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13491848 No.13491848[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do we, as a board, get rid of the chapocel infestation?

>> No.13491857
File: 11 KB, 250x250, williamjoyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why get rid of them? They can stay if they like. I'm not some kind of faggot who bans or excludes people because I don't like them.

>> No.13491859

I used to do it by posting uncomfortable facts about the general subsaharan African population, this makes them fuck off with incredible rapidity, but it made me feel like such an asshole to the /lit/ posters who are themselves descended from Africans that I can't do it anymore.

If you have the callous nature necessary to do that then go for it, it makes them literally abandon any thread you post that sort of thing in, they react like roaches to light to that topic.

>> No.13492595

Refute their ideas when you see them. If theyre wrong, it should be easy, no?

>> No.13492604

It's less about ideas and more about psychology, soul, fundamental being. Look at OP pic, real people don't think or feel like that. That's not simply an idea you can refute. That ugliness is ingrained in every cell of their body.

>> No.13492632

Debate is less about convincing the other debater and more about convincing a third party reader. Obviously we cant bring chapos into the fold, but we can prevent more people from going down their path.

>> No.13492637

>we want a highly restrictive social system where a person’s life can be permanently ruined for things they’ve said
> we’re not bootlickers btw

>> No.13492648

So weird going to clubs or bars or whatever with those "safer space" policies and those huge signs with NO ISMS NO PHOBIAS. Theyre kinda offputting and theyre complete propaganda. No one goes to these places to do these things and if they were a sign isnt stopping them, idk why they feel the need to have them if these things are supposed to go without saying. Libbys are cult-like man

>> No.13492657

What did they say that renders them irredeemable in your eyes? Be nice to people? Lmao.

>> No.13492658

xD youre figthing the good fight, keep memeing about politics surely it works

goddamn anglos have reached a new level of pathetic. 14yo are sending each others memes about politics. the state of this fucking world. wew.

>> No.13492659

Yes, it does rule. Unfortunately.

>> No.13492661

Enforced ideological niceness seems pretty terrible to me.

Anyone who values he individual life over the well-bing of the state is probably irredeemable.

>> No.13492663
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>getting mad at people who just want everyone to get along

my stars

>> No.13492664

chapos are inoffensive, the söy overdose has scrambled their brain bad enough that they can't join 2 ideas together, it's easy to derail their threads into any desired direction. also Have sex.

>> No.13492667

>everybody get along in a totalitarian hellhole
sounds blissful

>> No.13492673

You know this is a reddit word, right? You know you need to go back, yeah?

>> No.13492679

do you think the Democrats are all Marxists as well?

>> No.13492684

No but the broader left is intent on creating a more socially restrictive environment regardless of sect.

>> No.13492686

nobody in current politics is a serious materialist except maybe Land

>> No.13492697

If anything the lefty left is trying to rid the chains that bind. To call out bad behaviour and bring people who commit egregious acts is "socially restrictive" is foolish.

>> No.13492708

they only do that if it works toward the direction of dismantling any remaining traditional institutions, they don't care about the suffering of individuals as long as it deconstructs something through it, it's why currently the most pressing issues vanguarded by the left are the woes of an extreme deviant 0.0001% of the population, and why minorities go in or out of fashion depending what's tactically convenient at each moment

like women (around 50% of the population) feeling safe in a changing room is irrelevant compared with a few traps (<1% of the population) feeling bad if they don't get to fling their feminine cocks in some poor women's face for their sexual amusement

>> No.13492712

They want to lessen restriction for minority groups. Accommodation of minorities will always necessitates restrictions to most. Whatever economic liberation can occur also becomes dependent on these pre-economic social conditions. The creation of an entire system of social punishment and language policing will always be more restrictive than denying trans people the right to do what they please with their bodies.

>> No.13492723

traditional institutions aren't worth keeping.

>> No.13492725

you have nothing to replace them nor the intellect to do it, you are just creating perfect rootless consumers

>> No.13492730

minorities are only championed when they are useful to subvert the majority, their traditions are next under the bus once they aren't useful anymore

>> No.13492733

The institution of “humanity” is far more vile.

>> No.13492745

>t. capitalism

>> No.13492746
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>> No.13492751

ITT: major chuds

>> No.13492756

I want to go get $5 waffles but I'm tired

But if I lie down I might fall asleep and miss out on $5 waffles in a quiet uncrowded restaurant

>> No.13492758

>i'll pretend to be edgy by inventing a bad word while avoiding actual no-no words

>> No.13492766

Grab your hog, chud

>> No.13492769
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Just Sampost, it makes them really mad. I went incognito and managed to get into their discord to cause dissidence. They had a discord bot that told you to stop talking about “Sam Hyde, nobody cares” Chapobros are the worst, just keep bullying them until they cry.

>> No.13492770

is a chud like a kike

>> No.13492783

>ref when you have to create slurs so you can pretend to be edgy while still managing to avoid social consequences

Almost as transgressive as the Dead Kennedys, good job.

>> No.13492785

It sounds very harsh, i wouldn't say it, far too vulgar.

