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/lit/ - Literature

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13489534 No.13489534 [Reply] [Original]

What's the deal with Japs and arson?

>> No.13489541

Great fucking book

>> No.13489542

This is the worst terrorist attack in Japan since the 1995 Tokyo sarin gas attack
t. terror expert

>> No.13489545

thank you terror expert

>> No.13489549

It's the hipster of crimes. Everybody goes for murder, rape or theft.

>> No.13489562

Like Varg, our /mu/ mountain man literature buddy

>> No.13489566

Which of Mishima's books would you recommend first or as must reads?

>> No.13489573
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>> No.13489588

All of Mishima’s books a good desu >>13489573

>> No.13489596

Why thank kind sir

>> No.13489604

has anyone read Star?

>> No.13489805

The Japanese are essentially barbarians who were gifted culture from China & Korea - fire represents the spark of the divine they cherish yet also resent, knowing they could never have started it themselves.

Insecurity is the default condition of the Japanese people

>> No.13489837

I think reading Confessions of a Mask first gives you a starting idea of Mishima's earlier mind before dipping into his other works.

>> No.13489849
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Temple is fucking excellent

>> No.13489909

I live in the France caliphate, and arsons are a common thing. Not so long ago, a fire got started meters from me.

>> No.13490030

t. hollerback
tfw essentially reading chart backwards. lol
i take the piss out on mishers but he's actually pretty good for a cringy homosexual larpist with cocklust and massive insecurity.

>> No.13490218
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bullshit, Gaijin. Japanese people are literally descended from the Sun and have the oldest recorded ruling family since time immemorial. if it weren't for your Autistic bomb China dog eaters would still be under the foot of a much smaller nation.