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/lit/ - Literature

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13489330 No.13489330 [Reply] [Original]

What's your final verdict?

>> No.13489336

Refuse to read it

>> No.13489453


>> No.13489613

what's it about?

>> No.13489742

Nick Smith (aka ulillillia) writes a captivating story with many unexpected turns. Based on the concept of RPGs (role playing games), follow Knuckles, a powerful, spell-casting wizard, as he investigates a mystery of supernatural proportion. A powerful evil presence seeks after the elemental masters. Knuckles tracks the force's every move as he works on fulfilling his greatest dream. It is unknown what evil act the force has planned. (Note: the cover is brightness-adjusted, enhancing print quality.)

>> No.13489763

Why is he called knuckle?

>> No.13489826

Are you Nick Smith, OP?
Did you self-publish?

>> No.13489858

does the pope live in the Vatican?

>> No.13489872
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>> No.13489912

Lurk moar

>> No.13489920

no one cares about your irrelevant newfag meme

>> No.13489939

does the pope shit in the woods?

>> No.13489979

Not going to read it but I'm glad he was able to face his fears of blue water and stairs.

>> No.13490347


>> No.13490359

>brave and timely
>a tour-de-france

>> No.13490378

The irony is palpable.

>> No.13490578

wow I remember this. it's up there with time cube in the annals of autist literature.

>> No.13490674

fucking magnets, how they work?

>> No.13490709
File: 589 KB, 245x176, 1475630925408.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no fucking way is this real

>> No.13490764

this, everybody, is a class-a example of a certified retard.

>> No.13490821

But does he know de wae?

>> No.13490879

Reminder that he published not only one, but two books.

>> No.13491376
File: 688 KB, 516x458, 2565684562456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know ulillillia
I bet he doesn't even pat the grease off of his pizza. What a barbarian.

>> No.13491384

I fucking hate newfags it literally takes 10 seconds to Google this shit

>> No.13491393

>2.5 inches deep

If you knew about ulillillia, you would have no doubt that this is not only 100% real, but 100% unironic. He is the pinnacle of autism in the most wonderful way.

>> No.13491400

he's not autistic, he has severe OCD

>> No.13491573

An RPG power fantasy written by a literal autist.

>> No.13491581


Have you even watched any of his videos? If that isn't autism throw out the DSM

>> No.13491605

As for this date, He lives on is own and works 14 hour shifts at Wal-Mart.

>> No.13491872

Read it several years ago. One of the most interesting and creative works I've read. Definitely worth reading if you like the experience of getting in others' minds.

>> No.13491898

Did he ever finish this video game he was working on?


Seems like it is same with the game he was programming. There is literally no plot. It only concentrates on some sort of game physics and depth etc.

I must say that the game he was working on looked really cool, but what's the point in it considering it was just a fucking side scroller with extreme acceleration, physics etc. and extreme detail to the fucking 2D landsacpe of the background

>> No.13492520

People actually read meme books? Wow

>> No.13494003

Meme and Literary are indistinguishable