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13472784 No.13472784[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How would you write a scene about a male losing his virginity? Picture unrelated.

>> No.13472793

calm, not cringey try hard.

>> No.13472807

Huge expectations, the act in itself disappointing. Description of goldfish sex.

>> No.13472822

do people actually have huge expectations from sex?

>> No.13472836

Write from experience lmao

>> No.13472837

As usual, this depends on the person. Generally, the longer you wait the more you expect. Also, it doesn't help that we're living in a culture where you must have sex or else you're considered a misogynistic homicidal weirdo.

>> No.13472841

What if it's with a hot girl who's into you instead of Bertha the fat school janitor, though?

>> No.13472845

I have a vagingin

>> No.13472852

I would just write about the time I got dragged to the woods by a girl and she molested me until I realized she wanted to have sex

>> No.13472856

im sorry if this gets too personal, but i have been waiting for 22 years and counting and my expectations don't seem to be high or getting any higher and i have never had any negative experiences culture-related from it

>> No.13472859

>spends 2 years losing weight because super insecure, espescially about his pubis mons that makes his dick a turtle
>gets /fa/
>goes on a few dates. gets more and more desperate.
>makes out with a few avg sluts from bars he met because his ex roommate is a player
>meets all sorts of scum and degenerates
>finally pulls a fat uggo from the bar and takes her back to his practically unfurnished apt
>they try to have sex
>he pushes rope but comes, after trying cunnilingus where he licks like a cat.

>mfw ask me how I know. Ask me how I KNOW, mfer

>> No.13472860

Lol all girls are basketcases at that age though. And to be women is to let life happen to you.

>> No.13472864

Girls are basketcases and boys are retards, it balances out.

>> No.13472867

My opinion. Sex is meaningless without love.

>> No.13472869

is cunnilingus supposed to be more than licking like a cat?

>> No.13472870

a reversed dick wound isn't a vagingin nigga
yes especially guys because they're retarded, girls later on because they're told to. Sex is only very good with a person you love, although it's fun at first with whoever, then it's just eh without love but still kinda nice.

>> No.13472879

what exactly do you mean by love
attraction to someone else?
attachment and connection you form with a long term partner?
that term is driven to become convoluted and meaningless these days

>> No.13472881

I gave up trying. don't ask me. I've been turned down for every bj I asked for so two can play at that game.

>> No.13472884

only I've never had sex with a person I truly love, haha. I've only ever loved one guy and one girl. Both too far away now but I meet them in my dreams so it's alright.

>> No.13472890

The high you get from infatuation.

Nigga I just pulled out my tampon and sniffed it, I ain't no tranny.

>> No.13472893

>Nigga I just pulled out my tampon and sniffed it

>> No.13472894

it smells good man

>> No.13472900

use tampons? yes. its for that bloody time of the month.

>> No.13472902

>The high you get from infatuation.
im obviously not experienced in these matters, but shouldn't that "high" be an integral part of the experience of sexual relationship (a psychological aspect of it)

>> No.13472905

Your bleeding infection doesn't make your dick wound a real vagina, Zinnia.

>> No.13472909

yes, I'm curious. Because Europeans don't. We use pads.

>> No.13472913

You can have sex without the emotional high, it just sucks because you're basically using the other person as a dildo/onahole.

>> No.13472915

i live in central europe and ive known girls who use tampons

>> No.13472918

>Europeons use glorified diapers

why am I not surprised

>> No.13472919

when i was in the psych hospital girls would stick contraband suckers up their snatches. fyi

>> No.13472921

no, you're wrong.

>> No.13472926

suckers as in, lollipops? did they get yeast infections? you're not supposed to stick candy up there

>> No.13472932

doesn't entering sexual relationships where you can't find sexual satisfaction (in psychological and emotional aspect) defeat their very purpose

>> No.13472934

gagagoogoo, gagagoogoo :3

>> No.13472938

Apparently not, people do it. Real dicks and vaginas can do things that dildos and onaholes can't so I guess it makes sense. And some guys do it for the bragging rights..

>> No.13472940
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they were in the wrapper. everyone bought them. most mentally ill people are smokers and they wouldn't let you smoke there.

