I wanna quit the internet cause I noticed how much better I felt on holiday in norway but it's instant snap back into the addiction now that I have nothing to do every day anymore. I have so little time. Does it even matter in the end?

>> No.13498111

>the most wholesome studio there is
Lol. They made some things that were wholesome, years ago, but they also make plenty of smut.

>> No.13498113

I feel the opposite. I grew up as a happy atheist, grew up disappointed and angry at the world, and now I think I probably count as a closet Christian although I don't have any sense of morality, don't pray, and don't care about the Bible. The only gut feeling I can't shake is the knowledge that there is a god, and that he's probably totally amoral. I'm not sure if this counts as nu-Christian but I feel strongly in this sense.

>> No.13498123

>The only gut feeling I can't shake is the knowledge that there is a god, and that he's probably totally amoral
if god exists then morality ought to be based on him
>I probably count as a closet Christian
i presume because you developed some christian beliefs or at least grew into christian philosophy and morality, there are a lot of atheists who admire and subscribe to christian way of life even if they dont believe in any of the supernatural part - arianism in ancient world was basically that

>> No.13498125

I wanna do so much at the same time, that I can't sit down and actually process a single thing deeply. The internet has strengthened this tendency of mine, and after a few hours of browsing I feel so unfocussed, so detached from any sort of goal for the day, that I end up doing nothing. I can't help myself, I have no discipline even for the things I'm most passionate about.

>> No.13498132

what's on your mind

>> No.13498136

"the sorrows of young werther" is a damn good book

>> No.13498147

>if god exists then morality ought to be based on him
I don't really see it that way.
>i presume because you developed some christian beliefs or at least grew into christian philosophy and morality
Not at all, although I was raised Orthodox, if you can call it that. It wasn't really pushed on me.
> there are a lot of atheists who admire and subscribe to christian way of life even if they dont believe in any of the supernatural part - arianism in ancient world was basically that
What I'm saying is that I'm the exact opposite, lol. I do not believe in the Christian way of life, except I do subscribe to the supernatural part. Granted, I am a moralfag in my day to day life and even help out at dog shelters and stuff, but I don't actually think god cares.

>> No.13498156

Considering purchasing a Kindle.

>> No.13498161

Don't. I barely use mine, and the few times I do is to scratch my back. I guess it's great if you're used to reading physical, but if you're a PCfag used to read on a huge screen from your armchair, the kindle can't compare.

>> No.13498174

I'm used to physical and I don't like reading on a computer monitor at all. There are, though, some books I'd like to read that prohibitively expensive in physical form but have cheap ebooks available.

>> No.13498175

>Not at all, although I was raised Orthodox, if you can call it that. It wasn't really pushed on me
i know, i was raised catholic that way too, i went the other direction from you though
>I do not believe in the Christian way of life, except I do subscribe to the supernatural part
im different, even though i believe in supernatural part, im not usually inclined to believe things like that, im however very attracted to christian way of life and philosophy
>Granted, I am a moralfag in my day to day life and even help out at dog shelters and stuff, but I don't actually think god cares.
well if thats true and you believe in christian morals and supernatural things shouldnt you act the way it demands from you - with believing orthodox dogma, praying and such

>> No.13498200

>well if thats true and you believe in christian morals and supernatural things shouldnt you act the way it demands from you - with believing orthodox dogma, praying and such
I guess the thing is that I just think I like Christian values because they feel good to me personally. As far as I'm concerned, the issues with theodicy have never been properly addressed, and most of the answers I've seen from the scholastics has been pretty weak. Granted, I'm not a modern theologian, so maybe there's some dope new guy out there that I haven't read yet. But the way I can see it you basically have two ways you can go about it
>either consider that everything is a part of god's plan and evil isn't evil as such, and either way it will all be resolved and made up for once people die
>god's plan (if there is one) is completely removed from the kind of feelsy type morality we ascribe to him
I just went with the latter. I truly don't believe there's any way to both think god is perfect and "good" (in the human sense) and also be okay with the amount of absolutely meaningless suffering that's been happening for millions of years if we're counting all living beings.
In general, I feel all religions try to make suffering into some kind of error that will either stop or that must be resolved through philosophy. The reality is, suffering is such a fundamental bedrock that if you take the Buddhist route of just thinking all suffering must just be superseded and there's a blissful heaven to reach, you're just in denial about reality.

