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/lit/ - Literature

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13474909 No.13474909[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Some "people" in here are philosophy grads. Kek

>> No.13474915

Imagine going to college, lmao.

>> No.13474940


>> No.13474942
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>> No.13474943

>Psychology above Philosophy
>Kinesiology above anything
>Geology above Computer Science

>> No.13474984

>studying anything below god and top tier
Big yikes.

>> No.13474995

God tier squad present

>> No.13475001

Fucking based.

>> No.13475038

>STEM shit in God Tier
Also this >>13474942
The only reason I haven't read up more from Kaczynski is that I haven't become bitter enough with our world at this point.

>> No.13475057

How does it feel to be a brainlet?

>> No.13475071
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>Science, medicine, engineering is shit because I can't understand it
>reads the thoughts of other people
Can you see how embarrassing your are?

>> No.13475072

You tell me.

>> No.13475077

>Science, medicine, engineering is shit because I can't understand it
>reads the thoughts of other people
You just read my thoughts through my comment.
1/10 - poor bait, debunked in one second in your own STEM faggotry fashion.

>> No.13475083

it is shameful that this uncritical and techno-scientific image shit is located in lit

>> No.13475091

> no u

>> No.13475095

the Unabomber Thinks you shouldnt study math. alright nice argument

>> No.13475100

God tier: whatever degree you want while going to an elite university
Shit tier: going to any university that isn't an elite one

>> No.13475101

>tfw I’ll never study philosophy formally
>tfw I’ll never develop the understanding of someone who’s been properly challenged

>> No.13475102

Read again please. Your reading comprehension cannot possibly be this poor. You just didn't read it maybe?

>> No.13475116

It's funny how business and economics are listed in the low tier when those are the best disciplines to become rich
and considering that 90% of people go to college just to make money then those disciplines are the only ones that matter. No, you won't become rich by becoming an engineer or a doctor btw. $2 million dollars after 30 years (if you are lucky) is not rich.

>> No.13475139

Just study it formally faggot.

>> No.13475167

Why are humanities majors so insecure?

If philosophy or English is what you really want to do then go ahead, but this thing where they desperately try to pretend that they're superior to people who chose real subjects is just sad.

>> No.13475176

Whatever nigger. You study their thought if we have to take things literally now. Fucking faggot with you shitty degree.

>> No.13475195

>Fucking faggot with you shitty degree.
You don't know what degree I got, so don't embarrass yourself further.
>You study their thought
Something makes you think I study it instead of just reading and agreeing or disagreeing here and there. Projection number two.
STEM fags are like manlets. When will they learn?

>> No.13475200

lol what, about what you're all conversate? If you nead money for living and go to university to get job and doesnt make living from old money having rich parants or famaly buisnes, youre already a pleb regardless what youre steam or art student. Intellectuals always studing for enterteimant. Imagine sit at dirty tabel with another people to studing shit you like. Go milk cows, lmao.

>> No.13475216

just do what you want lmao

>> No.13475228


>> No.13475244

>stem fags are like manlets
>you don't know what degree I got
Kill yourself philosophy ass licker.

>> No.13475245
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Old bait, but since I am inspired to describe it:
>"I can only follow the physical mechanisms of the world, but I cannot understand them, nor myself. Nor my fellow humans. Nor see the forest between the trees."
>"I treat myself as if I am a machine, like all other things, but on this path the question whether I am one or not —whether they are or not— will never dawn on me."
>"And in doing so, I surrender myself to fit the mould of the machine. I am transformed."

>> No.13475260


>I fucking love SCIENCE!

>> No.13475267

Have a guess then, kiddo.

>> No.13475268

Costs too much money here.

