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/lit/ - Literature

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13496315 No.13496315 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.13496345

I'm curious about this book as well anon

>> No.13496367

the best sci-fi opera of all time.
>the spice must flow

>> No.13496411
File: 1022 KB, 1144x2560, Dune chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13497160

This >>13496367 right here.
This is my all time favorite book. It's not just a generic scifi book. It has elements of all types of stories.

>> No.13497271


>> No.13497307

It's Hamlet+Lawrence of Arabia in space.

>> No.13497351

hurrrr janny!!!!!1!

>> No.13497426

It's probably the only sci-fi novel I'd recommend to someone who isn't into the genre. (Ignoring the giant shitstorm constantly surrounding the big 3 dystopias)

>> No.13497598

A really good fucking book

>> No.13497636

Best political intrigue space opera there is. Unironically a bretty nice essay about commune culture, hardship, religion, specially Muslims.

>> No.13497654

You must have clinical autism to be able to get through it entirely.

>> No.13497768


>> No.13497991

I pitched it to a dude who scoffs at fiction, and he's willing to give it a try. He's into theology and economics.

>> No.13499027

Fuck its reddit in here. I get that summertime means the collective teenage zoomer gen plauges us but fuck me do you bring the collective iq down. Seriously its like you fucks are hitting post between juul hits. The conversation insnt any deeper than babies first weed edible. Its a fucking book, and an entry level one at that. Stop fawning over it like your wifes boyfriend finally let you wear cosplay to the movie theater.

Lurk mor faget.

>> No.13499046

>Its a fucking book, and an entry level one at that

Exactly, so stop getting so worked up over it.

>> No.13499294

Punch him in the dick for me.

>> No.13499658
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Was it accelerationism ?

>> No.13499669

im at option 3 now but after reading god emperor i just need to know in what direction he was taking things so im gonna move to option 4

dont care about the fanfiction shit at the bottom

>> No.13499678

I'm a zoomer and I'm here all year baby.

>> No.13499710
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>> No.13499740

Go back to spamming the catalog with Ulysses threads faggot

>> No.13499875

I am about halfway through the book. Great world building and all of his characters are really fucking great. All of them except for the main character sadly. Fortunately all the other characters are more interesting and it has many POV characters.

Paul's whole thing though is that he's destined to be like a prophet or something and can practically read minds, see into the future, is a perfect fighter, and is smarter than everyone. And everyone loves him. Even his main adversary is sexually attracted to him.

>> No.13499899

You don't see the downside to Paul's life until the second book.

>> No.13499940

I don't think I'll read the second book.

>> No.13500123


>> No.13500204

fanfic tier writing
not even joking

>> No.13500324
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In a way - Paul is at first focused on walking the golden line or whatever, but soon realizes that the whole thing has escaped his control and the only way forward is to let everything ripen to a critical moment when it can be tweaked and offset the outcome.

the main reason books like this get this criticism is that they featured characters powerful on many different axes. These characters have flaws, doubts, and meaningful struggle, but their limitations beg the question for brainlets: "what if my guy didn't have those problems?" and then they engender retarded fanfiction. The other likely criticism - that they're too full of tropes - is in my opinion trumped by the fact that the assholes are always talking about books that brought the tropes they reference into vogue.

>> No.13500357
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>im gonna move to option 4
Its worth it but admittedly I am a Frank Herbert fanboy. Avoid the Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson books like the plague.

>> No.13500366

The overarching trope that the Dune series is based on is Greek tragedy. Why else do you think the family is called Atreides?

>> No.13500394

a horribly bad book series

>> No.13500453

I mean, definitely. I'm not talking about The Main Trope so much as I am pointing out that many complaints about classic books as "fanfiction" are related to traits of those settings that were at the time somewhat innovative (even if reliant on previous trope structures) and if nothing else were grounded in a consistently challenging universe. If you want, you can say that fanfiction is just another word for an age-old phenomenon; I just think most of "true" fanfic culture is so dead in the head that it doesn't come out as a coherent, exciting addition to a creative heritage. People who aren't familiar with the origins of an idea that has currency will often bash the authors' "plagiarism" when they encounter it.

>> No.13500511

Summer has no impact on the amount of posts on 4chan. This also goes for quality

You pretend that /lit/ has ivy league discussions outside of summer, how cute.

>> No.13501754

The best part of the book was reading about the weird cult-like religions.

>> No.13501859

Yeah honestly people are fucking jerking this book off so hard. It's a good sci-fi story with some interesting concepts like the terraforming but Jesus Christ Reddit!