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13473316 No.13473316 [Reply] [Original]

Why does he get so much hate on here? Is it because reading the first 10 pages of Infinite Jest hurt your brainlet brains too much?

>> No.13473321

Nice to see you grindin for that good good anon

>> No.13473325
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>dude im down with the struggle, see im all upset, *wipes tears with stack of money*, yeah sucks that you can't pay rent, or afford food or afford to pay the tuition ransom to continue college but, look dude, im more upset trust me!
>yeah man, my parents were two professors who raked in a modest 300k a year collectively and had millions in savings and paid for my college, paid for a new car for me, paid for everything and their connections allowed me to be able to publish. but dude, depression dude! you don't know how good you have it!
>but bro, i get you because i dress like im down with the struggle but let's be clear, I, DFW, lived a harder life than anyone because woe is me! see, look how street i am, i dress just like a regular joe, look how authentic I am!

>> No.13473343

He wrote a cringy non-fiction book on niggernoise.

>> No.13473377

Well he's dead so..

>> No.13473447

>your struggles are unimportant because I've heard other people must deal with worse ones even though I've never experienced yours or theirs


>> No.13473455

Wait what? You have to be an adult to post on here

>> No.13473461

>my parents were two professors who raked in a modest 300k a year collectively and had millions in savings
The copypasta author clearly hadn't done any research on academic salaries

>> No.13473466

Tenured positions pay in excess of 120k a year at a good school. It is easy to save up millions after two decades of working, assuming they came from wealth families in the first place and were able to buy their initial homes outright.

>> No.13473474

nu-lit has been infected with a bad case of the Peterson's. They hate anything classified as post-modern. All the allegations of sexual harassment and the fact that his parents were professors (two facts those groups generally don't give a shit about) give them the proper ammo to shrug him off because that group only separates the artist from the art when it suits them.

>> No.13473477
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>> No.13473490

Tenures are extremely difficult to secure even at midtier schools, and they're only acquired very late career, so those first two decades you mentioned would barely produce anything. You literally have better fiscal prospects as a nurse.

>> No.13473644
File: 12 KB, 480x360, dfw4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me? ,(pause)? im a dfw guy myself

>> No.13473693

A lot of people on here dislike his personality and find parts of his fanbase annoying, and on top of that, Infinite Jest is an extremely easy book to make fun of - it’s long, strange, unconventional, very earnest, etc. I loved it though. Not a fan of Wallace’s other stuff for the most part desu, IJ was just very moving and captivating for me.

>> No.13473701

based sincere anon

>> No.13473712

He was very insincere

>> No.13473713

He hates colored servants serving him. (ASFINDA, Big Red Son)

>> No.13473716

What kind of name is "Foster"? What does it mean? Is it a typical American name?

>> No.13473720

middle name. Sorry it's just white thing

>> No.13473721

wtf I love DFW now

>> No.13473731

He made the bell boy(actually much older than him) fired by not letting him touch his luggauge. Also he checked the cruise's passenger list to find out how many jews are on the boat. He "can distinguish anglosaxxon passengers by their facial features". Woman can't win him against chess game. etc etc

>> No.13473737

You got a source for that? Or are you just going to talk more shit in broken english?

>> No.13473763

fact: everyone's parents, whether it by resistance or assistance, create the career potentials of their children.
David had help, but he also earned it.
He achieved a lot at a very young age.
lol what a terrible misreading.
Probably a troll.
it's mostly this.

>> No.13473834

killing dfw was a sort of needed act with the destruction of the actual /lit/ culture for the retarded shit you see today
i have never in my entire life seen anyone on this board provide a criticism of wallace that demonstrated they read more than five pages of him

>> No.13473861

The best thing that ever came of him was the movie.

>> No.13473880
File: 116 KB, 1062x749, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to post this but I haven't had the opportunity yet.

>> No.13473887

I still don't get the movie. DFW was obsessed with girls. And what?

>> No.13473905

I'm going to be honest--it took me about three times trying to start reading Infinite Jest before I realized it was a satire.

>> No.13474447

I didn't watch it. I can't believe they made that, its almost like a parody of itself.

