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File: 88 KB, 768x732, WHITE PEOPLE need to integrate in their own countries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13468697 No.13468697[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

are there any books disproving white displacement/democide?

>> No.13468720

People in advanced societies don't have as many kids. There is nothing wrong with demographics changing over time, it's inevitable to history

>> No.13468724

That's like a third of the whole story

>> No.13468725

>mfw the founder of Vice is an unironic alt-righter while Vice turned into SJW neolib shit
weird timeline we live in

>> No.13468735

>there's nothing wrong with disease, it's inevitable

>> No.13468736

The demographic change just comes out of thin air or something. Weird.

>> No.13468738

before the end of all this there will be massive bloodshed of the people responsible. if you look at history they are massacred over and over again, it will happen again, there is no reason to think reality has changed such that it wouldn't

>> No.13468739

The people who say this are the same people who will turn around and condemn colonialism. It's just an excuse because their politics are fundamentally anti-white. Progressives say whatever it is they need to say, lie however they need to lie, to advance their agenda.

>> No.13468744


>> No.13468755

Is this all a manifestation of (((their))) agenda though or does it boil down to something greater? Who started this anti-white garbage? Whites are by magnitudes the most productive...
A white man or even a jew will make us immortal someday if allowed to.
Why not segregate brilliance from shit?

>> No.13468756
File: 87 KB, 600x630, tomoyo162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never live in a peaceful, homogeneous white country

>> No.13468758

There is absolutely nothing wrong with just enslaving niggers and castrating faggots like you either, totally inevitable to history hasn't it been. genocide tends to be pretty inevitable too, I really really hope you belong to a race that will be genocided in the future, according to the 'inevitable' pull of history.

>> No.13468764

There is nothing wrong with changing demography for history, there is everything wrong for the losing demographic

>> No.13468767

In fact would you look at this!

If enough inevitable demographic changing happens involving Libyans coming into white countries, we might encounter a beautiful coincidence of progressive immigration policy and niggers being enslaved all according to the righteous inevitability of history.

>> No.13468775
File: 507 KB, 839x1200, hernando-cortez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People in primitive societies don't have enough technology. There is nothing wrong with demographics changing over time, it's inevitable to history.

>> No.13468860
File: 59 KB, 350x960, 1532985157360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is nothing wrong with demographics changing over time, it's inevitable to history

>> No.13468883

I don't think immigration is comparable to a state invading and occupating a land

>> No.13468894


>the reddit mindset

>> No.13468904

Why do you even care? You're not going to be around when everybody becomes mixed race.

>> No.13468907

Immigration just comes out of thin air! It's not something that is organized and facilitated by governments!

>> No.13468914


>> No.13468915


>people in advanced societies don't have as many kids
>earth's population is at an all time high and still growing despite the overall level of advancement also being higher than ever before

>> No.13468917

Yeah states generally have borders and a set of criteria about how to enter. If you meet those criteria you can come. Nothing nefarious about it.

>> No.13468922

>heh nothing matters bro
>that's why I spend my life downvoting
reddit nihilism is ebola.

>> No.13468921

Is this the poltards version of statistics? You know that the majority of the world is still comparatively undeveloped and thus has a high birth rate? Birth rates are going down everywhere though, even Africa.

>> No.13468924

You're right, though. I don't plan on having children ( inb4 you couldn't have any even if u wanted 2 lul ), so I don't really have any stakes in this game. If the world goes to shit, I can't help but laugh as it comes tumbling down.

>> No.13468926

ASS communists need an iron curtain.

>> No.13468928


Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?

>> No.13468929

Laws just materialize! They aren't created by politicians (and their owners) and enforced (or not) in specific ways in order to encourage certain behavior!

>> No.13468937

Why will it go to shit? High IQ people will still marry high IQ people, people will still work and live life, everything will be kushty. There'll be a few bumbling racists in the background crying because everyone's skin colour is diluted, but nobody will pay attention to them.

