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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 50 KB, 640x540, C8B71D9A-A08E-48AB-8628-80DD7CA5424E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13468152 No.13468152[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any good books on the morality around murder?

>> No.13468159

Glad to see 'nother dead hunk of meat.

>> No.13468162

I'm going to guess she's not going to make it.

>> No.13468163

what is this image

>> No.13468164

Is that Discord?

>> No.13468167

Who is this? What’s the story here?

>> No.13468172

This shit looks like it could be a really good thing to center the plot of a novel around. Like some complete incel going about his life pining for an e-girl for like the whole plot. We watch him stalk her Instagram and shit and then as he falls to the depths of his most pathetic yearning for her this shit shows up in his discord server or something. I'd read it.

>> No.13468176

That's literally Sabato's The Tunnel but in the information era.

>> No.13468180

>where did you get that image from
Why are betas so fucking stupid?

>> No.13468181

Is there a back story behind this image? Who is this?

>> No.13468187

Might have to check that out then. Sounds like a good story. I think certain stories with identifiable stock characters and plots like that wouldn't be hurt by being rewritten every few decades to let a new generation kind of easily experience them without having to think too hard.

>> No.13468188

the bible

>> No.13468197

is this another incel rage that got out of hand and spilled over into the real world?

>> No.13468200


>> No.13468202

The funniest thing about this, to me, is that even getting laid frequently doesn't alleviate this kind of stuff. It's rare that I go more than a week without a lay, and I'm talking to a very sweet girl right now that I like quite a lot. But I still fucking hate women and I'm always happy to see them get blown the fuck out like this.

>> No.13468203

>Bianca Devins (https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/43262492/#q43262492))
murdered yesterday by Brandon Clark (https://www.instagram.com/yesjuliet/).).

>> No.13468205

RIP, this is sad. The guy who did it looks like someone I would've bullied in middle school. And even though she was an e-girl, she didn't deserve this. I'm glad this makes me sad though. Reminds me that I'm not totally dead inside. May God bless her soul.

>> No.13468206
File: 58 KB, 1229x1160, lQGT6xM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr of OP pic is it's some e-girl from /soc/ named Oxy who some r9k fag killed because she didn't want him

This is what happens when you spend your life in 4chan discord servers instead of reading the word of God

>> No.13468207

Some unironically deserve it, particularly the promiscuous ones.

>> No.13468208

WTF, you can buy as much bath water as you want but don't go around murdering people.

>> No.13468209

Sometimes I think /lit/ is shit I'm reminded the average 4channer is either a tranny who sits in discord or an orbiter from r9k
They could all use some stoicism desu
/lit/ unironically the only enlightened board

>> No.13468211

Cringe, kys my man. You are dead inside.

>> No.13468212
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>This is what happens when you spend your life in 4chan discord servers instead of reading the word of God

Unironically this. Some day a real rain will come.

>> No.13468213

No, they don't anon, they deserve the loving grace of god. Stop being edgy and repent now. Start by asking forgiveness for this rude post of yours.

>> No.13468215

whats /soc/ for?

>> No.13468219

Subhuman filth

>> No.13468220


>> No.13468223

here's the killer
supposedly there's video

>> No.13468224

Both of you need to find the fucking light. Sick losers.

>> No.13468225

>christians exploit anything to make it about them
Arrogant evil fucks
Not even some compassion towards the victim, just callous fear mongering

>> No.13468227

Oh shame!
Lovelorn eyes
Gently used cheeks,
Not yet weary of this plane
Ivory angus bleached so soft
Yet endearingly plain
For Chad, he seeks
To exorcise
A little flame

>> No.13468229

Okay, grandpa. I repent. Why are some women such whores then? What's their excuse?

>> No.13468231

>makes it about christfags
>why do christfags make everything about themselves ree

get a grip you demented fucking faggot

>> No.13468233

the video's all over his tagged pics. Don't have the guts to watch desu

>> No.13468234

Writing poems like this will have the metaphysical consequence of you losing all poetic gift at all. Abusing gifts is sin.

>> No.13468235

Belle Delphine died today. Or maybe yesterday.
Have sex.

>> No.13468236

looks like a pathetic cringy emo wigger. hope he rots in jail and/or in hell.

>> No.13468238

sometimes I wonder if it's for the best that this site gets shut down. it's ruined so many lives.