>> No.13474453

hes corny

>> No.13474473

I wanna wallop Wallace in the head with a mallet. Just line that thing up to his faggot head as he lays on the floor beneath me and really pop his melon.

>> No.13474480

Fuckin true man describing people as heads and bodies fuckin blew my mind off how profound a distinction could be and just like the fuckin implications, I had to sit the book down for like an fuckin hour before I could continue

>> No.13474481

>It is not the least bit coincidental that adults who commit suicide with firearms almost always shoot themselves in the head.
So he hanged himself instead. kek

>> No.13474485

It's orth to watch. At the end, an actor presented as Wallace dances alone with his eyes closed in the church. While every other people dance together.

>> No.13474632

Best starting point for him?

>> No.13474651

trash bin near a tennis court

>> No.13474760

I just read Infinite Jest at 17, without knowing about any of his other work or any literary movements he’s reacting to or anything. I just wanted to read a long book. “Starting points” are a meme

>> No.13474765

Good Old Neon and some of his essays like the cruise ship one. If you think they're trash, then drop. If not, then IJ

>> No.13475563 [DELETED] 

I wish we had a modern writer as good as DFW in my country and americans treats a god bless like him like shit
>b-but his private life!!
who gives a shit

>> No.13475568

I wish we had a modern writer as good as DFW in my country and americans treat a god's blessing like him like shit
>b-but his private life!!
who gives a shit

>> No.13475656

Just[1] read[2] the first 40 pages[3], seems pretty good so far, I like the little vignettes[4], especially the conversation doctor one[5] and the guy waiting for weed[6], and yeah, Wardine be cry[7] was a bit unintentionally funny but I thought it was still decent. Surprised that there's only been one footnote[8] so far[9]

1. As in, a few minutes ago.
2. Because this would be a terrible audio book for reasons to be elucidated later.
3. Of Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace, to clarify.
4. At the beginning, Infinite Jest is seemingly random, jumping back and forth in time and locale between unknown characters, like a medical attache and a black girl called Wardine and a guy trying to quit marijuana, although one will have a decent grasp on Hal Incandenza and his family by the end of the first 40 pages.
5. Wherein a younger version of the aforementioned Hal is trained in the art of conversation by a professional because he's autistic and memorises the dictionary, however the doctor spergs* out by the end and reveals sordid details about the Incandenzas.
*Admittedly anachronistic+ Internet slang meaning to act in a strange manner++, coming from Asperger's syndrome.
+This book was, after all, published in 1996, before the word 'sperg' came into usage.
++Although it can also be a noun, meaning someone who regularly acts in such a manner.
6. A ten page segment wherein a man waits for a woman to bring him two hundred grams of cannabis, which he hopes will be the last he ever uses, however he has attempted this many times previously.
7. A two page segment wherein a narrator* speaks in AAVE** about her friend Wardine being abused. This segment has become a meme*** on 4channel.
*Identified near the end as being called Clenette.
**A more acceptable phrase for Ebonics, standing for African American Vernacular English, a descriptive dialect of the way African Americans tend to speak.
***A repeated joke or concept. The word is taken+ from The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins, who ironically became a meme himself++ in later years
+Although its meaning was changed when used in the context of the Internet.
++Due to his affiliation with those who make a point out of their being atheists and consider themselves rebels, despite the dominant culture- being atheist at this point.
-At least in the UK, where Dawkins was born and raised.
8. Actually a misnomer, because the notes are at the back of the book rather than the bottom of the page, making them endnotes.
9. The reason for the surprise is that the book is notorious for around an eleventh of its length being endnotes which are in even smaller print than the main pages*. The only endnote in the first 40 pages is a clarification that methamphetamine hydrochloride is also known as crystal meth, and is located in the aforementioned section of a man waiting for marijuana. This gimmick is why Infinite Jest would be such a terrible audio book.
*Which is already quite small, and the book is physically very large.

>> No.13477011

Depression is a disease. This is literally like berating a dead AIDs sufferer who died of an illness most people wouldnt normally die from.