>> No.13468940
File: 138 KB, 600x400, HH-party7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the author of that article. she also writes in the guardian. she is as much of a stereotype as you would expect.

wait until you see what china is doing in africa

>> No.13468944


Compared to what though?
What we consider undeveloped countries now are still far more developed relative to countries as they were in the past
When new technology is brought into the world it raises the level of advancement everywhere
Virtually every country on earth is as advanced as it's ever been and also it just makes no sense that an increase in comfort, convenience and free time would lead to lower birth rates

>> No.13468947

>being literally fucked out of your homeland is good for you, goyim

>> No.13468950

Poor people generally have higher birthrates than rich people. Whether this is because poor people have nothing to do with their free time or if they're just more promiscuous I don't know. It's a fact though; you can look at any developed country and it'll show the same trend.

>> No.13468955

How are you being fucked out? I don't advocate you to be forced to marry and fuck nonwhites. You can still have white babies. You can still exist in the country. All that will change is that people might not look exactly like you.

>> No.13468961

Why don't you stop playing dumb? Having a 1:5 white:foreign birthrate doesn't bode well for our future in our homelands.

>> No.13468963


okay but this is a completely different thing from saying "People in advanced societies don't have as many kids"
Poor and rich people have pretty much always existed and that's got nothing to do with the level of societal advancement

>> No.13468968

Muslims are 5% of the population in Britain. If being a minority necessarily entails being genocided then why haven't the Muslims been genocided?

>> No.13468972

In developed countries even poor people have comparatively low birth rates to people in undeveloped countries. This is a well known trend. Even as African countries develop they are starting to lower their birth rates

>> No.13468975

You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?

>> No.13468981

Genuinely curious as to what your thought process is. You said that whites will be genocided if we become 20% of the population; I'm wondering why the Muslims, 5% of Britains population, aren't being genocided.

>> No.13468987

Antisemites are mentally ill.

>> No.13468988


You have to realize that this is completely a short term phenomenon though
When taking a full broad perspective of human history the population has exploded as advancements have been made
Even the largest cities in the ancient world barely even had a million people now they have ten times as many

>> No.13469001

Non white kids are almost outnumbering white kids in large UK cities. British population isn't being genocided in an obvious way, it's been bred out by foreigners. The average age of Brits is quite old

>> No.13469006

> whites will be genocided if we become 20% of the population

That's the way things go when a feminized, decadent society clashes with a strong, patriarchal one. The weak are culled by the strong.

>I'm wondering why the Muslims, 5% of Britains population, aren't being genocided.

What I said just now. Mass deportation to home countries whenever possible, and extreme strictness when it comes to immigration is the way to go, of course.

>> No.13469007

I don't know about the birth rates in antiquity, not sure anyone knows. Either way the development these days is quantitatively different than the development we had in those days. Now we have access to birth control, abortion, education, there is a high financial burden involved with raising children, religious structures are dropping, women want to pursue careers and do something with their life instead of being a baby making machine. A lot of cultural and socioeconomic factors are at play here that wouldn't be at play in a developed country in antiquity.

>> No.13469011

>there's nothing wrong with an artificially created degradation manufactured by an infiltrated group from the outside
fuck off

>> No.13469029

You realise that it's going to take hundreds, maybe thousands, of years before whites become 20% of the population. It's stupid to project our notions of masculinity and strength and patriarchy that far into the future. It's also stupid to assume that Muslim populations living in the west will a) have children at the same rate they're having them now and b) have the same culture as they have now. Just look at how quick culture changed in the west from the 1950s till today. Imagine how different it'll be in a thousand years.
Also reject your notion that not being racist means being feminised and weak. It's honestly such a bore to see the far right try to co-opt masculinity.

>> No.13469035

20% of the population in Europe/Britain *

>> No.13469040

>You realise that it's going to take hundreds, maybe thousands, of years before whites become 20% of the population.
Not that anon but it doesn't seem far-fetched at all. 20% of the population where? The number of white people will plummet drastically when all the boomers die.

