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/lit/ - Literature

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13488901 No.13488901 [Reply] [Original]

Seeking informative reading on the topic of why I am addicted to this godforsaken board despite the total lack of any content new to my withered oldfag eyes, and also despite the exponentially poisonous disdainful contemptuous abhorrent malice with which /lit/ daily infects me.

>> No.13488910


>> No.13490058

I'd prefer something more psychoanalytic.

>> No.13490282


>> No.13490506

sneed, indeed

>> No.13490620

Complete meme.

Can tell you right now that you are addicted to this site because you have anxiety especially when it comes to social interactions. So instead of using other more "appropriate" platforms for socialization you opt for this one because here there is no filter and you don't have to worry about moving to another town after talking about how much you hate niggers.

Feelings of powerlessness in the face of identity is also a reason.
Since it's mostly dum cumbuckets coming here (I. E. young people highschool or college age, mainly in the age of being a "student".
Students which the world is desperately trying to shape to their own whims.
Where identity is tied to groups now with rules you probably think is bullshit, opt for a platform where you are free to express yourself and your identity however you want.
No one gives a shit because you are anonymous.
The fact that you can be " the most you " in a group of anons is very liberating and empowering.
So you opt for the ultimate in inclusivity, and work on thickening your skin or slowly killing yourself , because you realize the world has no place for people to " freely" be themselves and because of this all anons are essentially doomed to
"Submit or die".

If you want more "psychoanalyses" you like 4chan because it satiates you libido by justifying your lack of sex while provide ample fap material.
And it full fills the death drive lacan speaks about
You can satisfy that by endulging in all the doomed shit and Gore threads.

So basically it helps strengthen, and provides a defense for the ego
And helps satisfy your desire for sex and death.

>> No.13490817

This place offers an outlet for social interaction with none of the risk or time investment required in normal conversation (conversely, there is no possible reward for being here except the occasional joke or dopamine rush from getting a lot of (you)'s. But we prefer the outlet for immediate gratification over the one which requires time to yield rewards and which bears inherent risks). Additionally, many of us wear a mask in public and just want a place to anonymously show our genuine nature.

>> No.13490863

Chuck in duck

>> No.13491441

But I should be expressing myself by writing!

>> No.13491472


>> No.13491474

This image is bullshit though, maybe true for /v/ but that's it.

>> No.13492585

this is the correct answer

>> No.13492593

>gamer degenerates talking about productivity and attention span

>> No.13492966

>poisonous disdainful contemptuous abhorrent malice
Every board is specially trained to strike at the most likely insecurities of their visitors. Taking a moment to think about how this personally affects you might be useful.

>> No.13493297

Fuck you! :^)

>> No.13493545

How'd you know I've always wanted to fuck myself and then have myself give birth to another version of myself?

>> No.13493555

We're just a bunch of socially awkward/autistic young (<30) men.

>> No.13493973

People here can be too self critical. Yes there's lots of shit here but anywhere else is even worse. This place is one of the best options to go to if you want casual conversation that isn't completely braindead. Anonymity is the best for conversation go on titter or reddit and see the shit tier conversation taking place there. You can predict people's reaction to things without even reading them.

And people now are fetishizing real life interactions to be contrarians to some extent while ignore many inconvenient factors. Alot of people are in places where they can't find anyone to have these conversations. They perhaps live in a small town where they're the only person they know with certain interests, or perhaps they are stuck in some blue collar job where they're surrounded by people that never read. Even in university most of the people i came across had intellectual insights that were limited to what came from vox videos and woke netflix documentaries. Finding a concentration of people here that are able to engage with more obscure work beats spending years waiting to find a fellow office worker that wants to talk to you about Wittgenstein, or whatever.

>> No.13494341

My diary desu