>> No.13498211

I was taking a dump today and caught my shirtless reflection in front and I couldn’t help but notice how similar my torso looked (in terms of muscle mass and body fat) to Augustus’ in his statue as Jupiter.

>> No.13498212

>Granted, I'm not a modern theologian
modern tehologians are worthless cancer who never read aristotle in their life
>the issues with theodicy
well, free choice implies the existence of evil, ive always seen it as pretty simple
>god's plan (if there is one) is completely removed from the kind of feelsy type morality we ascribe to him
pretty much this, "feelsy" modern/postmodern morality that our society takes for granted is a dumb fashion of the age, i grew out of it around the age of 18-20, it has nothing to do with perennial christian morality

>> No.13498221

>in the human sense
this one is also very correct, we cannot grasp divine metaphysical truths completely only with physcial means, reason can only get you so far
>absolutely meaningless suffering
its not meaningless just because you cant see where it leads to, in fact butterfly effect implies theres so much resulting from it, seeing how god acted its fairly certain that he has some kind of idea where to go with all this
>The reality is, suffering is such a fundamental bedrock that if you take the Buddhist route of just thinking all suffering must just be superseded and there's a blissful heaven to reach, you're just in denial about reality.
buddists dont even believe in individuality
christian paradise is metaphysical closeness to god iirc because god is perfection

>> No.13498223

>well, free choice implies the existence of evil, ive always seen it as pretty simple
Not really, anon. A puppy makes no choice about being born to some degenerate dogfucker that wants to rape it and kill it. There are thousands of situations like these to go through, but suffice to say that doesn't account for anything that isn't a functioning human, and I'd bet most people here do not believe in free will, especially if they're Americans with an analytic background.

>> No.13498231

>its not meaningless just because you cant see where it leads to, in fact butterfly effect implies theres so much resulting from it, seeing how god acted its fairly certain that he has some kind of idea where to go with all this
I don't really buy that, anon. To say that the insane suffering of one creature should be excused because of some butterfly effect is such a reach that I personally just find it pitiful, no offense. And any god that works like that is no god at all.
>buddists dont even believe in individuality
No, but they do think suffering must be overcome.

>> No.13498233

>A puppy makes no choice about being born to some degenerate dogfucker that wants to rape it and kill it.
so? a puppy doesnt have a human soul
even if its a human person born to a degenerate rapist it still isnt meaningless, theres a whole metaphysicaly world which doesnt have temporal or material boundaries and which we cant even grasp, do you really believe that temporary suffering whose purpose we cant possibly fully grasp invalidates the etirety of metaphysical existence

>> No.13498240

>To say that the insane suffering of one creature should be excused because of some butterfly effect is such a reach that I personally just find it pitiful, no offense
why do you ascribe such importance to material sensations, negative or otherwise when its unimportant in grand scheme of things when we look at the majesty of metaphysics
>And any god that works like that is no god at all.
i also dont get how do you manage to believe in the idea of omnipotent god and still find yourself the authority to make judgement how good the said omnipotent god is even though by your own beliefs you have less than 0-000000000001% insight that he does

>> No.13498253

>so? a puppy doesnt have a human soul
What a shitty argument. You've already admitted defeat when you're going into places like these. The next step is to say it's okay if one person suffers, because their souls aren't as good as others that don't. And this is my entire point. Any Christian that unironically believes this shit ultimately ends up with cringy almost sociopathic arguments for god that support the lowest standards imaginable.
>theres a whole metaphysicaly world which doesnt have temporal or material boundaries and which we cant even grasp
Which is totally irrelevant.
>do you really believe that temporary suffering whose purpose we cant possibly fully grasp invalidates the etirety of metaphysical existence
One doesn't invalidate the other, which is why what you said before is totally pointless to me.
Like I said, if your best arguments you have is stuff like this, you might as well stop, I've heard it all before and it just angers me more than anything at this point.
>why do you ascribe such importance to material sensations, negative or otherwise when its unimportant in grand scheme of things when we look at the majesty of metaphysics
They're reflective of other things, and just above you were arguing that one influences the other. I am not going to live in some autistic made up world and ignore reality. Metaphysics won't help you because reality is directly related to it.
>i also dont get how do you manage to believe in the idea of omnipotent god
Because it would be strange to think that all of this is for nothing. Maybe it's just wishful thinking.
>and still find yourself the authority to make judgement how good the said omnipotent god is even though by your own beliefs you have less than 0-000000000001% insight that he does
Boring argument, anon, and again one that's been said a thousand times. You want to just ignore everything and insert bullshit like
Then go ahead. That's all I had to say.

