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File: 418 KB, 776x431, Nick Land.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13483969 No.13483969 [Reply] [Original]

I was afraid to read Nick Land because I thought it might turn me into a blue pilled xenofeminist leftist but I keep seeing whiny leftists call him a cryptofascist and a nazi?

What is his deal, /lit/???

>> No.13484092
File: 8 KB, 239x218, Dqc6UEQWwAEu6VU.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute intelligencemaxxing.

>> No.13484148

anyone else miss when leftists were unabashed carefree egoists instead of neoliberal trannies larping as bolsheviks? what happened this last decade?

>> No.13484238

He became so fucking ugly I can't stand it

>> No.13484378


I think some of them are actually communists even if they barely know what that means

>> No.13484426
File: 57 KB, 560x634, holocaust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13484432


>> No.13484450

Nick got fat and bald.

>> No.13484467

I've read pretty difficult philosophers before and I have never understood a single fucking sentence written by Land except those in his essay about losing his mind from amphetamines and scaring his sister.

>> No.13484520

Land only supposed that humanity is doomed through the use of universal logos, that intelligence (a being itself, non-material) is an active force moving the Universe from simple forms of entropy, to higher and more complex (stars->planets->humans->machines). Land theorizes humanity is inevitably coming to a close, that the logos of the universe is in control of us, and that we have no escape.

>> No.13484763

This should help
>We have been robbed of our anuses, just so they can turn them into parts for their ignominious machine which produces Capital, exploitation, and the Family. Reduced to its most practical biological functions the anus is becoming fortress—impenetrable, singular, productive. Our very excrement is assigned commercial value—so many nutrients per cubic foot, average moisture content, cost of processing.

>To reject the commodity logic of shit, we embrace the anus becoming flower—pleasurable, penetrable, commune. The anus has five muscles; the flower, five petals; the fist, five fingers. The anus is the common sexual nexus, an enclosure in the commons of pleasure. We refuse the mediation of our anuses under the logic of biopower, instead unveiling their insurgence by elaborating a logic of scat. In other words, the anuses of our revolt are scatological rather than biological.

>The human strike blossoms at every point of rupture; which is to say, at every point of emergence. Let us speak of the anal rupture, the emergence of fecal matter from our bodies. The human scatological strike will produce nothing in the act of defecation; while leaving nothing behind but an empty rectum. In the space of this void, we become whatever singularities. Our feces, freed from the logic of capital, take lines of flight toward police, while our anuses, no longer mere appendages of flesh upon a machine of nitrate circulation, are filled with found objects. Our anuses becoming… cumming glitter, shit, whatever.


>> No.13485148
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This is based beyond belief

>> No.13486019

back to r/incels

>> No.13486021

Machines aren't even complex compared to stars or organisms though. That's kind of what make them machines.

>> No.13486175

>intelligence (a being itself, non-material) is an active force moving the Universe from simple forms of entropy, to higher and more complex
so he's just another quasi-hegelian pseud

>> No.13487002

Nick Land is just a bunch of flashy bullshit, like an even more substanceless Nietzsche with even less influence.

>> No.13487073

Yes except he doesn't think we're progressing towards anything good

>> No.13487301

Correct, except he thinks the universal telos is Hell (at least for humans, who are an interstitial phase and thus destined to be fucked over by the paperclip maximizers).

>> No.13487458

Based and antishillpilled

>> No.13487639

>greeting ultimate exit ppl, you all have the t-shirt right?

>> No.13488147

no he's not, he hates Hegel, intelligence is NOT a being, it's a tendency

>> No.13488193

Whoever made this is not only too stupid to bother with philosophy but also completely out of touch with Land's current philosophy

>> No.13488299

no meaningful difference
even plato himself is ready to accept the idea that forms are tendencies in parmenides

>> No.13488432

why dont you tell us what they got wrong big brain