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File: 40 KB, 400x300, RomeoJuliet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1349095 No.1349095 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: movies that are better than the book

pic related, it's from romeo + juliet (1999), with leonardo dicaprio and minnie driver

>> No.1349098

Haters gonna hate, and all that jazz, but:
The Godfather.

>> No.1349099

Stand By Me
Shawshank Redemption

>> No.1349107

Stalker (didnt really take much from the book...)

>> No.1349109

Dune, obviously

>> No.1349110
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Hiitchhiker's Guide
The movie ended before the derpy as fuck so randumb XD humor could get grating. the book didn't.

>> No.1349121

this is like universally regarded as true. not sure who would go against you on this one.

eh. i've always been a fan of the BBC Tv series more than any other medium

>> No.1349123
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>Minnie Driver

Did you dual-post this to troll both us and /tv/?

Because you should.

>> No.1349124


I had a Film Studies teacher, way back when, who swore that the book was better than the film. Then again, the guy wasn't exactly a decent teacher, so perhaps you're right.

>> No.1349129
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LOTR Trilogy. Tolkien may have been good scholar of Anglo-Saxon legends and linguistics but he sure as fuck wasn't a novelist

>> No.1350273

harry potter 7 wasn't very good. the film was maybe marginally better.

>> No.1350281

very true

>> No.1350283

Manos: The Hands of Fate

>> No.1350284
File: 21 KB, 255x378, Princess_bride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1350288

Let's just get it out of the way right now.

Fight Club

>> No.1350289

How about TV shows?

I just read the first Dexter book which I guess loosely corresponds with the first season of the show. Except that the show makes about 100 times more sense and actually tries to explain things rather than just throwing them at you to tidy up the ending.

I'm not quite sure if I'm going to read any more of them. I've only gotten through season 3 of Dexter, and I kinda think the books could potentially ruin the show. But then again, I dunno how closely they follow each other.

>> No.1350294

also for tv shows
True Blood

except now, the books are getting kind of worse, because they seem to be written more for the tv show (character-wise at least), but still without most of the sex

and yet I still read them

>> No.1350295

That's Claire Danes you fucking retard.

>> No.1350305

Speaking of TV shows, Bones. I don't care if you hate the show, it's still 1000x better than those books. They're godawful. Crime and mystery for middle aged women.

>> No.1350306

dude ... WAY too big of an issue to cover in a yea-or-nay format. the adaptation is certainly astounding and commendable, especially given that it's based on fantasy. but once you get into the point-by-point, there is no way to pick one over the other. both book and movie stand out there like two paragons of their respective mediums, being like "hey yeah i'm just here influencing everything that came after me, u mad?"

if that makes any goddamn sense.

>> No.1350310

lol yeah i know, i was joking around. i first got confused b/c they both do voicework in (obviously the English adaptation of) Princess Mononoke, and since then I have been referring to the two interchangeably as a test of whether people I'm talking to are paying attention.

>> No.1350317

Well, stop.
That kind of shit makes you sound retarded.

>> No.1350349
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i like throwing that kind of thing out there, to separate the men from the Men. the men are the people who correct you; the Men are the people perceptive enough to realize that you are being intentionally incorrect (some would call it trolling). the men get angry and say you sound like a retard; the Men laugh at the men's attempts at compensating for their slowness.

inb4 "oh okay i can say something different from what i am actually saying and only the smart people will pick up on it, etc." no, there is an art to it. the woman in the picture looks like Claire Danes, and if you watch the movie, then you will see (hear) that she SOUNDS like Claire Danes as well: a terrible English accent, in fact she is terrible throughout the movie. the fame of Claire Danes is a mystery to me. she has the distinction of making a younger Leonardo DiCaprio look like a great actor due to her terrible performance. now, if Minnie Driver were in the role, then the film would have been very different. Juliet would have been a much stronger character, and whoever played her probably would have done a pretty good job, perhaps made Leo look like a bit of a prissy at the same time. it is a humorous notion that Minnie Driver played Juliet in that movie. so no, I don't think I am the retard here.

>> No.1350632
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>> No.1350642

I don't think I can agree with OP.
I actually was in a production of Romeo and Juliet and I enjoyed the play far more than that movie. The movie was excellent, but I just liked the play more.

>> No.1350647

The Crow

>> No.1350771

The Road

>> No.1350774


You best be trollin'

>> No.1350873

No Country for Old Men

>> No.1350956
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>> No.1350961

I hate every fibre of my being for thinking this, but the Watchmen. It shat all over the comic.
Also, Carrie, QotD, Fight Club, No Country For Old Men, LOTR, HP7 and 1984.

>> No.1351325
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>THE Watchmen
>It shat all over the comic.

>mfw when I was just double-trolled

>> No.1351647


>> No.1351669


>> No.1351694

I agree. The movie's ending completely misses the point of the comic altogether.

>> No.1351698

Well War of the world obviously.