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13482139 No.13482139 [Reply] [Original]

The idea of dying and never ever coming back scares me so much but so does the idea of living forever. How do I cope with this shit?

>> No.13482145
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How to Die by Seneca

>> No.13482146


>> No.13482169

Your flesh will become the part of another organism sooner or later. What form it'll take, and how much of a consciousness you'll have, only time will tell.

You never had the choice not to live forever in the undending cycle of Nature herself, unless you manage to die in space or something.

>> No.13482194
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Even living “forever” doesn’t scare me, because it would only be living for an extremely long time. I’d take it in a minute. Far better than perishing in in hundred of so years

>> No.13482242

Just ignore it, for now. Focus on building a life you will be glad to have lived. The acceptance of death will find its way to you once you feel fulfilled in life. Or take the easy way out and turn to religion. That only really works of you've been raised in it though.

>> No.13482305

stupid animetard

>> No.13482506

Live a good life, and you'll stop worrying about that

>> No.13482511

Buddhism or Islam.

>> No.13482665

have sex

>> No.13482668

How does /lit/ feel about the Death of Ivan Illych?

>> No.13482682


>> No.13482887

In the future there will be more options to choose than alive or dead.

>> No.13482903

embrace the idea that it doesn't matter whether you live or die, learn that if you haven't see the 13 billion years before you you will not see the trillions of trillions of years that will come after youand so that everything you do will not matter in the end, when you die you will just cease to exist, and even that won't matter. but that also sets you free of all you did in your life, whether it is good things or bad things.

so for the time being just try to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, accepting death will make your life better, because not worrying about it makes you enjoy life enven more.

>> No.13483085
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You won't live forever so fuck off.

I've been medically dead for a few seconds and brought back to life after a motorbike accident, all of this while being unconscious. Didn't feel a thing and I just felt like I had overslept when I woke up, aside the pain from a few injuries.

The best way to die is to not be aware of it. Like when you sleep I guess, many thousands of people die while they sleep everyday even healthy people die this way so it's nothing to be afraid of since you can't do anything to avoid it, you need to sleep, you will sleep and there's nothing you can do to eternally avoid it.

>> No.13483113

read gnostics

>> No.13483671
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>actually being scared of death in everyday life
This is perhaps the true way of differentiating angsty teenagers from actual adults. The idea of death is so boring, so plebian, being scared of it - cliche.
Perhaps you haven't spent enough time alone, with nobody to keep you company but your thoughts. Once you do any real amount of thinking you'll get tired of death, even start secretly hoping for it.

>> No.13483727

Death is scary for most people. But why waste time worrying about death while you're alive? All you're doing is working yourself up over something that isn't happening right now, probably won't happen for a long time, and definitely can't be comprehended until it happens to you. No matter how you feel about death, letting a fear of it get to you is no different than letting any other fear get to you - you dread the unknown. In realizing that every new day is an unknown and embracing that what will happen will happen regardless of whether or not you waste time making yourself miserable worrying about it, it becomes less troubling.

>> No.13483754
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Really hope reincarnation comes with a New Game + option because the notion of being reborn and having to re-read and re-watch everything makes me long for permadeath

>> No.13483785

live long, but long enough.
for me, more than 100 years but less than 10.000 years sounds great, don't care if most of my body is metal at that point

>> No.13483801

I don't mind death as much as old age. I'd be fine with dying but spending the entirety of my life in my teenage body

>> No.13483812
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>> No.13483857

Tbh just think about all tbe roasties and their cucks that will die. This makes you dying well worth it. Sooo many dead femoids. Good trade