>> No.13492788

Its from some shitty 80s movie, also seen it on this site way before chapo was a thing.

>> No.13492796

the scumbag left, ladies and gentlepeople

>> No.13492801

Chud the chapo slang is different from Chud the sci fi movie. Chapo Chud means like "dudebro fascist" or the like.

>> No.13492807

I’ll be honest with you, I’ve never heard a man use this term without it reeking of projection.

>> No.13492809

Few problems I have with the statement in the image:
One- what defines decency?
Two- will that definition of decency really be used to judge people?
Three- Who enforces decency and how?
Four- What is the consequence for not being decent?
Five- Is the consequent punishment for not being decent decent itself?
Six- Is anyone exempt from being treated decently and why?

>> No.13492816

Isnt scumbag left just trustfund neets holed up in some studio in some coastal city? How subversive!

>> No.13492823

They told me to post a picture of my dick. Move over Marcuse, these aren’t your parents leftists.

>> No.13492827

Sounds like you're just poor at debate. Most of these kids are pretty open to sound arguments if you dont just go mudslinging out of the gate. If you don't read enough to be decent with rhetoric I don't think it's a good idea to waste time on here and reddit.

>> No.13492831

>we, as a board
fuck off. i don't know you, no one cares

>> No.13492854

This. Same with consanguinity rates of the Arab world etc.

>> No.13492861

Decency is whatever my 21st century social democrat leaning mores tell me they are. Have sex

>> No.13492872

How every board does, troll them.

>> No.13492877
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>> No.13492882

Hell nah. At least I'm fucking not.

>> No.13492933
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Vast majority of ppl believe in what they do (in part) because of genetic tendencies + social factors. As a result, ''debates'', book reading, ''discussions''... are various forms of ad-hoc rationalizations meant to justify their political / ideological beliefs. In some other terms, your average chapocels believes in what he does (in part) not because of the hours he spent skimming wiki articles or binge watching midwits on youtube, but purely because that's simply his taste.

You'll find it difficult to change someone's taste with reason.

A more effective method is to present an aesthetic alternative.

>> No.13492942

What about someone like me who went from conspiracy theorist in my childhood to fundamentalist baptist as a teen (on my own volition) to agnostic conservative to far-right cryptofascist to nihilist to far-left Anarchist to social democratic Marxist-sympathiser?

>> No.13492953

Just wait for you to find another dumb phase to latch onto.

>> No.13492958

This is a garbage thread, so I'll just post this here:

Can we talk for a minute about the strange phenomenon of left leaning incels refusing to admit they're incels? This weird phenomenon of people for some reason believing that being involuntarily celibate is somehow different if you consume the right media instead of the wrong media? I've noticed it a lot with Chapo Traphouse followers and the left in general.

>> No.13492964

That's just growing up anon, hopefully you reach something that isn't retarded one day.

>> No.13492970

I don't really have a problem with anti-traditionalism, but what it's being replaced it with is just another kind of moralism that I hate just as much. Progressives are just as much moralfags as fundamentalist Christians, if not more so.

>> No.13492972

You mean orbiters?

>> No.13492975

And at least the Christian can tell he's oppressing you because of God; the progressive can only tell you it's because, "you just need to be a good person, okay? it's like, 2019???" For example >>13492657 >>13492663

>> No.13492980

Guys who get laid like once every half year than go on tangents about incels are embarassing as well

>> No.13492991

capitalism is not a "traditional institution" either

>> No.13492999

How are either Christians or progressives oppressing you?

>> No.13493008

They're imposing pathetic slave morality and laws on me and stopping me from doing what I want.

>> No.13493012

Figure it out yourself, dweeb. I'm not playing the, "I'll pretend progressives don't ever do anything bad since I agree with it ;)" game.

>> No.13493016

Alright, you faggots seem to have a hard time understanding this, so let's put it in baby terms for you.

Let's say you're in a job interview and you start talking about how much you hate niggers and they don't accept you. Or if you go to a BBQ and start saying how you think gays should be lynched and everyone looks at you strangely. Or let's say you're a student sharing a school with minorities and you start talking about how it's about time the white cis-hetero patriarchy rises up and kills all jews and minorities and subjugates women and you get expelled.
What other reactions are those people supposed to have? If you think their reactions are justified then you literally support political correctness, because that's all it is. It isn't some nefarious gas in the air trying to oppress Nazis, it's a cultural disposition towards bigotry. To say "end political correctness" is to say "stop thinking bigotry is bad." Since, in a society which is intolerant of bigotry, political correctness will always arise.

>> No.13493017

I don't understand why people are against PC. They want to say the n word or something?

>> No.13493019

I think they see being an incel as more of an ideology extend from one’s inability to get laid rather than just the inability to get laid.

>> No.13493022

Individual life is saying the n word right?

>> No.13493027

No one actually talks like this irl, take your strawman and shove it up your ass

>> No.13493032

So, can you not vote? Are you being beaten up in the street? Your freedoms are restricted? How exactly are you being oppressed?