>> No.13468239

>This is what happens when you spend your life in 4chan discord servers instead of reading the word of God
>not turning this into some lame attempt at proselytism

>> No.13468244

Women are like children. All the faults of women are to be blamed ultimately on men. When men strayed from the path, women followed suit and strayed as well. You hate women? But tell me, what sort of man are you? Are you such as can judge? Are you not infected similarly with decadence and degeneration? If you've watched porn in the last month, don't judge women.

>> No.13468245

The original sin that has passed to all of us through Adam and Eve. All of us have the potential to do way more evil than to be merely a whore. All of us are weak in some spot; some of us gamble too much, some of us eat too much, and some of us are sodomites, like most e-girls. The point is not to hate them, it does not make sense to hate an animal for his weak nature. You do not hate an ant for not withstanding your blow. It's all about trying to change them, understand them, and giving them love, and help their weak damp little soul to see a glimpse of light and repent.
Repent now, anon.

>> No.13468247

There is no video, i looked through a bunch of the pics, sadly

>> No.13468249


get the fuck off the internet and get help

>> No.13468250

nothing wrong with the site. it's just certain people that use it. if it didn't exist they'd go elsewhere and the same shit would happen. based on this >>13468203 she was more fucked than him. 4chan had nothing to do with either, these people would be the same regardless, just through different platforms.

>> No.13468254

Sin is a spook. I'm a business major.
Any poetry written after the 1960's is for fags and making fun of people.

>> No.13468255


bruh did you see the faggot that did it? 5'8 max, long hair, emo, looks like he still listens to bring me the horizon, looks gay, basically a meme from the early 2000s, not chad at all, an incel fag

>> No.13468256

proves that working out doesn't solve everything

>> No.13468257

based. fuck /soc/ucks

>> No.13468259

Why do I need to get help?
I just think its in poor taste to use this for 4chan cath larping
Nothing in that anon's post indicated he cared about the girl, it was just "hehe this is what you get for not worshipping who i worship hehe"

>> No.13468263
File: 47 KB, 650x773, 1468959619880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She, too, was God's child. RIP.

>> No.13468265

boo hoo, the CIA ruins more lives on a daily basis and they're in charge of leddit

>> No.13468267

shut the fuck up already you fucking dweeb

>> No.13468269

>10/06/1997 - 7/14/19
>Just know that I feel no pain now.
looks like he killed himself

>> No.13468270

>it's ruined so many lives.
Like what?
Certainly the lives ruined by 4chan is negligible to what Facebook and co. have caused...

>> No.13468272

ahh gotcha. I think this might be the video but I don't want to click on it

>> No.13468273
File: 47 KB, 805x638, 1558489585132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This woman tempted fate by prostituting herself to idiots online.The Lord struck her down. Now she's burning in hell for all eternity. Let this be a lesson to all heretics and sinners a like. Repent now or you day will come.

>> No.13468274

And yet, he committed the ultimate act of cucking against the incels and betas that pined for her attention. Chad is many things, but most tellingly He is the father figure of an Oedipal-like parasocial relationship between the orbiter and the e-girl. By ultimately denying any man from getting the puss puss, he forcibly inserted himself into the archetypal role of the Chad. Doubly so if he consensually smashed beforehand.

>> No.13468275

unbased, not cool and not christian

>> No.13468276
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>> No.13468277

I won't shutup, I'm free to post what I like.
All I've done is called out a christcuck. You've called people ITT calling the shit based and saying fuck "/soc/cucks" etc
And I'm the bad guy for calling out lazy proselytism? Go fuck yourself sociopath

>> No.13468279

Have sex.

>> No.13468281

stfu and get help

>> No.13468283
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>> No.13468284

It is Christian.
She died in a state of mortal sin, she now suffers in torment forever.
God bless.

>> No.13468285

I pray one day you will wake up and see the path to salvation. God be with you anon

>> No.13468287

Not everything is about you.

>> No.13468288
File: 36 KB, 400x300, rip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thot gets patrolled
press F to pay respects

>> No.13468289

it was her ex-boyfriend, though.
he didn't, the police found him moribund

>> No.13468290
File: 143 KB, 640x628, oh....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love thy enemy, no?

I don't agree with love thy enemy, but wew.

>> No.13468291

these are the types of people you share /lit/ with

you first

>> No.13468292

>state of mortal sin
her's isnt of the same culpability as a christian, so we cannot know, but it doesn't look good for her

>> No.13468295
File: 84 KB, 1007x552, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm thinking she deserved to die fellas.

>> No.13468298

its 2 seconds long... and it only shows a car and some people. there is no video i think people are just clickbaiting

>> No.13468299

If you die in a state of mortal sin you go to hell forever. She deserves it. The pain of her murder will pale in comparison to the eternal pains and horrors of hell.
Let that be a lesson to all of you. God loves us.

