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File: 858 KB, 1838x2297, 1_5yI0mGn9YyJrT5KAgjCUeQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13485979 No.13485979 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I properly learn Russian online? my mother tongue is Spanish btw

>> No.13486136

Pushkin Institute has an online course website with wealth of materials. It's not cutting edge technology and rather slow at times, but it's unparalleled content-wise. The text introductions and grammar pieces used to be untranslated back when I started learning, but that seems to be changing with translations being added.

>> No.13486461

Dota 2

>> No.13486470

cyka blat!

>> No.13486575

russian dot rt dot com

>> No.13486633

LOL nice meme there gentle sir XD, where did u find this one !! haha
U mInD iF i SaVe It? ^^

>> No.13486639

All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
This is not enough

>> No.13486667

His cyka blyat is a infamous element of the CS:GO, you whom it seems have not participated in this scene has falsely attributed his CYKA BLYAT to some reddit meme, or the like. I'll have you know the cyka blyat was nothing but an esoteric pun reflection the previous poster's pun of recommending CS:GO.
You acted out the metaphysical idea if "Rush B, Cyka", you hastily presumed the wrong conclusion.

>> No.13486782

this post is extremely reddit

>> No.13486909

Step by step. Start from learning Cyrillic. Here's a song to encourage you:

>> No.13487869

Interested on knowing what this meme means

>> No.13487879

It's the theme song to a problematic podcast featuring a transphobe and a retired bug-crusher

>> No.13487903

In the head of Dostoevsky is a war of demons against fools, it is impossible for this man to call me an idiot without a council of idiots agreeing with themselves that the author should call one an idiot to begin with.

>> No.13487922
File: 42 KB, 452x678, images (59).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing csgo
>actually trying to play well
>playing like absolute ass nonetheless
>do remarkably retarded shit
>screams "CYKA BLYAT" and proceed to pretend like I'm trolling the game on purpose, now actually inting

>> No.13487994

just download duolingo

>> No.13488251

Duolingo is shit, I'm talking about proper, competent online courses, those on the level of real-life ones.

>> No.13488255

I already know Cyrillic and basic stuff, I need to step up.

>> No.13488267

Spanish shares the rolled Rs and the formal form of "You" with Russian, so you'll find some similarities here and there.

>> No.13488276

Thx, the page seems pretty good.