>> No.13469041

>It's honestly such a bore to see the far right try to co-opt masculinity.
The "far-right" doesn't even need to do that, since the left has been putting great effort into ditching and demonizing masculinity anyway.

>> No.13469042

So you will even lay down on the guillotine by your own volition. Can't say I'll ever be able to understand you.

Remember what did the Western Roman Empire in?

>> No.13469060

The left criticises the toxic aspects of masculinity while the far right uses them to gain more followers. It's easy to see everything as an attack when you're unable to see nuance.

>> No.13469066

men bad women good

>> No.13469071

I'm not laying down on any guillotine if I bought into the view you propound that Muslims will genocide all whites in 1000 years then I would also be a Nazi like you. It makes no difference to me if a white person wants to fuck a black person. I don't give a shit if I see mixed race kids running around. It causes no harm to me whatsoever. Not everyone is racist.

>> No.13469072

there is no such thing as "toxic masculinity", it's literally a what you'd call conspiracy theory.

>> No.13469075

Which aspects of masculinity are "toxic"? Might as well define "toxic" while you're at it

>> No.13469077

>It's also stupid to assume that Muslim populations living in the west will a) have children at the same rate they're having them now
this statement might make sense if there weren't more muslims showing up on a daily basis
muslims in muslim countries are encouraged to have more children. in countries like malaysia, indonesia people have "stepladder families", you see parents with four or five kids evenly spaced in age. everything is given to them by their muslim governments (at the expense of non-muslims- jizya by another name) so they go to study in europe, australia and stay there. people are becoming more mobile- 60-70 years ago people mainly stayed in the same area most of their lives, now people travel around the world to find work. so basically the results is that there are generations of people in shitty countries who in a generation or less will be showing up in formerly nice countries expecting everything and disregarding the remaining locals

>> No.13469078


>> No.13469082

I don't know if this post is a joke or not. It's not a conspiracy theory. Nobody believes that men are conspiring to be toxic. Toxic masculinity simply refers to the worse aspects of masculinity such as hyperaggression and impulsivity and misogyny. There are also toxic aspects of femininity believe it or not.

>> No.13469087

Why can't women do anything wrong according to the left, then?

>> No.13469092

>Toxic masculinity simply refers to the worse aspects of masculinity such as hyperaggression and impulsivity and misogyny.
Misandrist canard, just like "rape culture"

>> No.13469099
File: 143 KB, 835x1024, 1542084160888m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13469105

This sounds fake, like that elders of Zion shit.

>> No.13469107

Every man I've met who complained about toxic masculinity was a complete bitch and completely incapable of being impulsive or aggressive. You need to grow a sack.

>> No.13469112

>maybe thousands, of years before whites become 20% of the population

>> No.13469122

I don't think being critical of some aspects of masculinity means you hate men. If you don't think there's any problem with the way masculinity presents itself in our culture then I don't know what to tell you. I can speak first hand as someone who grew up in a very masculine area that this faux-stoicism and hyper-competitiveness took a hard toll on me. I was arrested many times as a teenager for getting into fights and causing mischief. Not because I'm a particularly aggressive person or anything. I just felt that it was my role as a man to act the coolest and be the most dominant and attract the most girls etc.

And it's not like I withhold criticism of femininity. There are some very toxic aspects of femininity also. That doesn't mean I hate women though.

>> No.13469124
File: 203 KB, 720x660, 1542132816378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>protocols of zion

>> No.13469146

That's all well and good but when men make up 90% of the violent crimes and men who need help refuse to seek it because they've been told that being a man means always being independent and male low-skilled workers are seen as failures whereas females are given a pass then you have to wonder whether there's not something wrong with the social construct of masculinity/femininity.

>> No.13469153

>white people need to learn how to integrate into the invading cultures
holy fuck how does this person not realize that they're pure evil?