>> No.13477021

He wasn't depressed. Real depression comes from not having any opportunity, no money, and starving on the streets. He had 1) money his entire life 2) family and friends. He had it too good for too long.

>> No.13477177

>Real depression comes from not having any opportunity, no money, and starving on the streets

Since when? You just made that up there you stupid cunt

>> No.13477285

Even though there's a massive amount of pomo gimmicks in IJ

>> No.13477369

I know people who had it 100x WORSE than DFW.

>> No.13477378

Imagine thinking depression comes from lack of money.

>> No.13477382

It doesn’t but the bait was pretty good, made me reply

>> No.13477392

imagine starving, being unemployed, having nothing in your life at all. money doesn't buy happiness but at least makes it bearable.

>> No.13477400

do you know what depression is retard?

>> No.13477401

holy cringe

>> No.13477555

you are talking about depression on a clinical level vs your entire life forcefully going to shit because of low wages and no opportunity

i see what the person talking about "Real Depression" is saying. if you've been broke your entire life, theres no opportunity. you are born to lose

>> No.13477669

david was a wealthy, successful drug addict his whole life.
His depression was probably mostly guilt and shame-based.

>> No.13477862

Im not sure being broke means you automatically feel worse than a depressed rich man. Some people actually enjoy being homeless and squatting and just fucking about or what not.

>> No.13477894

look, i dont care. fuck rich people.

>> No.13477908

>In the early 1990s Wallace became obsessed with the writer Mary Karr. He considered killing her husband, threw a coffee table at her and tried to push her out of a moving car. Karr has complained that Wallace's biographer D. T. Max underreported Wallace's abuse of her. Of Max's account of their relationship, she tweeted, "That's about 2% of what happened. He tried to buy a gun. Kicked me. Climbed up the side of my house at night. Followed my son age 5 home from school. Had to change my number twice, and he still got it. Months and months it went on."
That's why.

>> No.13477912

Name one author born before 1900 that wasn't born into wealth.

>> No.13477914

thats actually based af though
roastie btfo. i bet he put the fear of god into her. literally made her fear for her life. that's alpha as fuck

>> No.13477953

>shitting on art because of the artist's personal life
holy mother of pleb

>> No.13477987

James Joyce

>> No.13478000

alright calm down che guevara, i hope you win the lotto won day. then you can hate yourself

>> No.13478045
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>> No.13478053

I can relate more with them because they knew how good they had it and never tried to pretend they weren't rich.

>> No.13478056

And yet she was still dumb enough to enter into a relationship with him anyways

>> No.13478120

Highly doubt his mother was tenured. Too lazy to check but I don’t think she even had a Ph.D. Think she taught at a community college. As for his father, he was a phil professor at UIU-C, doubt he was really raking it in

>> No.13478124

It’s marketing. He was known as Dave/David Wallace IRL

>> No.13478134

Didst not the guy who wrote beautiful dreamer be born of the name Foster too?

>> No.13478351

joyce was clearly associated with wealthy people. His books do not hide this fact. Many of his friends were (((them)) in fact.

>> No.13478382

Frederick Douglass, James Conrad, and I want to say Mark Twain

>> No.13478457


Gotta love that 90s-as-fuck intro.

>> No.13478479

How on one hand can he write this cynical and distanced essay on the sincerity of baton competitions and on the other claim society is so ironic?

>> No.13478497

AIDS is a lifestyle choice though

>> No.13478510

He only sees the yuppie society of himself and his peers as "society" proper, and these yokels as something apart?

>> No.13478523

Poverty has ruined me.

>> No.13478525

Wardine be cry

>> No.13478733

his prose is pretty bad, honestly

>> No.13478840

I enjoyed Infinite Jest and Pale King immensely but I feel his best work is the stuff in the Oblivion collection. Reading some of those stories is an experience that I really can't find anywhere else in literature. That's my little opinion for what its worth

Regarding the OP, He gets a lot more love than hate on here from what I've seen.

>> No.13479105

Miguel de Cervantes-Saavedra

>> No.13479153

ironic, no?

>> No.13479349

IJ was his best work of fiction. What did you think about his essays?