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13463336 No.13463336[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>hate the upper classes and the rich
>hate the working class
>hate corporations
>hate multiculturalism
>hate /pol/tards
Where do I belong politically? Any books that reflect this mentality

>> No.13463343

That's called not being retarded.

>> No.13463348

Center right boomer

>> No.13463374

Aren't the centre right indifferent to multiculturalism and quite like corporations and the upper classes?

I'm watching a programme about the French aristocracy atm and I'm struck by an overwhelming desire to go back in time and hang these disgusting hypocritical degenerates. I've been falling for the trad/reactionary meme lately but if this is the shit they want to go back to they're blind and mad.

>> No.13463395

Lower middle-class boomer dad who has a small joinery business and likes to complain about rich people, corporations, and minorities

>> No.13463404

You are a centrist and therefore intelligent. We must defend our middle class interests, our way of life from the upper classes who want to vaporize us. There has to be a way to knock the upper class down a peg or twenty without resorting to communism.

>> No.13463406

What's the ideology though

>> No.13463408


>> No.13463422

bourgeois socialism

>> No.13463468


>> No.13463482

Just become a fascist or an apolitical psychopath.

>> No.13463486

How would one prevent the leaders of the party in a fascist state turning into pseudo-aristocrats?

>> No.13463489

Leaders have to be sterilized and can only be recruited from a genepool of artificially grown ubermenschen. The successors are chosen by a council, similar to in the catholic Church.

>> No.13463491

Grow up and stop treating politics like a sports game.

>> No.13463506

Paleocon traditionalist.

>> No.13463511

You sound like a faggot.

>> No.13463532

based and Platopilled

>> No.13463590

Neoliberal populist, someone who shouldn't be considered part of the human race.

>> No.13463591

>hates corporations

>> No.13463594

Why would you want to do that?
You just have to properly cull the Aristocracy.

>> No.13463598

EVERYONE who isn't part of the 1% hates corporations.

>> No.13463599


>> No.13463604

Prove it

>> No.13463623


>> No.13463636

Proof is impossible outside of mathematics.
To see my claim demonstrated ask a random person of some political persuasion what he thinks of some corporations...

>> No.13463642

You're a bomb thrower like Celine.

>> No.13463651

I just did. He said he likes them

>> No.13463658

What political persuasion does he have?

>> No.13463689


>> No.13463697

Ask him about Google and it's policies concerning YouTube, specifically the censorship.

>> No.13463700


>> No.13463707

>I've been falling for the trad/reactionary meme lately but if this is the shit they want to go back to they're blind and mad.
Yes, essentially trad people are as uneducated about their social realities of their dream era as the liberals are about the underpinnings of their progressive system. Aristorats in the past were mostly retarded, with a sizable proportion of exceptions, not unlike the corporate masters of today.

Nowhere, you're stuck in rageful solipsism, or perhaps in a lazy intellectual nihilism. Most of us here are the same.

Political action requires faith about the possibility to cooperate with people, even if tha cooperation is predicated on a cynical understanding of human relationship.

>> No.13463712

So suddenly corporations are bad?
Unless he is in favor of Orwellianism, but I doubt that.

>> No.13463714

Corporations funnel money into the economy and provide jobs. Google has done this too. Censorship is not a big deal within private companies, that is their prerogative

>> No.13463722

Ask yourself why you hate them first.

There's a huge difference between, say, hating the upper classes and believing in some circulation of elites-type replacement of them by a new upper class with better values, and between hating the upper classes in the sense that you think the economic system that creates them has to be replaced altogether.

Same thing goes for corporations. Do you hate capitalism and private enterprise, or do you think enough mechanisms should be in place in order for stop them from growing too much, but their existence itself is vital?

Just going "dude this group is annoying lmao" isn't a political philosophy.

>> No.13463724
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>Corporations funnel money into the economy
No, CEOs pocket most of the profits and store their money in private bank accounts overseas
>provide jobs
Indentured servitude
>Censorship is not a big deal within private companies
Absolutely cucked

>> No.13463731

>that is their prerogative
So he is fine with corporations pushing "socialism"?

>> No.13463739

That's not socialism

>> No.13463752

How about you think for yourself instead of being an edgy faggot posting off topic bullshit to get other people to slap a label on him so he can feel validated?

>> No.13463768

Why are you so mad baby?

>> No.13463772

>That's not socialism
Google is banning conservatives, obviously whatever is the opposite of conservatism is gaining.

>> No.13463786

I'm not mad darling

>> No.13463790

The fact that they are a private enterprise is an endorsement of a classical liberal principle of private ownership of capital. They are liberals and liberals want well managed capitalism. If you want the state to seize their site and open it up to be run by the content creators that is not liberalism.

>> No.13463834

google is also banning marxism

>> No.13463854

Marxism has been legitimized by the academic complex google is dependent on. They have no say in that matter.

>> No.13463858

>They are liberals
I thought free speech was a liberal principle?

>> No.13463887

and ridiculously enough spent his life accumulating status symbols to make it seem as if he is part of the rich people clique. an existence based on resentment and comfy uncultured mediocrity.

>> No.13463896

you’re not centrist at all. at least not centrist in the sense that you’re between the mainstream left and the right on the meme spectrum.

you’re a paleoconservative, probably, or a socialist with largely heterodox views. However, I would try to avoid the labels and continue building your own worldview.

You might like Christopher Lasch, Jacques Ellul, or Samuel T. Francis.

>> No.13463898

Only for a privileged group. The slaves were never meant to have free speech, the women neither. Now it's time for the "conservative" white men who thought that was a good idea to face Justice. You got a problem with that?

>> No.13463909

Free speech in the public square, to the liberals who OWN YouTube they have a right to kick out dissenting views like you would kick an unwelcome guest in the house you OWN. Ownership is key to the liberal and is perhaps the major difference between them and socialists.

>> No.13464042

literally just another fag "woke" liberal? and no disliking multiculturalism doesnt extricate you, all liberals think immigrants should be assimilated into american culture

>> No.13464084

I don't like mass immigration either

>> No.13464086

>mass immigration
You just confirmed his hypothesis, I recommend you subscribe to Sargon of Akkad.

>> No.13464093

Sargon is a woke liberal?

>> No.13464141

self-loathing, at least partially racist liberal