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13482293 No.13482293 [Reply] [Original]

>westerners think Sufism advocates a different and figurtive interpretation of the Qur'an
Well it does, just not as an alternative. Haqiqa is not an alternative to Shariaa. They go hand in hand

>> No.13482300

indeed every thread has its appointed faggot and it is always op

>> No.13482335

Sufism has often been considered to be in contradiction to the Quran throughout Islamic history. Of course a Sufi will say that it is not, and most mainstream and ecumenical Muslims will see it as harmless mysticism, but there have been plenty of serious theologians and philosophers who have been against Sufism on principle, and there have been a lot of "Sufis" who were certainly heterodox.

Especially after the 13th century, when non-mystical Aristotelian and Neoplatonist theosophy become increasingly forbidden and unpopular, because they often flirted with heterodoxy by trying to reconcile Greek metaphysics and Quranic doctrine, Sufism becomes a catch-all for anybody who wants to continue doing metaphysical speculation but doesn't want to get killed for it. So while there were plenty of boring orthodox Sufis, there are plenty of heterodox and even weirder Sufis throughout history.

>> No.13482357

>but there have been plenty of serious theologians and philosophers who have been against Sufism on principle
No. Hanbalis like Ibn Taymiyyah have criticized its excesses like veneration of saints but not many serious theologians objected to Sufism itself especially outside the Ashari aqidah

>> No.13482365

Meant for

>> No.13482373

>Sufis using Koran
About as common as Catholics using the Bible

>> No.13482529

Initiated have to memorize it all