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13455868 No.13455868[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

define love in your own philosophical viewpoint

>> No.13455880

That is uncertain lol

>> No.13455881
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Literally addressed in the second to last section in this book, but I'll give you a taste:
"It should also go without saying that multiple types of “love” exist, but here I am concerned with lust and romantic or “deep” love between two sexually attracted individuals. I actually am not concerned at all with lust except to say that it is not the love I am talking about. Unfortunately, many men in the lower tiers of attractiveness, after years of isolation and neglect, develop a propensity towards immediate attachment and lust towards any female that shows any kind on interest in them. This is a particularly damaging mindset that often leads to further mental defeats and self-doubt.
Anyhow, assuming the feeling of “love” is at least in part mutual between a man and woman, it is here that I will explore the phenomenon. There seems to be no less than three modes of the word “love,” and therefore no less than three types of relationships between man and woman. These correspond to the three styles of attraction discussed under the Emotional Point (i.e. attraction to status, attraction to strength, and attraction to stability). These three relationships are genuine love, mutual delusion, or an acknowledged or insidious parasitic symbiosis.
As I said, genuine love is reserved for Ideal Males and Females. For the sake of discussion, however, I will consider its potential characteristics in the tangible world. Immediately it should be apparent that, since women are the gatekeepers i.e. the selectors, the man in this theoretical relationship must be closer to the Ideal than the woman. So, let’s say we have a 10/10 (or 5/5) man, with an 8 or 9/10 female. Love in an actual sense here is possible because the man will absolutely satisfy her biological imperative. She, simply put, cannot get a better man. There is no need to cope, no need to keep looking, no sense of settling. She has done the best possible and knows this transcendentally. There is no doubt of any kind because the man’s attractiveness appeals directly to her deepest sense receptors. Not even the most foolish female would give up this man. For this reason, she becomes immediately and as deeply as is possible affectionate towards this man. She can trust him because he is perfect. This is the only case where genuine love can exist. "

>> No.13455894

Insert bepi into vagy

>> No.13455899
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Disgusting fornicating hedonist.

>> No.13455906

Neoplatonic Marxist.

>> No.13455913

Love = something you would die to save
Lust = something you would kill to get

>> No.13455919

Mutual attraction in an environment of continuous improvement.

>> No.13455949

what about something you would kill to save or die to get?

>> No.13455963

For the past quarter of a century, we've lived in a world where getting a straight answer to this question has been impossible.
The concept of love has fascinated us for a long time – possibly for as long as we've had language – and the answers we've conjured up to what it actually is that we've shared over time have helped redefine what love actually means to us, ina constant dialectical process; whatever love is, it isn't a static thing. It appears to be somewhat of an emergent phenomenon of the human condition, and as we change, it changes with us.
Enter 1993. A man called Nestor Alexander Haddaway releases a hit single called "What is Love?" The song contains rather simplistic lyrics, but most notable is the chorus, which consists of a call and response, alternating the question "what is love?" with the seemingly nonsensical answer "baby don't hurt me". The song was extremely catchy, and perhaps partially reinforced by a particularly popular SNL sketch, people were obsessed with the song for a while. It was perhaps one of the first instances of the destructive force of memes, even back then, several years before the internet truly existed, because ever since, it has been impossible to ask the question "what is love" without getting an answer other than "baby don't hurt me". What we perhaps don't realize is that this is actually changing what love means to us. Love itself has become a meme.

>> No.13455968

To love is to give

>> No.13455992

Based and ancient pasta pilled

>> No.13456022

A magic word thrown around by horny people who won't examine their feelings more adequately.

I'm not saying that sustainable, monogamous, fulfilling relationships don't exist. I'm saying the word has no definition and usually just serves the purpose of making sexual urges, companionship needs, and nesting instincts socially acceptable.

>> No.13456082

Some thing that fills me with a deep sense of kinmenship, a type of bond that only grows stronger the more i ponder on it

>> No.13456109
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It's not that I love everything