>> No.13475273

>going to uni to study something you don't like just to get a job to be a slave to the capitalist system

Never gonna make it

>not gonna get a job lol
>putting yourself in debt for a useless degree lol

Implying that
>I'm American
>live in a country where uni isn't free
>live in a country where living with your parents past 18 is socially reprehensible
>can't get a job no matter the field if you top your classes

Never gonna make it

>> No.13475274

>writes something useless
And the fact that you studied it, makes it more embarrassing

Some humanities meme.

t. God tier.

>> No.13475280

based eurochad

>> No.13475283
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>> No.13475284

>mfw i studied mathematics, statistics, computer science, economics and philosophy/sociology

>> No.13475286

And I have to guess which one of them you finished?

>> No.13475290
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I made it more comprehensive.

>> No.13475291

actually all

>> No.13475299

So wholesome

>> No.13475300

And you want me to believe you finished an uni for each one of those ? How old are you? 93?

>> No.13475308

>Some humanities meme.
Try again, harder this time, kiddo.

>> No.13475311

Stop coping faggot.

>> No.13475315

>oh, he doesn't actually have something I can criticise with my poor vocab and even poorer reading comprehension
Also, thanks for the (You)s.

>> No.13475320

>I cope harder when I don't tell them what degree I'm getting because they won't make fun of me this way

>> No.13475323

>thinks his response is relevant in any way
Thanks for another (You)

>> No.13475335

It is. Because you're a brainlet and barely cope with the fact that you're a failure and will be one your whole life.

You're embarrassing yourself and your parents, fampai. Please stop.

>I also reply to get those juicy (You)'s

>> No.13475337

Is this based on income?

>> No.13475339
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I enjoyed writing it. That's what matters to me. And you expecting posts on 4chan to be useful... Please. Certainly my was useful to me, in a manner, but expecting non-personal and objective usefulness here beyond a few chosen posts is in my eyes rather childish.
Hm... I have not studied writing or literature, but my apparent success at giving reason to your assumption grants me smug satisfaction as well.

This is all so fun.

>> No.13475344

>my 'responses are relevant' because 'you are a brainlet'
Okay, you're not a STEMfag either, so what's the problem?

>> No.13475351

Just told you I'm in God-tier. Anything else besides god tier and top tier is brainlet tier, kek.

>> No.13475359

>I dodge the response
Let's exchange a few more (You)s.

>> No.13475393

I am 30. I started with philosophy major and economics as subidiary in bachelor, then went on with a master in sociology and statistics as subsidiary. Then completed a math and cs degree via a Fernuniversität. Nothing is impossible, pal!

>> No.13476046

A lot of the Math and Physics students I’ve been around barely wash and smell funny. One guy I know who’s working on his physics degree doesn’t like wiping his ass because “it gets absorbed by the underwear anyway.” He also works at a pizza place. I won’t eat there. At least the English and Philosophy people bathe.

>> No.13476068

Package engineering

>> No.13476085


the irony

>> No.13476089


>> No.13476105

kaczynski's style is so prevalent that I could tell it was him by the second sentence.

>> No.13476123

>he couldn't tell immediately from the handwriting

>> No.13476126
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are life sciences considered mid tier due to the fact that they are basically applied chemistry? pic related

>> No.13476132

life sciences are useful. philosophy in 2019 is an insular larp and a waste of brainpower

>> No.13476133


>> No.13476136

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

>> No.13476137

Stick to pop Phil homo

>> No.13476139

>One guy I know who’s working on his physics degree doesn’t like wiping his ass because “it gets absorbed by the underwear anyway.” He also works at a pizza place.
based physics student

>> No.13476151

Imagine being this autist

>> No.13476160

I wonder if anyone has told Ted about UBI and what he thinks about it.

>> No.13476164

>top tier: law and statistics

>> No.13476165

It just isn't pure.
Look at people like Marx, Stirner, Nietzsche and such and tell me that anything they are doing is "pure".
It's mostly just blind guessing and a bit of systematization, even psychology is more pure than Marx ever was.

