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File: 142 KB, 1200x630, Ice camp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13478418 No.13478418 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any good Mitläufer literature out there? For those who don't know a Mitläufer is a person who just follows along with the political establishment. It is frequently used towards people who in some way assisted the Nazi party but were not themselves Nazis. I ask because there seems to be an increasing sentiment that concentration camps have appeared on my state's southern border. This worries me because if these people know of systematic genocide occurring in their country, why wouldn't they take action against such an injustice? I know of movies like Die 'Mörder sind unter uns' and was looking for something similar in novel format. Even non-fiction would be welcome.

>> No.13478440

are our border camps really concentration camps, or is it just a meme

>> No.13478498

What do you think happens when a shit ton of illegal sand niggers jump our border? We just let them walk around freely? Give them a comfortable room to stay in? Fuck em, they broke the law and aren’t even our citizens.

>> No.13478505

The Banality of Evil, probably

>> No.13478515

Yes separating children from their parents and putting them in camps because of the crime of wanting a better life for their family is very civilised

>> No.13478521
File: 244 KB, 1519x2326, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say no more

>> No.13478561
File: 69 KB, 374x346, 6E2334E2-2230-41A9-9AE5-0DF98D8C74E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, then why don’t those “civilized” beaners take care of their own country instead of being selfish pricks, abandoning it, and rushing here trying to cash in on the hard work my WHITE ancestors laid down hundreds of years before those ungrateful fucks.

>> No.13478566

1) that sounds like something 1930 Hans would say to Untermenschen
2) more importantly, are the conditions in our border camps actually like concentration camps, or not?

>> No.13478588

You're going to run into problems with terminology between you two. Concentration camps started under the British in India. They needed a term for round em up and put a fence around em. Being British they also relied on a large hedge separating India's coastlines at the time too. However, the term has since come to be equated with practices within extermination and forced labour camps under Germans so nobody remembers the British chose the term to mean a highly concentrated population in a campus that is probably too small for them who can be shot if they try to leave.

>> No.13478594

yeah theyre throwing all the mexicans into ovens

>> No.13478595

Don’t act like correctly identifying statistics is a rightist or leftist thing.

The problem with political retards is that they only view things through the lens of their political party, whereas the correct way to view society is apolitically (while hating the Gays of course). :3

>> No.13478615

Aren't the majority of hispanics white? Yep, looked it up. It's 63%.
Also immigrants in the US are a boom to the economy and they commit less crimes than the native population. The only bad thing about them is not their skin colour (which no intelligent person cares about) but the fact they drive down wages. This can be immediately fixed with leftist economic policies such as the 15$ minimum wage though.

>> No.13478650

Are there people in our border camps free to leave? Are there shuttles to Mexico City

>> No.13478664

I heard that if people try to leave, they get arrested or shot

>> No.13478680

Ah shit better put em in a 5 star hotel then

>> No.13478710

Why not keep parents and children together?

>> No.13478735

If you can actually confirm the relation than w/e doesnt mean you get to stay. But theres shady fuckers out there that use kids for this kind of shit

>> No.13478752

if I kicked down your front door and started rummaging through your fridge would you say the same thing?

>> No.13478815



We can drop the first for good measure

a(n) = (a(n-1) XOR a(n-2)) + 1, a(0) = a(1) = 0.

Next are


Which means the United States will go under 50% white before 2050 and will be 0% white by 2100

>> No.13478857
File: 201 KB, 997x402, 5110E0F1-437E-49C3-B2EB-50840B216BB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic post-modernist
They were free not to break the US law and cross our border.
We’re fucked.

>> No.13479011

>This worries me because if these people know of systematic genocide occurring in their country, why wouldn't they take action against such an injustice?

The vast, vast majority of humans for all of human history are ones who have just gone with the flow in the face of injustice and evil. The ones trying to change or fix things are always the minority, not the majority.