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13497862 No.13497862 [Reply] [Original]

Starting a new job on monday. Been Neet for half a year now. What are some stories or novels that motivate me being (or staying) a wagie?

pls no Ayn Rand

>> No.13497865

You'll hate it and want to die

>> No.13497869

Yes I already know that that's why I made this thread but thank you very much for your contribution

>> No.13497876

You're welcome

>> No.13497879

Just stand your ground. Don’t play to the American customer service smile cuck. Work with dignity. I’m guessing you HAD TO get this job, so do it with confidence, no matter what it is. No matter what you’re doing they can’t take what matters most away from you unless you let them. Your there to do a job, to to pamper people’s egos. Clock in, work hard, clock out. As far as reading material goes I like Napoleon Hill, he’s a good cheerleader through economic affirmative action.

>> No.13497883

not* to pamper people’s egos

>> No.13497885

12 Rules for Life

>> No.13497886

is this actually any good or just a meme? can't say i like what he had to say so far, but been thinking about getting his book

>> No.13497888

Why are you telling us this shit on /lit/ you dumb fuck. Nobody cares about you or your normal shit life about being a wageslave. This is what you deserve and if you had known better you wouldn't have ended up like this. You didn't, you dumb prick. Now go back to watching television.

>> No.13497889

>Now go back to watching television
it's 2019 you fucking boomer scumbag, nobody is watching television anymore.

>> No.13498202

bump for this, is it worth reading?

>> No.13498265

Increasing your sexual market value.

>> No.13498273

well it's still going to be negative but yeah that's still true

>> No.13498284

>wagie job increasing your sexual market value

>> No.13498287

"increasing" doesn't mean "making it high" you fucking brainlet

>> No.13498292

meant for >>13498284

>> No.13498411

It's better to pursue your passion and interests while having the reliability of a job. Lots of authors did this so don't be so demotivated by work.

>> No.13498473
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>> No.13498616
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Rene Guenon's Reign of Quantity

>> No.13498621

You'll see that nothing changes much with a job. Your mood remains the same, as interactions with clients, co-workers, and bosses are just a theater.

>> No.13498628

It's very entry level, generally good for the masses of disaffected males but if you've read even half of what /lit/ has recommended then you're already past that stage and probably won't get much out of it.

>> No.13498632

are you guys aware that having a job means having money? money for nice things? a better chair? more and better food? maybe a huge tv and a console? or a car? or cocaine? hookers?

>> No.13498636

Having a job puts you miles ahead on the sexual market, being a gross NEET basically guarantees permanent virginity.
Bad idea unless you're going MGTOW.

>> No.13498637

The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus.

t. warehouse worker

>> No.13498639

No, nobody is aware that having a job means having money. Have you ever realized that all the things you listed are terrible copes?

>> No.13498641

You should just continue to be a neet until the depression becomes too great and you kill yourself. We must remove all sub-par genes from our gene pool, and that includes the mentally inept like yourself OP. Last thing we would want is for you to procreate and deliver us a new generation of whiney faggots.

>> No.13498646

How much $ per hour? Hours a week?

>> No.13498656

not him but i've been working at a amazon warehouse, 38h per week, 1.5k$ taxes excluded

>> No.13498661

>1.5k per week
What the fuck? How?

>> No.13498663

0 $ but 11.5 € an hour and monthly productivity bonuses/boni of roughly 210 €. 38 h a week.

>> No.13498667

per month, forgot that you guys cash in every week. i'm european. it's 1.3k€

>> No.13498677

Well that's shit. Is it difficult?

>> No.13498680

No, it could literally be done by monkeys.

>> No.13498682

i get paid 60k/yr and it could also be done by a monkey.

>> No.13498689

and that would be?

can you buy me a new playstation?

>> No.13498715

basically data entry for a fortune 500 company. i have friends who make more doing IT stuff and they just play games at work all day.

>> No.13498722

Not really, but I need to be sharp as an inspector of incoming goods. I have a long way to travel each day which gives me like 2 hours to read while going to/coming from work, and it has made me somewhat fit. I like it.
t. >>13498637

>> No.13498725

Yeah I have a friend with a similar job, it's heaven. Too bad I'm too dumb for IT. Cancelled my social engineering study and now I'm a dumb wagie.

>> No.13498740

Bartleby the Scrivener

>> No.13498771

Don't you Euros have small business opportunities or do you need a loicense for everything? I caulk driveways, pools, sidewalks, etc. and make anywhere from $300-700 per day solo after expenses. I just have insurance, a small website, and a bunch of business cards. Most of my work consists of sweet talking boomers into doing mostly aesthetic shit. I don't work when it rains and during winter but I'm always busy when it's warm. If you're a NEET in the burgerpunk dystopia, just buy some tools, pick something you can learn and do fast, and then you'll make it.

>> No.13498810

I don't know, and don't even care. I will be moving to the UK in September anyway, so I have no time to start a business of my own, not that I have any interest in doing so anyway.

>> No.13498831

you can't do that without paying taxes / having a small business registered. also remember that europe, especially germany is extremely dense populated, you can get services like that everywhere. in the city where i live there's a street with bulgarian men standing at the side of the street, looking to be picked up for manual labor day jobs. my dad used to hire some of them, they actually did good work. i couldn't imagine that it's possible to make money that easy.

and that aside i'm also fucking retarded, even if i would somehow manage to get someone to let me repair his driveway, i wouldn't be able to do anything but harm to it

hell i don't even know what "repairing a driveway" could mean. oh, and sidewalks are public property here. and nobody has pools.

>> No.13498844

learn a trade, faggot.

>> No.13498847

Yeah that's exactly what I'm going to do.

>> No.13498848

Moby Dick

>> No.13498849

>sexual market value

>> No.13498850


>> No.13498853

no u

>> No.13498860

Come to the Midwest if you're white. Lots of German-Americans here.

>> No.13499029

The cities in germany are all way bigger than they need to be for their populations, even on a weekend day sections of main streets can have no pedestrians in sight. The netherlands are densely populated though.

>> No.13499040

>even on a weekend day sections of main streets can have no pedestrians in sight
no idea what you're talking about. and germany is far more urbanized than the netherlands, you don't have any cities like that over there. Just look at the size of the country and it's population

>> No.13499047

I’m telling you the netherlands are stuffed full