>> No.13476199

I kinda get why he wrote this, but I think he has been very thoroughly proven wrong.
Computational mathematics is extremely weak at the moment and the range of problems computers are able to solve better than humans (aside from pure calculation, which is a very minor part in mathematics) is tiny.
Especially in areas which deal with objects that aren't countable, computers have a very hard time proving anything.

I think it is safe to say that he is entirely wrong, pretty much all evidence suggests that mathematicians will be the last Job to be given to machines.

>> No.13476226

To be fair he's an old man who doesn't know how computers work (even ignoring that he's a luddite) and he's working with limited exposure to resources. He's wrong about mathematics being the first field to fall but he's also thinking long term regarding improvements in computing technology.

That being said it's kind of stupid to ask Ted Kaczynski, of all people, advice on something that he'd clearly know little about and is very emotionally invested against. Might as well ask him dating advice while you're at it.

>> No.13476247

So that's why I suddenly want to major in engineering.

>> No.13476301

>I enjoyed writing it
>that's what matters to me
Kek, then please leave and larp on a piece of paper you filthy pseud faggot

>> No.13476348
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God tier mathemagician.

>> No.13476533

>something that he'd know little about
Ted was a math professor at UC Berkeley

>> No.13476540

I was referring to computers and developments in computer technology.

>> No.13476548

Just think of how many lives that image has ruined

>> No.13476556

>Ted was a math professor at UC Berkeley
Which doesn't really qualify him to give his opinions on modern developments in the theory of computerized mathematics.

>> No.13476562

Too many to count. Imagine how many disappointed parents are out there because their children pursued a meme and is still living with them.

>> No.13476672

this is your brain on mutt education

>> No.13476682

well, it does qualify him more than (you)

>> No.13476709

But Ted knows nothing about computers, much less computerized mathematics. Not only is he an old boomer but he refuses to have anything to do with technology and I doubt he'd bother trying to research into that sort of thing, much less computerized mathematics since he also refuses to do anything related to math anymore. He even said he doesn't know what youtube is.

>> No.13476723

>well, it does qualify him more than (you)
I have actually read a tiny bit of the relevant literature and know a tiny bit about some proof assistants, which is certainly more than he has.
Or do you think someone who rejects technology, especially computers, would be interested in computational mathematics?
I doubt he could even name a single relevant project...

>> No.13476727

when does that happen? all i see is STEMtards crying about philosophy

>> No.13476745

>when does that happen
Most of the time because philosophy fags are insecure with a huge inferiority complex.

>> No.13476757

It's the other way around.
Sadly, no one praises someone's ability to imitate a calculator, sorry about that, bucko.

>> No.13476775

Yeah, but by doing research we discover useful stuff and keep in mind that you basically study the thoughts of some incels. Imagine being this inferior, kek. The only research you can do is how to interpret those thoughts which is basically next level spoonfeeding. Cuck.

>> No.13476795
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>> No.13476803

>by doing research we discover useful stuff
If you know anything at all about how academic research works, you know this is bullshit.
Also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42QuXLucH3Q
>The only research you can do is how to interpret those thoughts which is basically next level spoonfeeding
See, what you did there is typical category error. It's the same as saying: "Well, but singing does not produce bread, and we are now talking about producing bread. Cuck."
Since you're not familiar with thinking in general, I will not go any further, you can google and start learning to redeem yourself. Or not.

>> No.13476807

>bright academic future
>respected by society
Stop lying to yourself.

>> No.13476821

>you know this bullshit
>links a youtube video
Kek, this is the "mind" of a "philosopher".

I made no error you fucking bum, your reading comprehension is abysmal. Make us a favor and kill yourself.

>> No.13476823

He was a mathmatician

>> No.13476836

Cope harder. I'm sure it helps you a lot in life.

>> No.13476855

What are you define pure? You don't seriously think that those like Kant aren't pure? Also listing a few philosophers and claiming that because your interpretation of them isn't "pure" that all of philosophy isn't pure is just laughable.