>> No.13493037

Feel free to read this post again if you had a hard time understanding it the first time: >>13493012

>> No.13493040

>Most of these kids are pretty open to sound arguments
People in general are only open to emotional appealing at each other and never bother talking about uncertainties with an objective component that can be debated. When you say 'sound arguments' what you really mean is that you're willing to take part in the game of rephrasing your feelings until one of you begins to empathize with the other's mindset. Or more likely nothing changes.

>> No.13493042

So what do they talk like?

>> No.13493043

>M-muh bigotry :(
>Stop saying the mean words waahhh
>I'll get you fired if you don't shut up!

>> No.13493044

If they're posting off topic, report them. Otherwise deal with it nigger

>> No.13493045

maybe it's because we don't want culturally and historically illiterate faggots who have never lived outside of a suburb wagging their fingers at us about their shibboleth of the week.

imagine having a worldview indistinguishable from a megacorp's

>> No.13493049

Because we're human beings

>> No.13493053

I don't like those people doing that either. I admit that. It's very obnoxious and holier than thou, but at the same time I don't think people should be allowed to say the n word and act unpleasant to people. If you're around other people and you think you have the right to act like you're still on /b/ then there's something wrong with you personally, not the 'pc police' (who are equally fucked up)

>> No.13493058

>I agree, I don't like when people do X --- see? I'm like you! By the way I'm going to go ahead and do X.
Fuck off you insipid moralfaggot.

>> No.13493062
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There are no benefits from "PC culture". At best it leads to people being oversensitive and even more childish, at worst, and most likely, it leads to censorship. Tell me one benefit of PC culture.
And if you want people to be polite then make duels to death legal again and give people guns.

>> No.13493068

So people on twitter and plebit say things you don't like, and this oppresses you? You sound like a faggot

>> No.13493069

Reading is hard, huh?

>> No.13493072

You can't entirely, so long as they stay on topic. Obviously you can report off topic stuff but if they come here to discuss lit through the lens of their ideology there isn't much you can do on the administrative end of things without compromising the openness of discussion that is the heart of 4chan. Same thing with /pol/.

>> No.13493073

Why are you so afraid of saying nigger? Like literally saying "n word" as an adult like you're afraid of swearing in front of your mum.
Of all the retarded cultural institutions to deconstruct, this is the one that actually needs it.

>> No.13493077

I understand you perfectly. People on the Internet say things you don't approve of, and this is oppression. As I say, you sound like a faggot

>> No.13493080

The thing is, you yourself are a proponent of political correctness that supports your politics. For example I doubt many right-wingers would be fine with people saying that kids should be raped. I doubt you would be fine with saying whites need to be lynched and genocided. I doubt you would be okay with people being rude and vulgar to you. But all of these things are already culturally outlawed through political correctness yet I never see you faggots complaining about that. The reason you don't is because you're fine with political correctness that supports your politics.

So why don't we redirect the conversation from political correctness, which we know you support, back to your own politics?

>> No.13493084


>> No.13493091

It's funny because you're going ahead and trying to make the argument you wanted to make based off of what you wanted me to say, but I didn't say anything, and still you go on.

>> No.13493096

I literally condemned both sides earlier. >>13492970

>> No.13493097

> So, can you not vote?
The left wants to remove the mechanisms that allow for people outside of urban population centers to be politically relevant.
> Are you being beaten up in the street?
Leftist mobs have been given permission to do this by every institution. They can even riot with total impunity.
> Your freedoms are restricted?
Public affirmation of the moral basis of leftism as a precondition of employment, and once employed you have to submit to a social structure designed with the tenets of intersectional feminism and critical race theory.

But the real problem with your post is the individualism that lurks begins your conception of social problems. Rather than concerning yourself with whether our society can perpetuate itself and subdue its enemies, you concern yourself with the wellbeing of individual actors. Such concerns indicate a politics that is ultimately narcissistic and libidinal and makes you the enemy of any worthwhile form of social existence.

>> No.13493101

Political correctness and common decency are the same thing now? Im confused

>> No.13493108

>people should be decent to each other

Man, am I glad to have Pepsi, Google, Gillette, etc. to back me up on that!

you're being willfully blind to pervasive and omnipresent your tee hee oh-so-innocent """values""" have put a complete stranglehold on the culture.

and you know what else? there are worse things than mean words. what does a person whose been walking on eggshells his whole life do when death comes? stop being a fucking pussy faggot

>> No.13493116

The people I've met who actually listen to the podcast are legitimately over socialized, they really don't have values independent of the crowd or the ruling ideology of the day

>> No.13493119
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My freedom to steal, kill, shoot, etc. is being infringed upon. Yes.

>> No.13493121
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Go live in the woods then

>> No.13493124

It's not even about politeness, it's about enforcing a specific set of special privileges and stigmatizing a certain set of words.
You can be as nasty and rude as you want, they just don't want you to do it in a certain way to certain groups while being part of certain other groups.

