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/lit/ - Literature

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13486235 No.13486235[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever met a single person you truly connected with?

I haven't.

>> No.13486263

My pet rooster from childhood. He followed only me, and we used to cuddle all the time.

>> No.13486264

Take psychedelics with a close friend/partner

>> No.13486278

I thought I did but realized they were just pandering

>> No.13486280

>a close friend/partner
I don't have friends

>> No.13486297

I usually seek out people who are a complete mystery to me, or I find in some way interesting. The thrill is in trying to connect, but never being able to.

What is connecting anyway? Exchanging special words, gestures? All of this you experience through a filter of your senses, which "pushes buttons" in your brain - your imagination fills in the gaps, satisfying your secret desires, or fears.

There is no possibility of a true connection, it's just masturbation and self love. Building up the other person in your imagination, idolizing them, then having your wish fulfilled, feeling special because the greatest person in the world has chosen you, truly what an honor, you are fulfilled. Love, what a selfless act.

>> No.13486349

Last night I dreamt that there was this nice brown doggie, about the size of my arm outstretched, with a huge green eyes and it was rested on me.
I stroked it, and it seemed to genuinely love me. It turned into this bright orange slug thing, but it was dry and I didn't really mind so I just let it stay there

did this, only a year later and we've basically lost contact. My only real friends are imaginable shape shifting doggos

>> No.13486351

What is a 'true' connection? Does it have to be perfect and/or eternal? Must it encompass all potential aspects of relation? Is a mystical tether that goes unmolested by pragmatic circumstances?

I'm somewhat of a romantic myself, but I've learned hard lessons about mysticizing relationships.

>> No.13486380
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>> No.13486413
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based chicken owner.

one of my best friends was a black hen that would follow me around and talk to me. by hanging around the chickens long enough i learned that they had a little language, and i realized that the chickens all had certain names, as did different humans and different animals and types of food.

she'd try to sit in my lap and on top of my shoulder and tell me all about her day. what the other chickens did, and things she ate, and things she saw. she'd cluck on and on about one chicken's name and some sort of food, which made me believe she was gossiping about the other chickens to me and saying that someone stole her food. or maybe she saw a snake earlier so she'd constantly make the clucking sound for snake and look towards the area where she saw it.

that chicken was probably my closest companion. there was no judgement or ulterior motives. no hate or greed. just two simple creatures telling each other about how they spent their days.

>> No.13486420

Yes, but then she dumped me. I don't think this will ever happen again, maybe for a few hours on MDMA or so. Then again, this is a topic of Houellebecqs Submission, as the protagonist states that you can get such a (one sided) connection with an author.

>> No.13486422

I did this, I got so close to him that at one point he thought that he was in love with me, although we are both straight, then this girl cucked him and he became an arrogant junkie and we slowly stopped talking, now I don't have any contact with him.

>> No.13486430

Yes, my closest friend and I have almost everything in common, she and I tell each other more than anyone else, we go to each other without reservation when at our most vulnerable, get along almost perfectly and have similar thought processes, we both read tons and talk about books together, we actually do readings together and discussions along the way, we share our accomplishments and failures and all our dumb mundane problems, a lot of mutual affection, including each other in activities and reminiscing together, never really any problems. It's funny but our commonalities include stuff like birthdays and our IQs, accounting for margin of error. I'm really blessed and I hope others can find people they naturally get along with that deeply.

>> No.13486440

this is why I love meeting strangers over cigarettes. They smoke, so they are highly likey to be abnormal compared to the gen pop. Second when you know you are only going to know the person for five minutes you can discuss absolutely anything with them. Their opinions on politics, meaning, how to raise chickens, their favorite memory as a child, their biggest failures and regrets in life. And they just share. They share anything because they know there is never going to be another moment like this, even if there is. In that brief period they are more open to you than they are to any other person on earth.

>> No.13486446

Why does /lit/ have to be so pretentious and narcissistic.

>> No.13486462
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There's no other way one could consider reading books a hobby.

>> No.13486468

lovely post

>> No.13486475


Why do people like to give group titles to things every human does?

>> No.13486477

Yes, only one.

>> No.13486480

>They smoke, so they are highly likey to be abnormal compared to the gen pop
Please tell me of this wonderful promised land where the smokers are the unusual ones

>> No.13486486

this film good?

>> No.13486498

Yes, if you don't mind slow pacing and long shots of characters sitting in silence

>> No.13486503

sounds perfect

>> No.13486504

longing for community combined with the vacuum of identity is filled with a superficial brand rather than individual history

>> No.13486527

I thought I did, but then it turned out to all be a lie.
I want to feel that connection again but I don't think a real relationship will ever be as good.

>> No.13486567

I met my grillfriend on tumblr (yeah I know) 8 years ago after I saw her pic on cutegirlswithcats. Now I lie to her all the time to stay out late hanging with friends because I’m sick of her and her fucking cat.