It's that everything is love

It's a merging

A knowing and a learning

It can hurt

It isn't exclusive to pleasure

And as such it is pain

It is writing and art

Above all a feeling

Given to us as all feelings are

It will be taken from us

Until we realize that we are the ones who give

Love is a belief

In yourself and other

That they are real

But that belief is self evident

>> No.13456123

Kinda based

>> No.13456274
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Me. I have never met someone with as much love as I do. I am the most loyal, giving, and romantic person I have ever met or known. Even poets or writers I have read, or musicians or lyricists, I am a fan of many and there is definitely kindred spirits i have found, some much more connected than others. But there’s always something else too to their love. My love is so absolute it worries people. I can’t do anything, literally, if I don’t love it. I feel debilitated without making some loving atmosphere, sending love, doing what I love, reading and planning out of love. I tried for so many years at “to do lists”. I just can’t do anything unless I am in love with it. That’s when I knew I would have to pursue my dreams. Not because they’re what I wanted, sure, but I literally couldn’t do anything else. I’m still trying to figure out this whole business of love, because things have been done out of discipline and work, loved or not, and I acknowledge that. But I just can’t do that, I’m not for that kind of life. It’s weird though, following love for so many years, things don’t just work out, but I see miracles. Stuff like good and bad karma, opportunities open up for people who deserve it, I am always amazed and that’s what keeps my love going. I think what happens, when I chose love, I unknowingly gave up the world of “knowing why” as well as “following my gut”. I still practice those things, but mostly it’s just love. Sure, it accompanied by a feeling, but if you really live in love you realize it’s something else entirely. It requires a ridiculous kind of self sacrifice. Nietzsche, from his standpoint, was absolutely consistent with his views to call Jesus and Socrates an idiot. You just can’t “understand” that kind of love. It includes contradiction, aporia, confusion, “negative capabilities”. I used to think I was the dumbest person in the world. And then you grow up talented, strong, loving, surrounded by normal, weak, hateful people, and then you understand. Some people aren’t meant for any time. I think love is a dimension for a specific kind of person who suffers for the most blessed kind of exile. I’m really happy to have /lit/. Even if you all aren’t the most loving people, Chance would have it that love visits you and the muses inspire a great post, and as the thread rotation increases, a string of great posts can make me feel not so alone. That’s love as far as /lit/ is concerned. True love exists. It exists in an individual. But you have to understand how absolute and irreparably alone that person is. They give love in the hopes it will come back but not because they need love, no, but because they are so unbearably alone.

>> No.13456277

An exclusively male phenomenon

>> No.13456285

>word vomit
obvious Pseud.

>> No.13456293

makes dick go wicky wicky wang tang

>> No.13456297
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>> No.13456309

Take it easy. It wasn't that bad.

>> No.13456314

See what I mean

>> No.13456319

It didn't even use paragraphs. Pseud word vomit rants beg to be shit on.

>> No.13456322


>> No.13456339

I do love myself
Love loves to love love

>> No.13456350

The capacity to believe that another person contains multitudes, and to sacrifice one another to that ideal

>> No.13456369

Love is a strong want for a thing. But, is addiction to drugs a type of love? Yes, it is. But the common type of Love most refer to is intimacy. Not sexual, but rather personal. It is a bond between living creatures who just enjoy what the other does.

>> No.13456422

Love is gratitude: it is thankfulness for the existence of the beloved; it is the happy acceptance of everything that he gives without jealous feeling that the self ought to be able to do as much; it is a gratitude that does not seek equality; it is wonder over the other's gift of himself in companionship. Love is reverence; it keeps its distance even as it draws near; it does not seek to absorb the other; it desires the beloved to be what he is and does not seek to refashion him into a replica of the self or to make him a means to the self's advancement. As reverence love is and seeks knowledge of the other not by way of curiosity nor for the sake of gaining power, but in rejoicing and wonder. Love is loyalty, it is the willingness to let the self be destroyed rather than the other cease to be.

>> No.13456463

There are different types of Love that have proper definitions. Just use the Greek terms, English is just a shitty language regarding love. Love generally involves having your soul resonate with another, what that means depends on the type of love.

>> No.13456471
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>it does not seek to absorb the other

Disagree. Love is also physical affection. What your describing is appreciation, which is not love fulfilled

>> No.13456476


True love can only take place between a man and woman. There are people who get together, have kids, and are not in love. But it is impossible for two people who are in love not to want to absorb the other in body and soul

>> No.13456478


>> No.13456506

not one without the other

>> No.13456572
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>> No.13456576

love is the spontaneous freedom to take responsibility and/or care for someone

>> No.13456586

Haven't thought it about it.
I suppose it wouldn't exist, just a word and concept in culture. Philosophy isn't applicable to such a thing.

>> No.13456588

love is procreation conscious of itself

>> No.13456596


>> No.13456598

To care for.

>> No.13456600


>> No.13456612

A lie and a lie.

>> No.13456617

when two people's wills are identical

>> No.13456618


>> No.13456620

Not for the phony, weak, or cowardly that’s for sure

>> No.13456629

cope from your species so you can reproduce

>> No.13456633

You know when you like something?
It’s that but ALOT

>> No.13456641

so what

>> No.13456664

"die to get" glory, salvation, etc. are some examples I guess.

