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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 72 KB, 402x344, Frog Tweaking, Presumably from Too Many Hot Javas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13479952 No.13479952 [Reply] [Original]

The partisans dragged them
from the getaway car,
pulling her roughly by the hair.
The muscles in her face went slack,
mouth open,
her mind far away
where the tall green grass
waved frantically in the
calm and silent air.

They patted her breasts
and ran their gun-oily hands
up between her legs.
But even in their nervous laughing
they were afraid to do more.
They stood the couple side by side
and shot them,
the American made greese guns
made short, professional bursts.

They stripped away the torn clothes
and roped her ankle to his.
They dragged the naked bodies
through the streets,
leaving behind faint slug trails
of blood and hair.
Finally they hung them in the square,
upside down they hung them.
The ropes creaking as
the bodies slowly turned,
her heavy, torn breasts
hanging like
punctured wineskins.

The partisans went home, and
drank the cold vino,
they grew excited,
gestured with vagina scented hands
and modestly told their wives
and their neighbors
that they had saved Italy
touched history
that day.

>> No.13479969

That's life

>> No.13479973

That's NACA

>> No.13480778


>> No.13480790
File: 147 KB, 800x568, Mussolini_e_Petacci_a_Piazzale_Loreto_1945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it again

>> No.13480815

Good prose
Liked the vagina scented hands
Didn't like the last two lines in the second verse.

Excellent use of the wine imagery.


>> No.13480821

thank you anon. there will be more forthcoming

>> No.13480905
File: 86 KB, 600x388, Red Pepe Brandishes Gun at Coffee Pepe (Version Four).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the living room
the orange heads of the jack-o-lanterns
show their dark teeth
in fiery smiles
and carefully watch the clumps
of costumes begin to spread
through the room
like cheap red wine,
trickling from an overturned bottle

and art man
with drooping sad mustache
and flowing terry cloth cape
shadows through the crowd
vainly searching,
searching for mae west

mae west
in red-hot glitter dress
waving sparkling, ruby fingernails
dances frantically with each new man
to escape his weakening power

in the kitchen
the laughing roller derby queen
elbows her way to her husband, tyrone
his homburg pulled low
over leery bushy eyebrows
his cane typing out obscene propositions
and once together
dance cheek to mutton chopped jaw
while the toucan
in his cage
vaguely thinks of green grapes
and steamy, bolivian jungles

finally, the jack-o-lantern eyes
grow dark and heavy
the gun fighters and the dance hall girls
the fringed flappers and the togaed libertines
fall below the neck of the wine bottle
and disappear
art man and mae west
and the last man she danced with
are the last to leave,
their sad, exhausted faces
caught for a second in the gray glare
of their own lighted porch

back inside the silent house
a patient couple
come together suddenly,
kissing and roughly touching,
as the toucan,
dying from the low humidity
and the inability to eat
smooths his dry, ruffled feathers
for sleep

>> No.13481007

such a /lit/ event

>> No.13481022

Of all the WW2 leaders, Mussolini (and maybe mannerheim) was the one with the least innocent blood on his hands

>> No.13481038

Nice one OP.

>> No.13481143

making out her/their death to be a sad thing is goofy but the writing is great

>> No.13481165

>I enjoy people being killed and their corpses publicly exposed because I disagree with their politics or just because they loved someone who's politics I disagree with
What level of "tolerance" are you on?

>> No.13481166

Yeah but he fucked with the Greeks, there's no way for that to end well.

>> No.13481174

>there's no way for that to end well
But he got bailed out by the Germans, who rapidly smashed the Greeks.
The Italians were just too incompetent to commit warcrimes.

>> No.13481184

>making out her/their death to be a sad thing is goofy
that wasn't really my intention, anon. although for obvious reasons I don't think it was a happy occasion either

>> No.13481245

>But he got bailed out by the Germans, who rapidly smashed the Greeks.
>invasion which causes such heavy paratrooper losses that the Germans can't fight any large scale airborne battles again for the rest of the war
>and which ties up so many men and equipment that entry into Russia happens a month later than it should if you don't want to die from General Winter
>Successful in the end
Not really, no.

>> No.13481263

>Not really, no.
What exactly do you disagree with that I actually said?
Because the only thing I DID say is that the Greeks lost the war pretty quickly after the Wehrmacht arrived (a point that is basically uncontestable) and I have absolutely no idea where you got the rest from.

>> No.13481281

It doesn't end well for the Germans either. >>13481166
>Yeah but he fucked with the Greeks, there's no way for that to end well.

>> No.13481289

please everyone keep the historical pedantry out of this thread. maybe post a poem of your own

>> No.13481324

>The barbarians are coming!
If there's anything
I learnt from cavafis
It is that
Is the only argument
Known to time
And it persists
In every faggot
You want to fuck
In memory
Like Alexandria
Or just
Over the couch.

>> No.13481333

So is there a real reason she was killed? Or did the lefties just have so much bloodlust and loved the spectacle of it

>> No.13481344

She was with him. It's a bit like why did Elena wind up on the barbed wire with Nicolae? It wasn't because anyone believed she was the great scholar scientist Ceausescu made her out to be. She was just with him.

>> No.13481856
File: 39 KB, 720x540, don't.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her husband, tyrone

>> No.13481858

Heheheh we got away with everything after ww2

>> No.13481895

I like it in a way but I don’t really know why you wrote it in verse.

>> No.13482013

you don't think it works? I worked it over for hours

>> No.13482025

Not that anon, do you have a lot of experience with writing poetry? It seems pretty well-done.

>> No.13482226

it's a hobby. this is probably the best one I've written. was an English major in college but I have no professional experience

>> No.13482533

>The Piazzale Loreto was the scene of the public execution of 15 Italian partisans on 10 August 1944, hand picked by Theo Saevecke, head of the Gestapo in Milan, as a reprisal for a partisan attack on a German military convoy. The executed were left on display for a number of days.
>we dindu nuffin

>> No.13483182

Bump for hard work and creativity

>> No.13483279

i think what he said goes both ways.

>> No.13483921

That’s not necessarily what I meant, I just don’t see why you chose to make it a poem

>> No.13483933

What barbed wire? They were executed by firing squad