>> No.13498282

>I am not going to live in some autistic made up world and ignore reality
metaphysics is the most important part of reality and purpose of this world is to lead us to it
>What a shitty argument. You've already admitted defeat when you're going into places like these
like what, animals dont have human souls and it cant even be compared
>The next step is to say it's okay if one person suffers, because their souls aren't as good as others that don't
its okay if everyone suffers because thats a point of life, if world were without suffering and all sunshine and rainbows everyone would be good, its in suffering and bad stuff that morality and character of people shows
>And this is my entire point
that god is bad because humans are basically like animals and physical and emotional pain is unimaginable to you?
>ends up with cringy almost sociopathic arguments for god that support the lowest standards imaginable
talk to me when you unbrainwash yourself from postmodern concepts of morality

>> No.13498286

im sorry but you just sound like an angsty teenager to me and i cant continue this conversation

>> No.13498306

I might know little about christianity, everyone always makes it sound more magical than it seemed to me. The God is personified, which is a strange mystery, but then ‘he’ is everywhere and knows all. The only conclusion I can get out of that is that God would be truly all. And therefore we are all god. Godheads, or whatever according to ?hinduism?. It seems strange to believe in jesus, who is just the dualistic opposite of the holy ghost. All is one, there is no dualism between matter and spirit. Jesus and the holy spirit and God are all one.

If you don’t literally believe in the personified elements, it probably is pretty close to reality. And the getting together seems nice.

I’d like to be rid of my social anxiety

>> No.13498319

>The reality is, suffering is such a fundamental bedrock that if you take the Buddhist route of just thinking all suffering must just be superseded and there's a blissful heaven to reach, you're just in denial about reality.
Lapsed Catholic here. Suffering in Catholicism is seen as a good thing, because it makes you unworldly and charitable. Without it, the material world is more attractive, and without it you cannot be charitable to those who suffer.
As another anon pointed out, heaven isn't blissful but a closeness to God. One of the gifts of the Spirit is wonder and awe in God's presence, which means amazed facemelting fear. Heaven is God revealing Himself, and perdition is to never see God. Another thing I've noticed a lot of modern Catholics don't seem to know about is that hell does not meaning burning for eternity: it seems to be a confusion of the fire of purgatory (which we all pass through for a time as a shedding of the material) with punishment rather than seeing it as a cleansing period.
>Tldr- mortification bro

>> No.13498337
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>> No.13498356


>> No.13498476

I've only read 14 books this year and I'm 13 behind schedule. I keep reading 30 pages of a book and getting bored - it might be because I have so many unread books around and they tempt me to open something I havn't touched before.

It seems like playing videogames is better for my happiness. I get my dopamine rush, I don't feel like I want to evaporate every second, and I might even have some fun. I know it's escapism, but it's the only way I've found that reliably numbs my mind and depressive inclinations.

That said, relying on games isn't sustainable. I can't go my whole life like this. At some point I'll have more responsibilities beyond just myself, and I need to have it together before that time comes. So this weekend, I'm going to read a couple books, go outside at least twice and do something, do some chores I've been putting off, and exercise.

>> No.13499282
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You have dad ready to cry. All he does is help you and you treat him like shit. I wish we could all wash our hands of you but we can't bring ourselves to because we still love you.

>> No.13499352
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Have this friend who's been trying for a while to claim he's an enlightened being and beyond my level of personal development. That provides its own source of humor so it's fine right where it is. I can laugh at a man whose life work is pretending to have already worked, to begin from the end-stages.

The problem here is my personal development has hit the point where I actually want to knock this shit-for-brains' head about and force the kid to sit his ass down and work. Note: I am not this kid's larping father. I found his shit funny for a while, but now it's gotten to the point he'll make claims about values, ethics, moral codes, and all of the rest of the classical, literary and great things and his not following through on them, his not aligning action to words, grates on me.