Also relevant video, not to my point but to the topic https://youtu.be/vMGESq-8BQM

>> No.13493127

Why the cel suffix? These people are having plenty of gay sex.

>> No.13493128
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That said, kill your self OP

>> No.13493129

Both of your responses are violent ones. One with anger and the other advocating 'duels'. Why should I take you two seriously? I'd be happy to see you in prison if you think like that. I see no problem with putting people who lack soul in prison, maybe then you will realize your 4chan maymays aren't accepted in person.

>> No.13493136

Yes, they are. Political correctness is just another word for avoiding cultural taboos. You won't get a job if you run around calling people niggers, similarly you won't get a job if you say kids should be raped. Both of these are instances of political correctness. Right-wingers only ever complain about the one.

>> No.13493137

Swearing and saying 'nigger' is not a sign of a developed ego at all. You are childish if you have to use those words. There's a reason why people can't stand to be around those types of people.

>> No.13493139

"Political correctness" is a term specifically used to refer to identity politics and banning ideas from, even civilly, being discussed or stated. Attempting to conflate this meaning with the more general "societal expectations and restrictions on behavior" is only a way to play games with connotation instead of actually saying something meaningful about the ideas being discussed, you sophistic niggerfaggot.

>> No.13493140

Your response is a violent one, you literally want to see people get put into a cage for thinking things you don't like.

>> No.13493142

>You won't get a job if you run around calling people niggers

yeah because the RADICAL LEFT and the DEMOCRATS dont want me to say NIGGER because im opressed white male

>> No.13493145

>I'd be happy to see you in prison
Everyone knew that already and that's why they oppose progressivism.

>> No.13493146

No...it's rule of law. You don't have a 'right' to be violent to people, you fucking idiot

>> No.13493148

I hear ignorant shit about southerners all the time at my job in NYC from these types, its just power politics with a smiley mask

>> No.13493153

People from the bottom of society to the very top swear. Lol

>> No.13493157

Why can't you come to the realization that both of these things are wrong?

>> No.13493158

>Calling me mean words is violent and I'll put you in prison for it
This is what it ultimately comes down to; that's the politics that you actually advocate. The "we just need to be nice" shtick is a ruse as usual.

>> No.13493164

Your GETs are as non-existent as your brain.

>> No.13493167

Southerners are scum though, should never have been permitted in the union after Based Abe freed the slaves. It’s a cesspool of backwood hicks that needs to be quarantined.
>t. born in Manhattan. Cry about it river monster

>> No.13493174

So you have nothing to say other than you are being oppressed but cannot explain why? Just formless whining
Unless you have paranoid fantasies like this >>13493097
Either way you are a faggot

>> No.13493176

>should never have been permitted in the union
It's almost like they didn't fight a war over that very issue. Strange!

>> No.13493177

Yeah, there's plenty of 'rich people' who have bad character. What's your point?
Why do you think you have the right to reap the benefits of a society yet not engage in it in any meaningful way? Only white americans seem to think this. If you did this shit in Korea or any civilized nation you would quickly understand why you are not allowed to be uncivil

>> No.13493178
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It isn't though. You're trying to define it that way so it can be seen as a uniquely lefty phenomenon. The cultural process which makes the word nigger unsayable is the same process that makes 'kids should be raped' unsayable too. They both exist for the same reason.

>> No.13493181

>they really don't have values independent of the crowd
Nor do people who want to be racist.

>> No.13493185

Wow very clever. Except for they’re a subhuman genocidal species who needed to get FUCK by based Abe and based WT Sherman so the continent could be rid of slavery.

>> No.13493189

Here you go, since you or one of your ilk actually said what they actually support: >>13493129 >>13493146. I never specifically claimed that I was being oppressed; I was referring to the political goals of the people I oppose.

>> No.13493196

It always boils down to that but these idiots won't see that because they fundamentally believe they can act like a 13 year old who discovered /b/ for the first time in public

>> No.13493197

He’s just capable of problematization that doesn’t revolve around oppressed-oppressor dynamics unlike dogma swilling big men like yourself.

And dismissing truthful claims about the left’s total cultural hegemony as paranoid fantasies is so transparently dishonest that it’s sad.

>> No.13493201

>Muh moral crusade
Progressive have always been psychotic warmongers; here's another example.

>> No.13493202

You create this imaginary 'oppression' because people are telling you that you can't use the n word freely. Fuck out of here

>> No.13493208

>Why do you think you have the right
No one has a right to anything. Rights are fictional.

>> No.13493209

Success absolutely indicates good social skills and the fact that "people can stand being around you"

>> No.13493219

>I'll pretend that jailing people for using offensive language is not oppressive because I agree with it.
What a surprising tactic that I didn't see coming at all. Progressives are always full of surprises.

>> No.13493220

That which is morrally correct is not 'fictional'. If you think you are not human, why should anyone treat you like you are human? Fortunately for you, most people are not evil relativists who dehumanize others, they actually know that rights are not fictional and see the positive qualities in man. Unlike the idiot who thinks 'rights are fictional' and 'i can use the n word but the pc police are immoral'

>> No.13493221

This is literally what happens every time this discussion comes up.
You have a handful of faggots arguing in circles, pretending like they can't hear you and continuously laying down strawmen.

