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13488783 No.13488783 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically considering to write a book about the NEET lifestyle. The title will be something along the lines "How I became comfy"

The foreword will be about the Beautiful Ones of the Rat Experiment of John B. Calhoun where I expound his ideas, but I will also provide the way out of the rat race once and for all.

Planning also chapters on crypto investing (Chainlink) and how crypto became the greatest transfer of wealth from the normie wagie to neet kings.

Also I would like it to have some sort of supremacist tone like in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, but just replace the word "goyim" with "wagie"

Any other ideas that need to be included, preferably essential for the NEET lifestyle?

>> No.13488788

Do it

>> No.13488794

You should do a chapter on reddit spacing.

>> No.13488810

The bundles of sticks bound together as fuel on 4chan who say they want to write a book are never the ones who do it. The fact that you've made this post means your chances of actually writing it are extremely low. With that said, good luck, if you actually written it, I'd like to read it.

>> No.13489059


>> No.13489141

>considering to write

Yikes, maybe get a bit of practise before you start the book OP