>Am I being a petty hypocrite getting just desserts after laughing at his theatrics?
>Am I better off leaving such a man to wallow in wan efforts, moving onto new heights?
>Is there an ethical imperative here to help a fellow grow to see beyond his bullshit?
I've reread the Greeks thinking that may help, however, it's only served a side of cold fries to a hungry stomach that misses fire-roasted meats and raw vegetables; I feel like a literary marshmallow.

>> No.13499358

Where can I find people to chat with? I don't look for a date, just a fren who won't ghost me after 10 minutes

>> No.13499362

u niggas is gay, just kill the faggot and his manchild father and rid the world of 3 evils in one go

>> No.13499370

I should really cut electronics/the internet for a set period of time. With the house empty this week I could just unplug the modem and put my phone on battery saving mode so the only thing it could do is make and receive calls. Then for a day or two just go for walks in the forests around my home.

>> No.13499375

I can tell from your typing... writing... style that you jump in and drop things based on how appealing they are at the moment rather than the longer term payoffs. Work on the longer term payoffs anon. That dopamine is more consistent and sustainable.

>> No.13499380

Bring a picnic so you stay out longer

>> No.13499381

Telepathy is annoying

>> No.13499388

There is a store about 10 or so miles from my house, so I might pick something up there. At the same time making a meal instead of just buying a pre-made one would probably be for the best. Good idea.

>> No.13499389


>> No.13499777

Addiction is rough, overcoming it sounds so easy until the choice is presented and I fall into habit like clockwork.

>> No.13499782

I'm not sure what about my typing style gave that impression, but I'll try, anon.
absolutely. you can fight for years but a relapse takes only a minute. it's a hard battle.

>> No.13499821
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"This is my country,
The land that begat me.
These windy spaces
Are surely my own.
And those who here toil
In the sweat of their faces
Are flesh of my flesh,
And bone of my bone."

>> No.13499829

What is it to not be good enough? Not be what you thought you were? What is it about myself that gives me such high hopes for EVERYTHING that I do and such disappointment WHEN I do? Do I just think too highly of myself? Am I further behind than I ever could have imagined? What point of reference is there for leaving you in amazement besides that itself? Leaving myself in amazement? Bringing myself to tears? Creating absolute beauty in essence from thin air like a fucking parlor trick? There's the fix I needed. Thanks for your time.

>> No.13499966

In comparison is the best you get, after you spend enough time on just about any board you start to notice the threads that are constantly propagated and then that kills you too, like how /sci/ is IQ/AI/consciousness/free will/brainlet central, an upgrade to whatever the kids on /a/ talk about but little more. Though I suppose I have no right to complain since I still go on /jp/ for like one thread while the rest is mostly too boring.
Just get off this site while you're at it or only use some resources or stickies, I know no one will actually do it but let's pretend there's still hope.

>> No.13499990

check em plebs

>> No.13500001

idiot. check mine

>> No.13500011

Trips of truth. Any suggestions to overcome this are welcome.

>> No.13500403


>> No.13500445

I have found myself in this state where I look forward to the weekend ending, just so that I can go back to wagecucking since its at least a somewhat social thing, I intellectually resent that but I cant help it

>> No.13500486

I knew someone like this once. He was egocentric, irritable, self destructing and a manipulative asshole.
Ask yourself: What is he to you? What do you want out of the relationship?

>> No.13500494

There’s nothing wrong with working.

If you have a salary it’s even better, too. That’s not ‘wagecucking’ buddy, that’s living large!

>> No.13500504

It's only when I have a shitty job and headphones that I appreciate and actually want to read. It's not even reading either, it's audiobooks.

>> No.13500508

Cry me a river. Your government literally abducted the indogenous population's kids and rehomed them not so long ago.

>> No.13500541

I love you. I love you all, guys. And I feel blessed for being given this random existence. I'm sad, but my bond with humanity ties me to this life of mine. Everything that I do, I seem not to enjoy. However, I find comfort within humanity, wether it be with 4chan, my family or just random people. Amazing...

Just... Fuck, man. I exist.

>> No.13500547

I just wish women didn't exist

>> No.13500569

Ikr, it's sad. But you have to accept that we will probably never fuse the sexes' brains, or, at least, for now. Imagine a world so advanced that we don't need sexes nor social courtesy... What would be our true focus, if not reproduction? Humanity has always thrived from this point so far, so... What?

>> No.13500585

Have you met natives?