>> No.13493224

Ok I'm taking the bait because this is legitimately an interesting topic. I wasn't necessarily advocating for duels. My point is that the way the human species is and has always been is that a part of the population will always be impolite, antisocial assholes. The only way to silence them is with violence This can be done by the state (what the PC crowd wants) or by individuals (why they used to have duels). Maybe I was saying we should let those people be politically-incorrect if they want as a price for a non-tyrannical government?
Oh wait I forgot, all you care about is your feeling of moral superiority, nothing else outside your ego matters. #PunchNazis

>> No.13493232
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Gee I wonder why you could have avoided the first dictionary definition in search results. Maybe something to do with you being a sophistic niggerfaggot.

The criticism of political correctness is not that 'language and actions could be offensive'. It is attempts to enforce bans, even institutional, on ideas. And specifically of the people that are actually attempting to do this in modern society. When you're done playing word games to deflect from that common, specific meaning maybe you can discuss why censorship of ideas is a good thing.

>> No.13493233

>That which is morrally correct is not 'fictional'.
There's no such thing.
>If you think you are not human, why should anyone treat you like you are human?
I'm fairly sure I'm a human, but that does not confer me with rights.
>Fortunately for you, most people are not evil relativists who dehumanize others,
Then why the progressive moral crusading?

>> No.13493234

Everything comes down to solipsism for you. All this shows is who YOU are as a person. You think you have the right to be indecent to others and you're willing to go as far to claim that you are being 'oppressed' because you can't use the n word anymore. Do you know how pathetic you look?

>> No.13493237

Not psychotic enough, imo.

>> No.13493239

I'm a solipsist so it should be fine.

>> No.13493241

>progressives ending human trafficking and slavery is psychotic
You should kill yourself.

>> No.13493247

An uneducated boy nevertheless understantds geometic principles - one possesses a priori faculty for rights. To you, being 'human' only means being this highly subjective being, that's because you don't have proper context of your existence nor do you understand that the fact you are this 'highly subjective being' is more evidence for rights existing, not the contrary.

>> No.13493248

They didn't end it, they just moved slavery elsewhere and re-branded human trafficking as refugees and immigration

>> No.13493249

You're psychotic because you view these things in apocalyptic terms -- they must be ended *now* and *at any cost*. Thus you support ending them through mass human slaughter, rather than taking a more patient approach and solving them over time.

>> No.13493255


Rights don't exist you fucking retard. LOL

>> No.13493256

Being a human is nothing more than a species determination. Being this species or that does not confer rights and there is no way that it could. Humans have no more rights than cockroaches or rats.

>> No.13493271

Sure, probably didnt need a bloody civil war over it. Unless you believe in the good war theory or whatever

>> No.13493275

>Humans have no more rights than cockroaches or rats.

Imagine writing this unironically

>> No.13493283

Please explain to me how being a human confers rights unto a person.

>> No.13493284

you're retarded

>> No.13493286
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>he thinks moral is objective
>he thinks rights aren't a made up concept created to passivize the population into obedient slave cattle

>> No.13493294

Also please take into account that you cannot state that being human confers a right to life if you also support abortion, as unborn children are also part of the human species.

>> No.13493295


He's completely right. Doesn't mean we shouldn't, as a result, want to will rights into existence (in the form of laws) ; although we could not want that for some other reason(s).

Strictly speaking, however, human beings have no more rights than animals, insects, or inorganic matter.

>> No.13493305

that which makes you human is why you have rights.
abortion is not the killing of an unborn child. i don't think you understand biology or philosophy..

>> No.13493306

>He thinks life starts at conception


>> No.13493309

fuck off atheist

>> No.13493311

i consider myself leftwing economically but God i hate these faggots, they act all cool and detached and oh so ironic but when you say the n-word they fucking explode

>> No.13493312

>that which makes you human is why you have rights.
Which is what? And how does that confer a right?
>abortion is not the killing of an unborn child.
It's the killing of an unborn human, as a fetus is biologically human.
The zygote is the initial stage of a separate living orgasm, so yes it does.

>> No.13493314

It does though, the debatle part is when theyre "human" and or concious

>> No.13493316
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I'm a CHAD deist, sorry to dissapoint you.

>> No.13493318

Most people just reproduce the moral knowledge produces by the instruction on charge of those things. Even most secular moralists still require judgement (you almost always hear them appealing to the judgement of posterity). That “humanity” as as concept is given so much moral significance is one such production. There’s no reason why humanity should take priority over any other identity we’ve created, and there’s many reasons why it should take less.

>> No.13493324

A zygote, embryo or fetus is 'human' in so far it is a 'human' zygote, embryo and fetus, however it has yet to developed beyond that and thus is not a' child'.

>> No.13493330

Abortion should be legal until like a few years after birth

>> No.13493331

Is there even ONE single good politically correct comedian.

