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/lit/ - Literature

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13477881 No.13477881 [Reply] [Original]

What highly renowned literature genuinely disproves pic related?

>> No.13477895

For your own good, Alice Miller
Course Alice Miller was an awful mother, but still.

>> No.13477897

The Communist Manifesto

>> No.13478266

Bullying tends to foster learned helplessness or antisocial behaviour. Cuckoldry or psychopathy.

>> No.13479095


>> No.13479563

Yeah remember how all those kids that got bullied became well paid, confident CEOs?

>> No.13480001

It isn't about intellectual or physical excellence. Its about building character and letting the psychologically weak and foreign suffer strengthening ingroup ties.

>> No.13480094

Were you bullied in school? Tell the truth, anon

>> No.13480113

They enjoyment and fulfillment bullies get by excluding have nots and solidifying their place with the haves is greater than the frustration losers feel from being excluded. Only the bottom of the barrel of spergs is unable to fit into any social clique and actually gets bullied. Bullying is just ostrasization and banter because you're a fucking weirdo. The boomer fantasies of bullies assaulting kids is total fiction, and anyone who did that would be laughed at for being a spaz. The closest thing to it would be turf wars in minority schools.

>> No.13480122

$100 says the creator of this post gets deep in his feelings when he sees a webm of a white kid getting knocked out by a black kid in /pol/'s daily Nigger Hate Thread.

>> No.13480124

You can tell this guy was bullied hard and still he ended up on 4chan talking about degeneracy, way to invalidate your own claim.

>> No.13480195
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Which part specifically? The support for bullying or being an unironic nazi?
Bullying is a symptom of inability to work with someone different than you. Even if that difference is that the victim is retarded and the bully is not, it’s still an issue - cooperating with retards is an important life skill.
His idea of ‘muh strength’ is dumb. A group is always stronger than one guy. In a fight the strongest super-chad will always lose to 3-4 moderately competent lanklets. Even the burger army books mention that the winner of a brawl is the one who has his friends show up sooner.
As for the results of bullying, the victims become fedoras who cope by refusing to participate in society and developing a sense of superiority.
On the other hand, the bullies think everyone will do whatever they want in the real world like they did back in school and reality hits them hard sooner or later. Paradoxically, they then become traumatized söiboys who are uncompetitive simply because they never learned to lose.

>> No.13480829
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>> No.13481544

perceiving "bullying" without risk as a good thing is one of the most retarded opinions that you can possibly have. in the modern era you might ocassionally have a person that is bullied for being an asshole or smelling bad, or whatever. however most bullying is perpetrated by the weak on people who can hardly even defend themselves, like the poor, disabled, and mentally slow or naive. people even get bullied for being too intelligent or too attractive. it doesn't build character and doesn't "strengthen" the group, it just turns kids that might have become decent into psychos. the only reason why those little shithead kids and adults think that they can bully is because they know they won't get their skulls split open. so if you see one make sure to do them that favor

>> No.13481556

basically any moral philosophy

>> No.13481611

pol is full up on very emotionally driven thinkers.

>> No.13481647

what highly renowned literature is this from?

>> No.13481656

>coping with how hard and unfairly you were bullied
People are sad

>> No.13481661

>puts butterfly slightly above her nipple
wow good job retard

>> No.13481662

Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution

>> No.13481666

You don't read a book to disprove that, you open up libgen

>> No.13481667

Early. And often.

>> No.13481728

I was bullied in school and had exactly zero friends as a child because i went to a very small school and no kids wanted to hang out with the guy the top 5 or so most popular kids bullied. I blame it directly for my complete lack of interest in socialization today (now 24)

>> No.13481777

Pumped up kicks

>> No.13482144

it implies that all bullies will only bully what you personally believe is unacceptable.
I was a bully and picked the weakest kids, not the kids I didn't like. you're a retard with Stockholm syndrome from getting beaten up so much.
here's a scenario: black kid who is stronger than all his peers bullying white kids and no one can fuck with him. is bullying still okay in your small, pathetic skull?

>> No.13482178


>> No.13482232

>black kid who is stronger than all his peers bullying white kids and no one can fuck with him. is bullying still okay in your small, pathetic skull?
This just goes to teach the kids the eternal struggle in the world between races, reinforcing community ingroup ties, leading to homogenous communities and making it clear to freeloading foreigners that they are not welcome to destroy the Nation and People.
How does this example not demonstrate this perfectly?
Why wouldn't you want them to learn how awful it is to be weak as a future adult male?

>> No.13482253


>> No.13482334

because nobody has the same capacity to be "strong". a taller kid will always win in a fight against a shorter kid. if you believe in a society where only the luckiest get to lead enjoyable lives, then that's your philosophy, and I disagree out of some place of altruism and understanding that there are much better solutions to the problems you outline than random kids beating up other random kids. as I said it really isn't for a specific reason that kids get bullied for the most part. whoever will take it is the one who gets it, and in my experience kids who get bullied never ever get "stronger". so I completely reject the premise that bullying builds character. in fact almost every person I know who was bullied is mentally ill and much worse now.

anyways I'd like to know what you even define as bullying. if a man assaults you in the street is that bullying or do you believe he should be arrested? what about theft? both of these things could be considered bullying. I believe a society where assault and theft are legal is probably unpleasant to live in.

>> No.13482400

I would also like to question your end goal with the whole homogenous society thing. obviously this is a fringe opinion but I won't dismiss it on that basis. I'd imagine if every country eventually did become an ethnostate because we allow our children to bully each other, (I'm not conceding that this would actually happen, seems far fetched) then a lot of war would be expected no? and in the meantime, at least a few hundred years, there would be a massive increase in domestic racial violence, causing deaths of many relatively innocent people. is this worth letting our kids beat up trannies?

>> No.13482408

nobody needs to disprove that.

>> No.13482480

I only mean in general the psychologically weak. I'm not talking about mainly physical bullying, but specifically prolonged psychological abuse and manipulation. You should have the basic standard of mental stability after years of this because most people experience it at some point in their lives.
>if a man assaults you in the street is that bullying or do you believe he should be arrested?
>what about theft

>> No.13482707

t. bullied and coping

>> No.13482754

Bullying is fine when you are allowed to retaliate against your bully. The bullying that goes on now is state-enforced and leaves the victim with no way to healthily confront their aggressors.

>> No.13483031

>Get the shit kicked out of you by people from your country and ethnicity.
>Wow I love my country and ethnicity! This sure is reinforcing my ingroup ties!

>> No.13483164

i honestly believe school shootings are 100% natural

>> No.13483175

racialism is pure autism