>> No.13500593
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>> No.13500638
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>> No.13500643

i have a burning desire to write but I can't get out of my head enough to do it. I get wrapped up in thinking about concepts or ideas(or lack of) or some other shit and i end up not writing

>> No.13500652

all these books suck

>> No.13500662

I am holding a glass in my hands. I am sitting in my chair, facing the open French doors that overlook the gully behind my house. There is an oak tree in the gully. I want to throw the glass on the floor. I want to see the glass shatter on the floor. I want the milk to go everywhere. I can hear the television on behind me. The noise is deafening. I want to throw the glass on the floor. If I threw the glass. If I threw the glass on the floor, I would get glass in my foot. If I threw the glass on the floor, I would get milk on my foot. So, I don’t throw the glass on the floor.
The floor is made of a grey colored laminate. There are small hints of a wooded brown stroked up and down in every other board. The boards are cold under my feet. The boards go parallel to the door. There is a knot in each board. I feel tired. I want to scream so loud. I want to scream until my ribs collapse, piercing my lungs, leaving me on the ground coughing blood. The sound of the television is loud. It is loud. It is so loud. I want to put my fist into the television over and over again until my fist is left shattered, completely full of glass. I want the sparks from the television to set me on fire. I want to burn and burn and burn and scream and scream. I want to laugh in between my screams as my pale skin bubbles and pulls away from my muscle. I want the skin to turn brown, to go tight, to smoke, then to turn black. I want the world to smell like my burnt skin. I want to throw my glass on the ground.
I can never talk. I may speak words to people, but I never talk. No one wants to hear me talk. They don’t want me to really answer the question, “How are you?” No one wants me to ask for help. They will ask me, but I can’t ask them. No one would hear me. No one would care enough to hear me. There are so many times in my day where I want to rip the skin mask from my face and show people the truth. No one wants to listen. No one wants me. I don’t know whether or not if I should throw myself in front of a bus on my way home, or to just swallow my anger and drink my milk. I want to throw my glass on the floor. I don’t throw my glass on the floor.
“What do you want to eat?”
“I don’t care.” You liar. You do care. Say it. Tell your mom. Look her in the eye and say that you want a BLT from the diner. Tell her you bastard. Fucking scream at her. Tell her. Tell her…tell her nothing. What if she says no? She might just say no then yell at you. You fucking idiot. Don’t tell her anything. She doesn’t care. No one cares. The only reason why she isn’t rich is because of you, you fucking pathetic nothing. If you weren’t born, she could have stayed in school and made a lot of money. Instead you were born. Everyone would be so much happier.

>> No.13500672

Your a pathetic barbarian.

I hate the christ trad /pol/ larpers I dont know what's happened here but it seems like these idiots are out in full force.

>> No.13500680

I have a burning desire to kill myself but I can't pull myself together to do it

>> No.13501179
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>> No.13501681

My little sister just posted a bunch of pictures of her posing in a leather leotard at a rave, she isn't even 21 yet. I've been drinking heavily tonight trying to forget. Playing a lot of prussian marches and religious music

Already part of one, the ones who were born into it are disconcertingly naive

>> No.13501686


>> No.13501688

What I am, what I was, what I would become.

>> No.13501691

just play medieval 2 total war, bro

>> No.13501697

are you playing a trash nation like Livonia or Brest?

>> No.13501706

And when the evening darkens mortal eyes
seeking what's to come, I scan the skies
where God inscribes in letters plain to see
of all who live their changing destiny
for He discerning humankind astray
sometimes moved by pity shows the way
and by heaven's stars which are his alphabet
foretells what good may come, what evil set
but men by death and earthly error gripped
disdain the message and ignore the script

>> No.13501710
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I wish you the best, anon.

>> No.13501954

It is 200x
I sit in my living room at 11pm, the Christmas tree exudes a symphony of light onto the walls and ceilings.
I eat a holiday multigrain cracker and sit in my father's leather chair. The doctor who episode about with the ood and the Beast in the Pit plays in the background, mesmerizing my little sister. Our school Christmas pageant in which I played one of the three wise men (Caspar, Melchior or Balthazar, I can't remember which) premiered earlier that night. I start the night elf tutorial level in World of Warcraft and everything is right in the world

>> No.13501956

I love you

>> No.13501958

I think things are going okay but I don't know so I'm just like, "fuck." You know what I mean?