>> No.13493338

In your materialist fairytale, humanity is just a 'concept' and no better than any other 'concepts' humans (somehow humanity is concrete now) and that we judge 'concepts' like our literally Self into a numbers-game where apply a skewed sense of utiltarianism to morality.

Your thinking is limited. You need to read more, this is an immature outlook to have

>> No.13493340

wow look at these arbitrary hard boundaries you're setting on what does or doesn't constitute life but god forbid we set those same boundaries in society and tell you your faggotry is abnormal

>> No.13493345

It really sounds like you are trolling or have just never critically examined your beliefs.

>> No.13493352

>abortion is not the killing of an unborn child. i don't think you understand biology or philosophy..

lol. do you?

>> No.13493361

Why is the only strawman the lefties come up with just some rabid idiot yelling nigger in the streets? Very dishonest, PC shit extends way beyond this

>> No.13493364

wow look at this joke you just made and then the claim that homosexuality is the same as abortion, its almost like you don't belong in society because you lack critical thinking
haha you got me there :)
imagine being so privileged that you think not being able to call people niggers is tresspassing on your rights and oppressing you, god forbid you have to treat people with decency

>> No.13493368

youre not going to find someone who advocates that level of extremism, especially not here, this isnt fucking twitter

>> No.13493374

No, really, why are all traditional norms/boundaries arbitrary but yours aren't?

>> No.13493390

Apocalyptic crimes require apocalyptic solutions
How many more years of enslavement and unimaginable human suffering should slaves have had to bear before based Abe intervened? Isn’t there an argument that enslaving a single human being is enough to justify violent intervention?

>> No.13493391

Righties are forced to engage with left wing opinions and culture every time they go outside, get a job or consume media. Leftists are never forced to do likewise.
A lot of them literally just don't understand. It's like trying to understand the way the ancient greeks thought about things for them.

>> No.13493393

familarize yourself with the Platonizing mode of speculation.

Note the way you speak. Why are all of 'Mine' Wrong but Yours aren't, as if these are possessions egoically bound to us. The reason you think the way you do is because you are a product of a materialist paradigm, it's nothing more than that.

>> No.13493397
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>> No.13493406

>get rid of the chapocel infestation?
Outcasting them and censoring would only be playing the same game as leftists on Twitter play. Instead ask them to clarify on their beliefs and apply pressure to their mental gymnastics until they break.

>> No.13493408





Peak midwit, off yourself.

>> No.13493429

>Isn’t there an argument that enslaving a single human being is enough to justify violent intervention?

>> No.13493433

Not an argument.

>> No.13493438

Is violence ever justified?

>> No.13493441

I have no idea what you're blithering about. Don't give me that Platonism = bad shit when you probably fell for the two worlds meme

>> No.13493443

It's not possible to justify anything.

>> No.13493449

If you want to sacrifice way more lives to save that single person than sure. If it took like 10 even 20 years to modernize the south within that time it likely would have been better overall for the blacks and whites there now and you probably wouldnt even have nasty things to say about those backwood hicks currently

>> No.13493464

Midwit Copout

>> No.13493476

It's true, though. And what value is justifying it? You can do something whether you can justify it or not.

>> No.13493491

Justification is a powerful defense mechanism against future harm.

>> No.13493512

I can't believe people actually asked me to check out Chapo Traphouse... defending political correctness and safe spaces is so cringe.

>> No.13493522

In other words it's a means of deceiving people into behaving in a manner which benefits you.

>> No.13493523

Because men become leftists as a sexual strategy. He thinks he can sneak in and bed a woman by pretending to be like them. When a woman or anyone points that out or mocks them, it defeats the whole strategy.

>> No.13493527
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Nigger kike

>> No.13493529

Most people hate niggers and gays the same as we do. Most whites outside of the city are socially conservative and fiscally liberal.

>> No.13493533

Yes. You asked what value it had, and that is it.

>> No.13493539

>ending human trafficking and slavery

When exactly did that happen?

>> No.13493542


Brainlet that watches "political commentators" on Twitch.tv detected.

>> No.13493547

He unironically watches Destiny. Truly pathetic.