>> No.13456672

shut the hell up, Aristophanes

>> No.13456682

There's two kinds of love, male love and female love. Male love is the process of changing another willingly, while female love is the process of being changed by another willingly.

>> No.13456684

The binding of the infinite into the temporal

>> No.13456692

The desire to bust a fat load

>> No.13456694

Thats a good marriage

>> No.13456697

your species uses you so it can perpetuate

>> No.13456723

I don't know what love is but I can observe it's influence in my life. The way love can give direction even in the thickest mist. Enable courage and confidence without just cause. To risk everything for something intangible and esoteric. Something worth keeping even through great pain and adversity. A flame that can only extinguish from selfishness and unappreciative desires. Grows with time, fortifies itself even on the rockiest foundations. Can bring great pain and heartache.

>> No.13457012
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The movement of love is circular, at one and the same impulse projecting creations into independency and drawing them into harmony. This seems complicated when stated so; but it is fully summed up in the simple formula we call the Golden Rule. This does not, of course, say, Do everything possible to gratify the egoistic impulses of others, but it says, Sacrifice your own perfection to the perfectionment of your neighbor. Nor must it for a moment be confounded with the Benthamite, or Helvetian, or Beccarian motto, Act for the greatest good of the greatest number. Love is not directed to abstractions but to persons; not to persons we do not know, nor to numbers of people, but to our own dear ones, our family and neighbors. "Our neighbor," we remember, is one whom we live near, not locally perhaps but in life and feeling.

Everybody can see that the statement of St. John is the formula of an evolutionary philosophy, which teaches that growth comes only from love, from I will not say self-sacrifice, but from the ardent impulse to fulfill another's highest impulse. Suppose, for example, that I have an idea that interests me. It is my creation. It is my creature, it is a little person. I love it; and I will sink myself in perfecting it. It is not by dealing out cold justice to the circle of my ideas that I can make them grow, but by cherishing and tending them as I would the flowers in my garden. The philosophy we draw from John's gospel is that this is the way mind develops; and as for the cosmos, only so far as it yet is mind, and so has life, is it capable of further evolution. Love, recognizing germs of loveliness in the hateful, gradually warms it into life, and makes it lovely.

>> No.13457033
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Women are only capable of feeling Storge and love of the self which is not included

>> No.13457036

I am my species idiot

>> No.13457037

when see boob and peepee get hard :)

>> No.13457041

okay retard

>> No.13457139

Love is an aesthetic anon

>> No.13457145
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>> No.13457153


>> No.13457202

To love something is to help it without expecting it to help you back

>> No.13457329

you look good

>> No.13457466

A chemical reaction in the brain that compels animals to breed.

>> No.13457521

baka at this materialist that trusts his senses without investigation

>> No.13458405

peepee beyond diamonds

>> No.13458443

Synonym for "need"

>> No.13458501
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>> No.13458513
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>> No.13458534


>> No.13458833


I live in a CIA prison. A nigger runs my prison. In prison, the nigger tries to torment me. We can take away his knives by confessing, every day. In about 2000, I masturbated fantacizing about my niece, Lani. She looks like Star Trek Seven of Nine! In 1985, at my sister's wedding, I stuck my crotch on the hot tub drain because it kinda sucked. In 1985, I tried to get a dog to lick my dick. From 1998-2003, I fantacized about leading a Catholic army like Dune, of Mexicans or Brazilians? That was dumb because they're niggers. In 2003, I played tag with a black girl about 7-years-old. She reached for my crotch. In high school, in the library, Carlos and I said 'juicy' or 'toxic' as a way of evaluating girls. In 1988, I cheated on my SAT by talking in the hall during the break -- two problems. On 9/9/1999, I killed a CIA nigger on purpose with my car. :-) In 1982, when I was 12, I babysat Kevin's kids. I changed a diaper because I thought that was being professional. In 1975, when I was about age five, my brother, Keith, put my penis in a vacuum. In 1977, when I was about age seven, my brother, Danny, got me high on gas fumes and we sucked each other's dicks. Dr. Tsakalis had an oddly round ass. Paul Keck at Xytec had an oddly round ass. Distracting? At about age five, Jay Weinrick and I touched dicks to each other's assholes.

What do we do all day?

We beat the nigger because the nigger cannot understand what a random number is.

We beat the nigger because the nigger thinks the brain does timer tongues.

We beat the nigger because he thinks TempleOS is real mode.

>> No.13458956

fake and gay

>> No.13458961