>> No.13501966

There as been an applicant placed out in my for ongoing work as an article and blog post writer. The gig is $10 every 100 words meeting a $50 for every article. The way to get the work is to submit a sample peice of writing. The thing is there is no subject. They say the ongoing work will be of many different subjects. What you think i should write to get this job /lit/?? What should my sample peice be about? Should i go to an event or bar or something and write an article about it and send it in? I could really use a side gig like this

>> No.13501976
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I want to read Aristotle’s metaphysics next becuase I just finished Nicomacean Ethics and it was one of the most enlightening reads I’ve ever experienced, but I don’t think my edition is worth a shit really. I have the Ann Arbor edition which doesn’t have any footnotes or endnotes and just has a half-assed index of technical terms which don’t even explain the term sufficiently half of the time. Also, the translation seems to be lacking in clarity most of the time and it’s just overall disappointing in contrast from the excellence of my translation of Nicomacean Ethics. Should I drop $30 and get the better translation with footnotes from Hackett, or should I try to take this one on the chin and read it anyway?

>> No.13501980

vrvrvr vroom vroooom

>> No.13501984

You have to drive for hours for a catholic mass? Where do you live anon?

>> No.13502000

There are times when loneliness stabs the core of my heart. It may happen during a drive, seeing children play in the playground, or meeting a beautiful woman. There's just no telling when it hits. But when it does, it comes with such fervor that it sparks a hint of inspiration in the depth of my soul. This spark is one that hints of redemption and Heaven. Though now my mind is aching. Aches that tell of wasted years and ingratitude to the Lord, God.

>> No.13502020

I'm so bored.

This gap between high school and college, it's the closest thing to purgatory I can imagine. Just three solid months of waiting, between working shit late-night hours and ending a fun relationship.

As part of my self-improvement, I've totally cut video games, television, and the majority of my internet usage. But I'm finding very little to fill this void of boredom. I guess maybe I'm a little depressed.

>> No.13502041

I'm alone, but I've chosen this path. I've cultivated loneliness into solitude. This task has taken a full decade, and yet I am not sure of the path I've chosen. I earn, I spend, I yearn, I depend. I am not yet satisfied.

>> No.13502045

You have so much of your god damn life left to live with a clean slate. Jesus christ. Keep up staying clean of meaningless media, but pick up a shit load of hobbies and find one. College is great, but it doesn't give you that ONE SKILL that you will depend upon for the rest of your life. Guitar, web design, lifting, reading, learning to learn. Jesus theres so much to fucking do and you have so much potential.

>> No.13502053

Don't go to college, anon. It's a scam. Especially with the internet now. You can learn anything online. The only caveat is that you won't have a (((degree))).
t. dropout programmer

>> No.13502057

I mean, I do have hobbies. I write fiction and poetry; it's why I got into the school I did. I'm learning Italian. I run a book club. ETC.

It's more of an existential boredom. I've always needed goals to remain focused, to remain feeling myself. Something to strive for. And in this waiting, there isn't anything to strive for. I can't help but wallow in that.

>> No.13502065

>mastering memory palaces
>learning to code
>benching 225
>read the entire western cannon
>self publishing 3 novels

tut tut, anon. Time's ticking.

>> No.13502068

I wish I knew someone that wanted to whore out on a webcam for me. But I don't feel pretty enough to correspond doing the same.

>> No.13502069

Also, if you can you should get /out/. Spend some time in nature and you will gain perspective. Get out Innawoods and look up, you'll see how small you are.
We're all specks on the cosmic scale. There's no cosmic meaning, you have to make the meaning yourself!

>> No.13502082

>Get out Innawoods and look up, you'll see how small you are.
We're all specks on the cosmic scale. There's no cosmic meaning, you have to make the meaning yourself!
Trash. Materialists, off my board!

>> No.13502092

lmao I'm trying I'm trying

Jokes aside, American higher education is in dire straights. It's a mill of academese, groupthink, and patronization. But it's also a societal imperative and a valuable social opportunity for me to connect with those with similar interests as me.