>> No.13493553


>> No.13493655

There is a difference between honest respect for another person and forced "political correctness." Forcing political correctness does not cause people to respect eachother. They still hate eachother, only more quietly and more violently. One's hateful belief will not disappear when you censor them. When you outcast and shun a group of people and censor their speech, their beliefs only become more distant and radicalized. This will pave the way for more radical acts of violence. You are creating a more violent world all in the sake of narcissistic self righteousness and virtue signaling.
Bigotry is a bit of a meme word and people should be able to handle some insults. It's also possible that people would be more receptive of "political correctness" if the people preaching for this weren't selective over which demographics are protected and which aren't. You can advocate for white genocide and none of these people blink an eye but when you say black people are smelly they go ballistic. White people are about 70% of the US population and persistently insulting them at every chance for the sake of righteousness is a good way to get them to stand against your cause. Even without the hypocrisy of selectively choosing which specific demographics should be protected, political correctness is still a goofy, harmful and unpopular idea.
>I doubt you would be fine with saying whites need to be lynched and genocided.
People already say this and right wingers never make a big deal about it.
>I doubt many right-wingers would be fine with people saying that kids should be raped.
Most of your examples are so far from reality and I'm not sure why you've created these scenarios. Nobody brings up politics and advocates for genocide during a job interview. The reason why a rapist is outcasted and shunned is because any human with basic empathy sees why raping children is bad and why the rapist is a threat to their children and society. Censoring the rapist wont take their urge to rape away.
The problem with political correctness is when you try to get people fired from their jobs because they have a harmless political opinion that differs from yours or they made an innocent joke about black people 8 years ago on twitter.
The people advocating for political correctness got offended when a poster saying "It's Okay To Be White" was posted, meanwhile normal, sane people don't give much attention to those advocating for genocide on Twitter.
I really don't see any benefits to political correctness aside from "my fee fees hurt" or "we have to protect the black people from having their fee fees hurt," and I see plenty of negatives to it.

>> No.13493656

Yes, because the philosophical framework that makes banning that word acceptable leads to total oppression.

>> No.13493657

> In your materialist fairytale, humanity is just a 'concept' and no better than any other 'concepts' humans (somehow humanity is concrete now) and that we judge 'concepts' like our literally Self into a numbers-game where apply a skewed sense of utiltarianism to morality
The English language doesn’t differentiate between humanity as a coherent social identity (the type coherent enough that crimes can be committed against it) and humanity is a biological species. The former is pure human invention while the latter is is as close to concrete as any form of categorization can be. The former is also less valuable as the relationships which comprise any other identity our species is capable of creating.

>> No.13493659

>This will pave the way for more radical acts of violence.
Good. That will give us an excuse to censor them more.

>> No.13493661

>implying left wingers want to rape kids
Wtf I’m voting Trump now

>> No.13493662

Lena Dunhan

Take your hog, chud

>> No.13493673

The quickest way to get rid of them, as well as /po/, is to make considered, thoughtful, on-topic lit-related threads and posts.

>> No.13493674
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Bring it commie

>> No.13493678

I'm glad that you're openly admitting the deaths of your fellow community members in terrorist attacks are a second in priority to your narcissistic self righteousness.

>> No.13493682

We only have one black lit poster and that’s kodwool eshun

>> No.13493742

This is a literature board dude

>> No.13493762

Does anyone else believe that constant media exposure causes people to be more reactive? And that the political correctness movement correlates with the expansion of smartphones and social media?

>> No.13493764 [DELETED] 

slave mentality, innate hatred of beauty and strength. realistically leftists would not arise in nature, they're only the result of a society that kills off the strong and the proud to let the meek, crawling "people" proliferate.

>> No.13493790

Reflects typical chapocel's inability to offer an argument.

>> No.13493794
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holy based

>> No.13493930

at this point "dudebros" are literally meek programmers who jerkoff to anime and haven't seen the sun in months, that the pinnacle of toxic masculinity. the work bro has been devaluated beyond comprehension

>> No.13493944

>people should be able to handle some insults.

You should be able to handle not being told that you can't say nigger, you fucking victim

>> No.13493947

yes, and leftist trans are just incels gaming the system by taking estrogen and climbing all the way up the oppression pyramid

>> No.13493962

yes, capitalism is a revolutionary institution if we follow Marx, All that is solid melts into air

>> No.13493968


>> No.13493979

Hey hey hey. There's nothing wrong with a little papercraft.

>> No.13493981

be careful chapos are always on suicide watch

>> No.13494028

Wtf did paper folders do to anybody

>> No.13494154 [DELETED] 
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Why is it always "decency" or "decent Han beings" with these people? Why aspire to mediocrity? It's never "greatness" or "saintliness" or "heroic". They don't make it tempting to try to follow their lead if "decency" is the only goal.

>> No.13494220

the chapo chud is unfortunate.

for a brief time me and my highschool pals used the word to describe hideous women

>> No.13494277

>for a brief time me and my highschool pals used the word to describe hideous women

>> No.13494306

That one chapo chick is a definite chud with that definition

>> No.13494307
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>> No.13494352

>Year of our Lord 1917+102
>still unironic Marxist
>add douche smugness

>> No.13494525
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You lot are fucking nuts normal people are just trying to get by the day to day and don't even engage with this shit its the autismos like you on both sides that cause the divide

>> No.13494625

WEW lad
nigger faggot

>> No.13494637

Studies have actually found that if a right-winger were told to act like a left-winger and espouse left-wing views, that generally they can, but if you ask a left-winger to act like a right-wing person they generally can't do it. They'll like... start acting like a Nazi, or saying epithets (nigger, faggot, kike, spic, etc.), or saying blatant racist things, etc. They seem to basically hold to view that people on the right are all awful racist bigots... which explains why the left treat the right so abhorrently. Why there's factions like Antifa radical-leftists who dawn masks and feel on a MORAL level that they can get away with breaking the law because they perceive that they're fighting the worst evil on the planet.

