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13496589 No.13496589 [Reply] [Original]

Books on why people are so ignorant and stupid? Not because I think I'm not ignorant and stupid. Of course I would think that I'm an exception. Either way I'd learn why I and many other people are so dumb and impossible to convince.

>> No.13496595

You're elitist scum

>> No.13496618

Exactly, now point me to a book so that I can self-reflect.

>> No.13496701

ya'll need some atticus finch talking down a lynchmob

>> No.13496713

You could try Mike Hunt’s “Talking to a Wall”

>> No.13496728
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The reason why people are so ignorant and stupid is because ignorant, stupid people are good at reproducing. Natural selection doesn't select for high intelligence and independent thinking, and geniuses are often social autists who don't reproduce.

>> No.13496732

Most people are mediocre and simple and deserve suffering.

>> No.13496765

I'm looking for a thing that tackles the psychology of why or how stupid people are able to function without being stupid. Like I'm probably one of the dumbest motherfuckers alive and I'd have no idea because I'd be that stupid. But I guess I'm limiting myself to the term 'stupid people'. It probably applies to anyone with a view on something that they refuse to change. If someone gave me a book on the psychology of someone with outrageous views I'd probably get the same answers.

>> No.13496770

The Bell Curve

>> No.13496773

the bell curve

>> No.13496781

Also: "Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments" by David Dunning and Justin Kruger

>> No.13496810

Animal Farm maybe

>> No.13496819


>> No.13496820

Why would I read a debunked book?

>> No.13496916
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I always find myself in arguments where the person is so stupid that I am too stupid to reply with what makes their argument so stupid. How do I get better at arguing with these people? It seems like it'd take a super genius to explain because they're so deep in their circular logic that I can't really say anything more.
For example
>People who fart don't have to take a shit every single time
>>"But this study says people who fart are more likely to take a shit"
>Okay but that doesn't mean they are GOING to
>>"I already debunked your claim because the study agrees with me"
>You can fart without taking a shit, the study says they're more likely, not that they always will
>>"They say people are MORE LIKELY to shit when they fart so I'm right. You're the one who has to disprove that someone who farts won't take a shit"
Terrible example but it's hard to give a direct and accurate one without derailing the thread. I could use a book that could help me tame these retards. And even if I can't, letting other people know that they are retards is good enough.

Help a brainlet out?

>> No.13497091

I have a good bit of experience with dealing with retards and their terrible close minded arguments, so one thing you should employ when arguing with them is asserting intellectual superiority; degrading them or more importantly their argument in a very oppressive manner without coming off as childish is hard to master but is very effective. Interrupting with "that's stupid" or "that's just wrong" is a good entry, then bombarding them with questions on the specifics of their claim which they most definitely cannot provide an answer to sets them to to fall. Follow this up with a clear logical and intelligent explanation on how something actually works should often do (since you said you were a brainlet worry not, for you can just bullshit it, as long as you say it with confidence and without any noticeable fallacy since they most likely will not research further into it.) Here some tips: Rhetorical questions you quickly answer yourself; use complex words (sounds pretentious but idiots often resign when they can no longer follow what you're saying); if they're tenacious, saying something along the lines "only an idiot would believe/think that" does well to provoke them to hear you out so they can defend themselves further. The last thing is, a great way to respond to hearing an idiot saying something they think is true is laughing dismissively, instead of starting argumentatively, you treated their view as so immediately stupid you laughed, this always makes them more susceptible to doubting their prior standpoint before the argument had even started.

>> No.13497111


>> No.13497133

I have the exact opposite means of dealing with dumb people, I make them think they're my friend, and then I suggest the way in which they're wrong to them in a way that makes it seem like they came up with it, and then they'll change their minds. Just telling people they're wrong rarely works in my experience, only if the person already defers to you.

>> No.13497150

There are numerous methods that go with different levels of intelligence. Portraying yourself as someone who is smart and often right about things makes it a lot easier since you can always fall back on it.

Your method is much longer and is gopd for actual changing that persons perception; the method i'm purposing is to shut them down and make them admit they're wrong, building upon a persona being correct and fucking epic.