I planned a week camping trip for next week. I disagree though, that there's no meaning on a cosmic scale. The meaning is undoubtably obscured by our narrow perspectives, but the very existence of this cosmic scale implies the existence of a higher order, a higher organization. For me, looking at the threads of aesthetic, the ineffable nature of beauty, I can't help but see it as the hintings of some hidden greater meaning. Life is all about the quest to find this meaning, expressed in our own subjective term. Nature might help in all that.

>> No.13502097

If we disagree on the cosmic scale, surely we still agree that looking up at night in a truly dark area is beautiful, and humbling?

>> No.13502098

why do people even bother replying to each other in this irony poisoned well

>> No.13502122

True, from what I've heard American education is effectively indoctrination. I was lucky enough to grow up in a backwards town where we still learned about history.
On that note of perspective, I have to agree. A certain objective beauty does seem to exist, and those ineffable threads of beauty, as you say, can be found by any true soul who has eyes beyond mere vision.

>> No.13502123

if college is a scam then everything is. your resume wont even be looked at without one, theyre all sorted out by algorithms

>> No.13502125

It all seems so hopeless when I think about it. 99% of books never get written. 90% of the rest never get published. On average, most books only sell 300 copies over the course of a decade

What the hell am I expecting? I keep lying to myself that if I ever manage to write my novel that will be the hard part done, but the simple fact is that even so much as getting published is statistically extremely unlikely. My chances of getting even a sliver of recognition are so small that really, I'm just killing myself over something that's pure futility

why am I even bothering to hope?

>> No.13502138

Guess I was lucky enough to show my ability.
T. Making six figures and still posting on chan

>> No.13502142


>> No.13502175

Yes, "nerd" is a four-letter that means sic-figures. Seethe harder, Chad.

>> No.13502187

Sometimes I feel the only way to continue on is to accept some kind of mystical bullshit to give yourself the illusion of permanence.

>> No.13502322
File: 452 KB, 830x737, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking Chad and nerd are mutually exclusive. Behold, the elusive Cherd.

>> No.13502344

I really fucking hate anime websites. I also hate people that think anime is cool now because some rapper uses it in their songs. I feel much better getting this off my chest. Thank you /lit/

>> No.13502502

Just play Mughals, super easy

>> No.13502511
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>anime is cool now
>anime is cool

>> No.13502518
File: 26 KB, 400x400, kryh0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I whist I had the right words to say. To people. To that girl, the one who texted me " I just keep feeling bad " I immediately thought of squidward in that episode of spongebob, and I smiled then I thought of that girl hurting herself, and it reminded me of something I had done. I wish I had the words to communicate, in elegant English the effect of those two thoughts on me. The smile from a nostalgic memory, and the unloneliness I felt when I found there was someone who felt like me. All I could muster was "me, too, lol" it must be the commas around my speech that drove her away, them all away

>> No.13502536

I knew a man, Bojangles and he danced for you
In worn out shoes
Silver hair, a ragged shirt and baggy pants
The old soft shoe
He jumped so high
He jumped so high
Then he'd lightly touch down
I met him in a cell in New Orleans, I was
Down and out
He looked to me to be the eyes of age
As he spoke right out
He talked of life
He talked of life
He laughed, clicked his heels and stepped
He said his name, Bojangles and he danced a lick
Across the cell
He grabbed his pants, a better stance
Oh, he jumped so high
Then he clicked his heels
He let go a laugh
He let go a laugh
Pushed back his clothes all around

>> No.13502676

yesterday I was full of creative energy, focussed and ready to work on my art and read up on history and philosophy. Today I'm slowly falling into depression again. The internet is so toxic for your mental well-being, that's really my only main issue right now.

>> No.13502710

suffering from post-holiday depression. I had something to wake up for every morning. There was always a new activity to look forward to, new landscapes to explore, new people to meet. The music in my headphones matched the emotion of my surroundings, the ever changing horizons gliding past my view, in tune with the beautiful harmonies.
Now I'm in this same dark room again, in this town devoid of passion or interest. The music has lost it's meaning, it has faded into the background. It is now nothing more but a soundtrack to the endless scrolling, typing and clicking, emanating from my room almost all day long.

>> No.13502712
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Have any of you ever been writemogged before? I writemogged everyone in my English I course last semester.

>> No.13502799

i googled that shit and literally the only thing that popped up was your post

>> No.13502821

I can not eat today. Want macdonalds

>> No.13502981

It sounds stupid but ever try "forcing" yourself?
I have anxiety and sometimes I'm nervous about going out but I really need to. So I just force myself to get out of bed, get ready and go out. And when I get there I wonder why I was worried at all.