It's a shame... there needs to be more dialogue. The people on the right (like myself) WANT to talk to people, we WANT dialogue, to discuss ideas and perhaps even debate. The people on the left are more inclined to limiting speech, even by law or simply by shouting and making lots of noise to drown out people sharing ideas. It's because, generally, I believe, the left don't have truth on their side. Especially on the far left. If you don't have truth on your side, you have nothing. So because they can't win in debates, they don't want to have the debate. "Just shut up, submit, and let me usher in my damn utopia already!" Whether it be the economic utopia of economic far-leftism (Communism/Socialism/Marxism) or the cultural utopia of Cultural Marxism where the oppressive Whites have been roundly beaten down to let the oppressed minorities and women have a chance.

>> No.13494648

I mean, the chapotraphouse subreddit is just a bunch of libs larping as socialists

>> No.13494665

the left controls the institutions and has the power, they gain nothing from speaking with you

>> No.13494799

woah you are so smart and logical so many galaxy brain objections
it's almost like it's just a few shitposts and they aren't going to just explain their entire worldview
>One- what defines decency?
not being a dick
>Two- will that definition of decency really be used to judge people?
>Three- Who enforces decency and how?
the state and just the people in general
>Four- What is the consequence for not being decent?
death for nazi shit, prison if it's something lighter like transphobia or racism general
>Is the consequent punishment for not being decent decent itself?
yes stopping evil is good
>Is anyone exempt from being treated decently and why?
those who don't treat others decently

>> No.13494824

oh forgot the why in the last galaxy brain genius fucking objection that filled my body up with thick hard facts and slimy logic
uh, to stop others from being not treated decently
and because being a dick is bad

>> No.13494920

no, we are communists mate
the most popular insult there is lib

>> No.13494958

hurr durr freeze speech muh essjays muh feminazis and haha look at this woman with colored hair having an heated sjw moment culture is so cringe and 2015

>> No.13494971

Have sex

>> No.13494992

no u
have you found a new essjay colored hair strawman yet or are you still using the same image from 2016

>> No.13495001

Progressivism is descended from American Evangelical Protestantism.

>> No.13495013
File: 8 KB, 150x150, 0718_-_EWNSx0C-150x150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

state intervention

>> No.13495019

the only "state intervention" will be deleting /pol/ when the revolution comes in a few years

>> No.13495028

This is an extremely underrated response. Look at the reproduction strategies of cuttlefish.

>> No.13495039

Such thoughtful and nuanced explanations. Doesn’t come off like the ravings of a dogmatic authoritarian at all.

>> No.13495049

counterpoint: dogmatic authoritarianism is good if it's communist

>> No.13495058

A tough pill for Americans to swallow is that the Chapocel basically embodies the
American spirit - materialism, sentimentalism, egalitarianism, anti-intellectualism

>> No.13495062

They are scared of ideas so we just have ideas and they will run for the hills. Playing the devil's advocate may be a more efficient approach since the less popular ideas will be expressed. Also worth considering lateral thinking, i.e. taking a "no" or a seemingly uncompromising belief that someone holds, deconstructing it and using their core desire as a springboard for generating new, more favorable ideas

>> No.13495074


false imo, the American spirit values freedom. Unfortunately this allows tyrants to do as they please so we have a lot of disent( which isn't really a thing in a free society since they are free to disent)

>> No.13495075

counterexample: chapogigaultrachad here, can deny, I am not scared of ideas.

>> No.13495115

wait wtf
lol is this guy for real
ok uhm this fag is using the pepe meme folder from reddit i think
it's got an imgur filename and 0718
i hope you feel ashamed
everyone point at him and laugh
fucking faggot

>> No.13495124

All women are beautful ;) Shout out to all the ladies reading this.

>> No.13495129

this, but unironically

>> No.13495143

we just gotta kill em

>> No.13495149

not gonna happen bud
on the othger hand when the revolution comes i'll personally track this post and guillotine you

>> No.13495172

Not really, America just uses shunning in place of actual laws against dissent.

>> No.13495193

Engaged in coitus

>> No.13495197

That's freedom to me. If everyone wants to gang up on someone or something then so be it

>> No.13495200


P much. They will be utterly crushed within days once escalation has been achieved. Just need to make sure we keep track of who they are now so that none get away scot free.

>> No.13495206

Sounds awfully republican of you

>> No.13495207

のtはppening bud

>> No.13495211

guillotine is not a weapon of republicanism its a weapon of progress bro

>> No.13495219

so uhm is uhm everyone going to igonore the fact that that faggot is using a pepe meme folder from reddit wtf

>> No.13495221


I hope you are able to convince yourself, at least

>> No.13495225

the antifa supersoldiers will make u regeret being born scum

>> No.13495226


Who let all these clueless shitniggers who have zero clue about history know about the board?

>> No.13495231

whats wrong with my post bro
i wanna learn some shit tell me

>> No.13495240


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_First_Republic bro

>> No.13495250


I do realise it's bait, of course, but I'm too drunk to figure out at what level