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13473908 No.13473908 [Reply] [Original]

How can I post confidently on the american anime image board? I learned grammar and writing english essays for 12 years and it didn't really help.

>> No.13473942

the level of discourse here is such that you could be a gorilla selecting random words on a touch screen and you'd pass

>> No.13473949

i love you so much anon

>> No.13473950

If someone gets angry at your English they are probably an asshole American. Here's a secret Americans use bad grammar and bad spelling.

here is a map of people who spell "aluminium" a-l-u-m-i-n-u-m.

>> No.13473959
File: 176 KB, 921x619, out of date.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13473983

hating Americans is the surest sign of a pseud in existence. For one thing you are all literally Americans now, you are just the equivalent of the outskirts of the Roman provinces, the old culture that you had is laughably dead, and you have nothing at all to commend to your countries except a few percentage points in random measures of quality of living(and you really don't want to look at the reasons for that because it might be illegal to say them in your shithole) and old art that nobody even understands or values anymore, the aristocratic culture that produced it being long dead. For another, America had even in the old days its own merits that many recognized and mindlessly hating on it is in a turn of cosmic irony a product of the post-Pax-american understanding of the world, your very hatred of America is American, specifically the upper New England crust condemnation of those they saw as beneath them. God you're fucking insufferable retards.

>> No.13473985

ur a retatd

>> No.13474003

ooo he mad mad

>> No.13474063

Don't worry people like ESLs, the only way to get better is to practice. Your OP post seems fine.

>> No.13474304

The grammatical errors that native speakers make are different than the ones ESLs make however. For example I sometimes mix formal and informal words and it can make me sound very unnatural or robotic.

>> No.13474420

Based Burmese. Nuclear power by 2025.

>> No.13474439

I wonder how Anglophones feel having to read broken English on the internet every single day. When I read bad Spanish syntax, I die a little

>> No.13474459

What would you need to improve your confidence?
Your English is miles ahead of most of the ESLs here already anyway.

>> No.13474513

>When I read bad Spanish syntax, I die a little
I don't, because at least they're trying (even though it's very hard) and that makes me happy. Please don't judge them too harshly.

No los juzgues demasiado, al menos estan intentando aprender nuestro (difícil) idioma.

>> No.13474536

I only get irritated when ESLs think that they’re indistinguishable from native speakers

>> No.13474540

Yeah, OP's english seems to be just fine.

>> No.13474542


>> No.13474543

I feel similar towards german.

>> No.13474567

just copy and paste posts from other threads. no one will know the difference. if you're feeling adventurous, add common phrases such "based" or "btfo" or various epithets to fit in

>> No.13474580


>> No.13474599

Pero tu k dise chaval? Si a los 3 años ya hablaba Espanyol perfecto lmao

>> No.13475783

I've met ESLs (Kenyans, Indians) who get legitimately angry at me for stating that I, a native English speaker, know English better than them. These are people who can't even string together a single grammatically correct sentence. What fucking thought process is going on in their heads, if any?

>> No.13475889

You don't really need to get better at English. You can just speak however you want, and if someone says anything about it, you can call them an ignorant monolingual Anglo. If that doesn't work, pull the race card.

>> No.13476244

We don't normally do that because Americans are the only ones who care so much about race and do things like 'pull the race card' as you say. I've personally never even heard anyone talk about race where I live, it's not discussed here.

>> No.13476575

>I learned grammar and writing english essays for 12 years
Wait, what the fuck? I'm surprised nobody noticed this statement.
I'm pretty sure you're American and also a nigger. Perhaps get into academic grammar instead of kiddie K-12 so you can become a good writer.

ESL is just a category; if you master the English language, you will stop being an ESL.

>> No.13476611

Bitte, sein Sie nett. Ich weiß, dass mein Deutsch nicht toll ist, aber ich versuche, es zu verbessern.

>> No.13476716

by not giving a fuck.

>> No.13476777

go back to the reddit

>> No.13478082

I hate how it's totally acceptable for immigrants to speak dogshit English. It drives me nuts.

>> No.13478094


>> No.13478154

>tfw only one in my family that can write and speak english
>we've been here for 20 years but my parents still only write in moonrunes and know <200 english words

>> No.13478181

neuroplasticity goes to basically zero when you become 15 years old. you can't blame them, it's biologically hard for them to rewire their neurons to satisfy your whims.

>> No.13478205

Reading and mimicking speech did it for me. The only problem is that I'm too autistic even when I'm speaking in my native language.

>> No.13478208
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Just believe.

>> No.13478213

That’s Bs

>> No.13478354

Is american life that easy?

>> No.13479453

fucking hell

>> No.13479466

Bull dhit. They can improve their accent if they try they just don't give a duck

>> No.13479476

This guy needs to be shot

>> No.13479481

Are you a retard?

>> No.13479483