>> No.13503020

>I really fucking hate anime websites.
You're posting on one.

>> No.13503114
File: 43 KB, 442x430, Screen Shot 2019-07-21 at 10.09.55 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13503136

I want to burn all theists at the stake.

>> No.13503154

>> No.13503205

metrical hell

>> No.13503210
File: 123 KB, 1528x861, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write what's on your mind.
These gangsters stole my divine inspiration. All that matters to me. My identity. Now I stole their lives. They burned in a flame of justice. Their screams of pain are echoing the same way as my agonized scream ringed when I learned about their betrayal.

No, I do not regret anything. These trains are sacred to me. I hope the mourners can forgive me, but their relatives and loved ones died for a just cause.

t. Barisaku-kun

>> No.13503506

I know lol its really shitty i didn't really put much thought or effort into it. It did make me feel better though scribbling it into my journal

>> No.13503538

I so badly want to quit the internet too anon. I just want to snap my laptop in half and never see it again. im so sick of staring at a screen for hours on end

>> No.13503582

I resonate with this so much

>> No.13503589

Is that the actual guy?

>> No.13503625

I was laying in bed last night and it occurred to me. "You know, [MY NAME], you sexy bitch, I have a lot of the answers. People should listen to me." Indeed I have invested myself with the conviction that only by a continuous act of intellectual sacrifice can I explain the problems of our age at a level of actionable detail. I'm actually convinced that I'm the only one able to do this, in part because everyone in my generation lacks the attention span, but also because I actually perceive things in their essence.

You might say stop tooting your own horn, it's indecent. It's narcissistic. It's megalomaniacal. Yet I believe I struggled enough through the mud to earn such appellations as The One Who Shall Explain Things.

>> No.13503637

Do you understand my pain? DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE VILENESS OF THESE BANDITES ??? I HAVE FOUND AND SPREAD THIS TERM! I was Barisaku-kun. No, I AM Barisaku-kun! Nobody can take that away from me.

>> No.13503673

Just write what’s on your mind bro

>> No.13504057

Hot boys.

>> No.13504236

>I come from the coldest black wilderness.
>My kingdom resides in the stentorian red mountains.
>The blazing salt sea is my eternal realm.
>I live in my parents home in a suburban neighborhood.

The last one is particularly terrifying!

>> No.13504294

I’m beginning to realise that I do not, in fact, want to be a mainstream media journalist — my ambition for the past several years. The games you have to play to climb the status hierarchy in these fields are, quite frankly, pathetic. Plus, successful mainstream journalists are almost exclusively unoriginal thinkers, conformist and deeply incurious. They love the ‘who’s in, who’s out’ biff-bam politics that I find just so boring.

Around the world, trust in the mainstream media is declining and newspapers are going out of business. I think we’ll see new publications and independent bloggers and researchers fill a gap left by the mainstream media and corrupt ‘think tanks’. My new aim is to develop an independent cross between a think tank and political magazine. The idea would be to pick a topic — like the housing crisis — and speak with experts, conduct literature reviews, write blogs on that particular topic. This content would be published on a website and marketed through social media and a monthly newsletter. Once I have enough material, I would create a report — of around 10-20 thousand words — that people can buy for a few bucks. It would essentially be an ebook. I would then use the knowledge that I will have accumulated through this process to write freelance articles for mainstream media publications, thus using their outreach to promote my own independent project.

>> No.13504370

Don't kid yourself, every board on this site attracts the same demographic. A retard is a retard, whether they're talking about Naruto or Nietzsche doesn't make a difference.

>> No.13504376

I wish i had the power to make the world even worse than it is, i really just wish i could hurt people on a global scale

>> No.13504821

im tired

>> No.13505300

i'm an actual retard, and nothing is gonna change that fact, it hurts.

>> No.13505319

yeah, me too. no matter how much i try to lie to myself about it by gathering useless knowledge and telling myself "i'm so intelligent lul" in the back of my mind I realize I will never be able to function on anything more than a low average level in the real world. verbal intelligence means nothing when it's not backed up by practical problem solving capabalities, something I lack entirely.

>> No.13505331

enough with the bullshit and self pitiness, gotta get /fit/