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/lit/ - Literature

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13464349 No.13464349 [Reply] [Original]

This kraut fuck singlehandledly ushered globalism into aristocratic esteem. “Weltsmensch” my ass, Goethe’s life marked the beginning of the degeneration of Wetsern tradition, prove me wrong

>> No.13464360

Go back to /pol/, brainlet.

>> No.13464364

I think calculus did or the scholastics using Aristotle instead of Plato

>> No.13464389

He has an autistic tsundere german obsession so it's more likely that he's from /his/.

>> No.13464571
File: 48 KB, 344x583, Wolfgang_Menzel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Goethe we recognize the pure opposite of Lessing: as Lessing emancipated the German spirit, so Goethe subjected it to foreign influence with pandemic ardor, and as Lessing with all the power and grace of his masculinity opposed sentimentality, so did Goethe pay homage to the feminine relaxation of the era and, through his sweet speech, merged it with the minds of the readers, and with all the lush, soft, and cowardly, through sentimentality, and all the false, wrong, and foolish things which penetrated into German literature through the imitation of the foreigner, Goethe did the only good thing he had in this bad tendency, and by which he gained so much power, his form, the talent of language, depiction, and style.

t. Wolfgang Menzel

>> No.13464572

Goethe’s “globalism” if you could even call it that has nothing to do with ththe modern conception. Perhaps read more than just two lines from him and you’ll see that in literally everything he’s written he’s European to the core. Also other than in his early period Goethe was honestly seen as more of a literary outsider that always did his own thing as a truly original artist should and did hardly influence the mainstream conceptions of society at all other than with Werther. He is a poetic giant, the last of them honestly to be even mentioned in the same sentence as Dante or Shakespeare, but you give him too much credit for causing a downfall of everything, perhaps it would do you good to stop seeing conspiracy everywhere and just read

>> No.13464583

>he’s European to the core
whats the best european translation of faust?

>> No.13464612

western tradition is a bunch of christniggery, cuckoldry, faggotry and pointless wars that resulted in nothing but purge after purge of hundreds of millions

western tradition DESERVES to die