>> No.13469164

You have a point but you also know damn well that that's not what people mean when they say "Toxic Masculinity". 99% of the time it refers to a sexually undesirable male acting with any kind of agency, vigor, or force.

>> No.13469167

McInnes isn't alt right. He's a CivNat

>> No.13469168


>> No.13469171
File: 103 KB, 1024x652, Hiccup Toothless and family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do movie adaptations count?

>> No.13469175

A.K.A. competent and sane

>> No.13469181
File: 77 KB, 1000x667, Stewart_Lee_WELLSCOMFEST_03_CREDIT_PAUL_GILBEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloody Poles, coming over here, being all Polish and mending everything.
Coming over here, fixing all the stuff we've broken and are too illiterate to read the instructions for.
Doing it better than us in a second language.
Bloody Poles.
Coming over here.
When I was a kid.
40, 45 years ago, it was the Indians, weren't it? Bloody Indians, Pakistanis and Indians, coming over here, inventing us a national cuisine.
Before that, in the 16th century, it was bloody Huguenots, weren't it? Bloody Huguenots.
Coming over here from medieval France.
Bloody French.
Religious heretics coming over here, doubting transubstantiation.
Bloody French Huguenots coming over here questioning the Eucharistic symbolism with their famed ability to weave little jerkins out of lace.
We don't want your lace here.
We've got corduroy.
My name's Paul Nuttalls of UKIPs and I say we need to ensure the brightest and best Huguenots stay in medieval France and concentrate on revising its relationship with the Eucharistic tradition, instead of coming over here to the UK and teaching us to make hats out of lace.
And before then, in the 5th century, was the Anglo-Saxons, weren't it? Bloody Anglo-Saxons, coming over here, from Northern Continental Europe.
Bloody Anglo-Saxons with their inlay jewellery and their shit burial traditions, and their miserable epic poetry.
To come over here, Anglo-Saxons, learn to speak the fucking language.
My name's Paul Nuttall from UKIP and I say we need to ensure the brightest and best Anglo-Saxons stay in 5th century Northern Continental Europe instead of coming over here to the UK and laying down the basis of our entire future language and culture.
And before them, 2000BC, 4,000 years ago, was the Beaker folk, weren't it? Bloody Beaker folk.
The Beaker folk.
Coming over here, rowing up the Tagus Estuary from the Iberian Peninsula in improvised rafts.
The bloody Beaker folk, coming over here with their beakers.
With their drinking vessels.
What's wrong with just cupping up the water in your hands? And licking it up like a cat? My name's Paul Nuttall of UKIP and I say we need to ensure the brightest and best Beaker folk stay in the Iberian Peninsula and fill it with beakers instead of coming over here to the UK and teaching us to drink liquid out of cups.
And before them, 4500 BC, 6,500 years ago, the Neolithic people, weren't it? Bloody Neolithic people, coming over here from Continental Mediterranean.
Neolithic people.
Coming over here with their pictograms, and their primitive wheat farming innovations, and their astrological stone circle temples with all the rocks aligned with the movements of the planets.
What's wrong with just worshipping a tree? My name's Paul Nuttall of UKIPs and I say we need to ensure the brightest and best Neolithic people stay in Mediterranean Continent instead of coming over here to the UK and teaching us to make and eat bread.

>> No.13469183

I would take violence and abandonment any day of the week over whatever grotesque solution you people might offer. I know for a fact that the sexless academics that dreamed up this bullshit have no idea how to help anyone and that I would be better off doing the opposite of everything they say simply because of how wrong they always are.

But please, tell me how you would solve the problem of toxic masculinity.

>> No.13469185

>There are also toxic aspects of femininity believe it or not.
Have sex

>> No.13469191
File: 808 KB, 960x1275, Angela_Merkel_Juli_2010_-_3zu4_(cropped_2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah states generally have borders and a set of criteria about how to enter
looks like somebody forgot to tell merkel!