>> No.13486578

>because I’m sick of her

>> No.13486587

I try to introduce her to friends and their GFs but she doesn’t even try to engage and it just gets awkward. I still love her 100% but I’m tired of not being able to have a social life outside of her. Like I thought I was an autismal
introvert but holy shit she takes the cake.

>> No.13486593
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Because organic identities (tribe, religion, family, ethnicity, nationality even) have been annihilated by the tyranny of individualism, but the longing for identity and community remains. So people pick them in the most superficial ways possible, as those are the only ones allowed to remain, exactly because they no longer threaten the hegemony of liberal capitalism.

>> No.13486602

College campuses. Any business complex. But not out on the streets. It's kinda like wearing a military jacket as a fashion accessory. In school or at work it can be a complementary facet of an outfit. At the bus stop you look homeless.

>> No.13486605

My beloved husband. It's coming up to our 1 year anniversary soon. I'm making him a cushion with our names on it.

>> No.13486607

>I’m tired of not being able to have a social life outside of her.
>Like I thought I was an autismal introvert
You were always a normalfag

>> No.13486612

fuck..... sounds like me

>> No.13486626

I was a friendless loser in school but after a decade of working retail/service industry I’m just really good at pretending to normie :\

>> No.13486681


>> No.13486683

I'm a normal girl

>> No.13486691

post tits

>> No.13486695

( . Y . )

>> No.13486696

i came

>> No.13486699

Everyone is male until proven otherwise on the internet.

>> No.13486712

double dubs for
>there are no women on the internet

>> No.13486720

Seriously, why would a girl choose /lit/ of all places instead of something more sensible for a normie like r/books?

>> No.13486724

God hates gays.

>> No.13486728

maybe she likes to laugh at the brainlets here

>> No.13486736

Making fun of omegas and betas is easier and more gratifying on reddit.

Real, biological women don't exist on 4chan, and that's that.

>> No.13486737

I've yet to meet a girl that posts on 4chan outside of /b/, the only exceptions were girls at conventions that went to /cgl/.

>> No.13486739

I don't know about that. Besides, I've always found /lit/ to be the most retarded of all boards

>> No.13486743

>the only board where women show up in reliable numbers is the one where you can show yourself off

You can't make this shit up.

>> No.13486760

>arrogant junkie
nice oxymoron, moron

>> No.13486820

When I was a kid, I thought rooster had batteries inside his back.

>> No.13486830

post dick first

>> No.13486882
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>cumbrain isn't rea-

>> No.13486891

i saw

>> No.13486954

So based.

>> No.13486960

Deleted all of the porn and compilations I had downloaded and the computer account I saved it on. Now I’m just afraid that I’ll download it and do it all over again. 2 days since then. It was easier to stop drinking every Friday than this shit.

>> No.13487034

>actually deleting your porn collection

how cucked can you get
when you remember that one image or video, and realize you'll never find it again, you'll see what a mistake you've made

abstinence from porn and masturbation is for married men

>> No.13487069

Couldn’t care less that it’s gone, I’m just afraid of wasting my time again. That special porn clip doesn’t exist, whenever you cum it stops being special and you’re disgusted with it, anything can take its place. Besides the habit was going to my folder, even today I looked for that folder to watch porn out of habit but it was gone so with no preparation there’s no action.
Porn should be something lucrative for 10-20 minutes, not something you waste hours on and collect every day.
Not like I’m doing anything much better with my time being here but I still feel far better because that preparation wasn’t there.

>> No.13487140
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This doesn't work.

>> No.13487155

I conquered

>> No.13487160

Yes. She lied to me, stabbed me in the back, and left me for dead. Things have been difficult since.

>> No.13487167

Yes, but only men. Wish I could connect to a woman since I'm a heterosexual male but it's not the end of the world to not have GF.

>> No.13487189

Yes but really only one. Knowing what a true friend is like has made everyone else look like complete trash. I made a point to befriend as many people as possible to the point where I was being texted by 10+ different people a day asking to chill and only one of them did I ever truly connect with. So yes it's possible, no you're never going to experience it

>> No.13487203

0 creativity

>> No.13487272

A few, yes. Of those, two male friends: one in the past, one in the present. I remember looking at the latter while were at a get-together with a few other friends and feeling what I can only call love. The former was my closest friend at my first university.
With women, the people I've felt most closely connected to have been unhealthy for me. I'm a codependent and dated a girl with BPD for three years, so I'm intensely attracted to women when they reveal their damaged hearts to me. It allows me to displace my shame onto another person's problems. I know better than to call this love, but I don't know whether these connections are meaningful, meaningless, or both. It's just a dance we've memorized.

>> No.13487292

You're probably always going to feel the need to hold something back. That doesn't mean the things you do find to connect with people don't matter.

>> No.13487297

Unironic blog thread. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.13487310

Thanks for blogging to express your disdain towards blog threads, don't forget to subscribe!

>> No.13487341

yes but it's rare
sometimes you meet people on the same wavelength
but 95% of people are mindless idiots

>> No.13487684


No, since it is Ontologically impossible. You or I are connected to nothing but God.