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13455918 No.13455918 [Reply] [Original]

>In a remote and uninhabited pyramid-shaped islet, archaeologists have found evidence of a rich cultural and monumental landscape dating from earlier than the Minoan period. The evidence so far is that it was a major religious center created with technical knowledge pre-dating that found at Minoan Knossos by at least 400 years.

*Welp* They're going to have to rewrite the history books again.

>> No.13455926
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Source? I thought the Minoans were from Anatolia.

>> No.13455930

Link, you fucking faggot.

>> No.13455936

This, I’m seething

>> No.13455946



>> No.13455948

a real source plz

>> No.13456016

Thank you

>> No.13457528

The German Wiki has better info on it

Looks like it was the Cycladic culture?

>Early Cycladic culture evolved in three phases, between c. 3300 and 2000 BC, when it was increasingly submerged in the rising influence of Minoan Crete. Excavations at Knossos on Crete reveal an influence of Cycladic civilization upon Knossos in the period 3400 to 2000 BC as evidenced from pottery finds at Knossos.


>> No.13457619

That's nothing
Gobleki tepe is much older and more disruptive
BTW, fuck off to /his/

>> No.13457700


Why would Minoans be from Anatolia? Brainlet.

>> No.13457710

One leading theory of Etruscan origins is that they were Anatolian. Populations moved around a lot. Colonies were also common. Someone founds a colony in Marseille or Istria that gets prosperous by being at the edge of a tin or amber route or something, it grows into a city, bam you have Greeks "out in the middle of nowhere" in France or Illyria. There were Greeks in Crimea and probably further north very early for example.