>> No.13472953

pretty sad world where number of sexual partners is considered notable

>> No.13472962

my ex roommate is a sex addict and serial cheater. he is literally fucked in the head. ive seen him have a psychotic break being confronted by it by his then gf, he was trying to explain how nothing is real anyways. and crying. he wants to be good but cant help himself. he was a philosophy/mathematics major. he doesnt brag about it. its like his alter ego.

>> No.13472972

pretty uuuh, nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga twerk that booty hoe, capital, ca-...pi....taaaaal. sad world, and I think to myself what a capital world. Annihilation, Annihilation, Annihilation. Futa is not gay, it is based. Tulpas, celebrities are only tulpas, celebrities are tulpas, Historical collective figurines are tulpas.

>> No.13472982

my brother looks at futa and he's straight. I don't understand it. is he afraid of the flaps? haha

>> No.13472994

Very quickly.

>> No.13472996

futa isn't straight, I'd call it bi-strong female preference

>> No.13473042

fuck lgbtq propaganda. my brother would never have anything to do with another man. he just likes chicks with dicks drawn by ching chong artists across the great broad Pacific. he's a nice shy virgin at 36 and probably fucked in the head, but he's not bi.

>> No.13473063

It's ok if you close your eyes and imagine a sexier scenario than the one you're in.

>> No.13473077

im sorry, im having a hard time imagining myself as someone who has sex for pleasure, so intricacies of it elude me

>> No.13473085

What do you masturbate to?

>> No.13473089

blablabla, futa is a little bit gay

>> No.13473094

How quickly? Do guys ever cum in their pants just from being fondled?

>> No.13473103

i used to masturbate to amateur videos of girls and young women masturbating and their facial expressions
i fortunately dropped that awful habit

>> No.13473113

So that's probably what you'd imagine during casual sex. A cute girl saying I love you and having an orgasm around your cock.

>> No.13473123

>A cute girl saying I love you and having an orgasm around your cock.
lol why would i have to imagine that, isnt that what literally happens in front of you during the act

>> No.13473128

Not if you're fucking Bertha the fat school janitor who smells like cigarettes and is only fucking you to get back at her husband.

>> No.13473134
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Give me ONE (1) rational and logical argument as to why male virginity is bad

>> No.13473136

It's not. It's hot.

>> No.13473139

that seems like an action of an immature or unstable person who in his desperation for sexual release and lack of self control is unable to see that in order for sex to work as a pleasure attaining device there needs to be a psychological/emotional component to it

>> No.13473157

There is if an emotional component if you imagine an emotional scenario and ignore reality.

>> No.13473161

to add to my thought:
doesnt then replacing a lack of sufficient psychological/emotional component with imagination equate to a masturbatory (in a sensory way) experience

>> No.13473187

No, because dildos aren't warm and can't cum and onaholes don't squeeze your dick like a real vagina could. They also don't smell like the real deal.

>> No.13473200

And sex toys can't whisper naughty things in your ears.

>> No.13473205

N-no, of course not. That would be pretty pathetic wouldn't it? haha...

>> No.13473210

wouldnt that fall under the talos principle
if you dont have the sufficient emotional and psychological aspect, physical characteristic of it (like temperature, smell movement or any other kind of sensory experience) could be replicated by a machine

if you ask my personal opinion i would say you are in this hypothetical situation trying to attain that emotional and psychological aspect even though you claim its absence

>> No.13473219

Yes absolutely. So do women, btw.

>> No.13473253

They could be replicated by a machine, but such machines don't exist. If they do, they must be hugely expensive. It's much cheaper to fuck Ricardo the pizza delivery boy than to buy a fuckotron 2000. Yes, in this hypothetical situation, the sex havers would be trying to attain the emotional aspect, just not quite with each other.

It is worth noting that sexual emotions don't come only from infatuation. Some people also get a rush from doing certain (usually taboo) things.

>> No.13473270

write what you know

>> No.13473273

I wouldn't describe it.

>> No.13473282

>using people as living dildos
thats actually disgusting beyond description

>> No.13473285

Please describe the sensation of cumming in your pants and the amount of cum produced.

>> No.13473450

Males can't have virginity they don't have a hymen.

>> No.13473458

don't bother, you'll never be able to write male characters