>> No.13468300

Anon, that's not based, not christian, and not redpilled. God does not work that way, you only need a look at the horrible, horrible crime commited in OP's pic and think to yourself: was this the god's work? Was this the infinitely good and love himself, the one behind this? I will not even present theological arguments to support the obvious reason that is not the work of god, i'm merely trying to make you see that even in human logic, one can only conclude that it's the work of satan, stealer of souls.
Repent now.

>> No.13468301

I don't need help. I've got pretty girls to fuck. I'm being doing things the honest way by being nice and charming to them.
And being tall and handsome and emotionally intelligent. It's not my fault that guy took a shortcut to get to the end of the game. It's not my fault he ruined the object of other men's desires. Like it or not he took what he wanted. And now you and the other orbiters can't have it.

>> No.13468303

People really think being a degenerate is a skill or a talent. It’s not. You need to seek help

>> No.13468305

Blame her parents, blame our fucked up society. And wherever you see the women fail as women, BLAME THE MEN. Women are in a perpetual childlike state. Men are responsible for their fuck ups like a parent is responsible for its children.

>> No.13468306

yeah just realized according to >>13468276
>>13468283 there really isn't a video

>> No.13468307

>Browsed 4chan at the age of 12/13
She never had a chance, for have mercy with her soul.

>> No.13468308

I've been fucking! And I still am! So go on! Your move!

>> No.13468310

>poetic gift


>> No.13468311

>gets molested by her dad permanently damaging her
>she deserves it when incelfag stabs her neck

kys and get help

>> No.13468312
File: 53 KB, 600x600, 1551656605588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at first she was all like "teehee i can do whatever i want im a girl and im in in control"
and now she's all like "aaaaahhhhhhhhh noooo it hurts please god im sorry for being a whore ahhhhhhh make it stop"

>> No.13468313

All is as God planned
Mysterious ways anon :)
When a roastie gets murdered, it's what God wants
Is God powerless to "satan"?

>> No.13468314

So says the book written by man (humankind). No one truly knows, but yes. They will both pay, I'm sure. You sound like a psychopath, though. Just saying.

>> No.13468315

Nice “poem” tryhard

>> No.13468316

honestly kill yourself my man

>> No.13468317

It's the laziest position, every one have retarded thoughts but they either keep to themselves or try to stop them. These retards think that calling her a whore and saying "based" to an obvious tragedy is le edgy, cool, and a 4channer thing to do haha. Fuck, /lit/ is usually better than this, it's by far the board with the best souls of this site i'd say, it's sad that it will get lumped together with the rest of 4chin when the day of the rope for incels comes through.

>> No.13468318

So >>13468207 was right. Fucking whores, man.

>> No.13468319

That's what I thought too.
"Did this fucking christcuck just accidentally imply I had a gift for poetry?"

>> No.13468322

summer /lit/ is hot trash and attracts all these tryhard zoomer dudebros

>> No.13468323

you sound pleasant to be around..

>> No.13468324

Look at this little cemetery, outside the Spanish village... they wake up when they see blood and eagerly unveil their various degenerated faces

>> No.13468326

imagine being this lame

>> No.13468325
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>> No.13468327

>sorry fuckers, you're going to have to find someone else to orbit

He said "sorry" does that mean he showed remorse and will get a lesser sentence?

>> No.13468328

incels are worse than ISIS

>> No.13468329

>nobody recommended op books

>> No.13468330

lmao you cunts get so fucking touched by random women you'll never meet

>> No.13468332
File: 835 KB, 540x960, 1563165801787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morbid prophecy.

>> No.13468333

Thx it took me like three whole minutes.
No u :^]

>> No.13468334

judging from this thread about 50% of /lit/ is redeemable and makes the board a decent place sometimes. the other 50% are subhuman filth, (hoping this isn't their homeboard though because it looks bad)

>> No.13468335

>best souls of this site
you only say that because they're part of your christcuck gang

>> No.13468336
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>> No.13468337
File: 228 KB, 700x483, pathtic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol reee I'll show her what a man I am by cutting her throat open like a christmas present

>> No.13468338

at least she's honest. he comes off as a total fag crying wah wah wah about a girl on a discord lmao

>> No.13468341

Most entertaining thread on /lit/ in a while.

>> No.13468343

wtf I hate honesty now?

>> No.13468344

Yea you obviously have a gift for being cringey af lmao

>> No.13468345

go post a dawkins thread about it already bitch