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13489436 No.13489436 [Reply] [Original]


What would be the downside of being initiated twice? I'm considering an Advaita Vedanta school for the clear metaphysics, but also a local Sufist school (Naqshbandi order) for the inner experiences and lifestyle.

What does Rene Guenon have to say about this, or the other traditionalists. I vaguely remember from a previous general an anon claiming that it won't work out.

>> No.13489471

why his face so long

>> No.13489505

>I'm considering an Advaita Vedanta school for the clear metaphysics, but also a local Sufist school (Naqshbandi order) for the inner experiences and lifestyle.
That's literally what Guenon himself did. I haven't read either of his books on initiation yet, so someone correct me if I'm wrong here, but I think it doesn't matter as long as you faithfully stick to the doctrine of just one tradition.

>> No.13489561

Just because Guenon did it doesn't make it good. He is not some sort of prophet. He was also initiated into Martinism which he regretted.
The true Guenonian answer would be to stick to one tradition. Sufism and Vedanta, while similar at their highest metaphysical levels, are very different paths, just as how two points on the circumference of the circle can be far apart, but converge at the center. Once Guenon converted to Sufism he literally just stayed in Egypt and followed the Sufi lifestyle; he was an authentic participant in the orthodox Muslim community and not just some westerner seeking the exotic. To try and make some cafeteria style religion is in extremely poor taste and will likely you do harm.