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/lit/ - Literature

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13490241 No.13490241 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that /lit/ is an atheist board for rational people, and religious people, especially Chr*Stcucks, are not welcome to post their baseless drivel here.

To keep this thread /lit/-related: books of discussion are The God Delusion, God Is Not Great, and The End of Faith.

>> No.13490247

You, sir, are a jester


>> No.13490249
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>> No.13490250

The Bible has made more atheists than all of those works combined, thus it is a greater atheistic work.

>> No.13490270

Very well said, sir.

>> No.13490303
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lol, I remember being a teenager.

>> No.13490311

This is not an argument, stupid Chr*Stcuck.

>> No.13490342
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i'm not in your highschool debate class faggot. Man up or go watch anime and go to /qa/

>> No.13490409

Agreed, fellow Rational Thinker. *tips fedora

>> No.13490447

Reminder that Abrahamic religion is indeed a system of ideological and political enslavement, which brings continued barbarism even to this day (just look at how the quality of /lit/ has plummeted once Christians decided it the venue for their proselytizing), but that non-dualistic spirituality is the way, the truth and the life. Your consciousness is eternal and synonymous with Being itself, thereby answering the question of "why anything exists at all" without resorting to an external, and even worsely "personal", entity to account for such a fact.

Also Platonism is completely true, to this very day. If you're atheistic, and have no semblance of spiritual intuition in you, the concept of "the Divine" being a meaningless linguistic symbol, then the best advice I have for you is to literally kill yourself - no, really - do so, and ensure you fail, allowing yourself to have an NDE and see for yourself whether consciousness can exist apart from a physical body. Just joking, don't take that route. Instead, try to get your hands on DMT, and see what it shows you. Psychedelics are probably the best method of catalyzing spirituality within types who are not inherently attuned to it.

The ideal future will be one whereby non-dual spiritual doctrines are the norm, and the aggressive, theistic campaigns have been finally revealed for the millenia-long control-cults they always were. As an atheist, do your part to not merely diminish the spread of the latter, but to help popularize the former if you find yourself to agree with it.

If you desire a faith, look into Buddhism or Advaita. Two examples of spiritual traditions which espouse the notions that any atheist can accomodate without abandoning their atheism whatsoever (no mythologies here, only philosophies). Your materialist reductionism will have to be discarded however, but you can get there on your own time.

>> No.13490498

Zoroastrianism is the most logical religion, ancestor worship the most human, and Japanese spirit worship the most aesthetic. Those are your choices but there's a seasonal /tv/mu/ special for midsummer where you can pretend to be Sami so long as you can yoik at least one mountain before August.