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13454838 No.13454838 [Reply] [Original]

Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul.

>> No.13454868

I'm not going to argue in favor of pedophilia but what is a healthy, hot-blooded male supposed to do if he sees a ripe 15 year-old in booty shorts?

>> No.13454921

How can you perceive sexually an underage girl she is literally a child, you fucking pedo?

>> No.13454928

teens aren't children

>> No.13454968

>Americans will literally get arrested if they fool around with a 15 year old
Nice 'freedom' you got there

>> No.13454972

>15 year-old
>sexually developed
>literally a child
based retard

>> No.13454977

Yes they are.
I hope you get captured before it is too late.

>> No.13454990

Yeah you don't have the "freedom" to rape kids you animal

>> No.13454997

What are you taking about? Consensual sex with a 15 year old girl isn't rape, as she is past the age of consent

>> No.13455004

true. I read houellebecqs submission and there was a line where he said that there aren't as many urges to fuck because all islamic woman wear burqas and shit like that, while western girls wear super fucking short skirts and now somehow we're fucking pedos.

>> No.13455012

It is perfectly acceptable to find a 15 year old girl sexually attractive. That's biology. It is unacceptable to pursue that attraction, given what we understand about consent etc.

>> No.13455056

What kind of shit hole has an aoc that low?
Anyway, the aoc should be 21.

>> No.13455062

sucks through and through

>> No.13455693
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This thread

>> No.13456567

Lilato, sight of my eye, ire of my shins. My pain, my pole.

>> No.13456628

I'm 25 and I'm still a child.

>> No.13456643

Lotambi, fight of my strife, shire of my realm. My win, my goal.

>> No.13456656

Maybe booty shorts should be outlawed?

>> No.13456670

Lol, L of my L, fire of my lols. My sin, my soul.

>> No.13456700

t. jeffrey

>> No.13456782

What do we understand about consent?

>> No.13456788

This place is filled with fucking retards. Nobody cares if you want to do it, it’s actually doing it that is the problem

>> No.13456930

I was wondering this after seeing some twitter people's moralfaggotry on loli/shota or how lolita is a bad book, but what is the defense to use or justify reading this rather than chucking all copies into the fire like twitter wants it to?

>> No.13456970

Rosetta, Sweet Loretta Fart, she thought she was a cleaner, but she was a frying pan

>> No.13456989

15 year olds have no consciousness. They're not really "human" technically speaking.

>> No.13457066

They do have consciousness, what they lack is a self.

>> No.13457190

Too old

>> No.13457196

And why do they suddenly activate at the age of 18?

>> No.13457198
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Western girls are whores by default, they have been sexual slaves for centuries.

>> No.13457239

this post reeks of American. i've been fully self-aware since 14 (i live in a shithole country though, we mature mentally faster - most latinos i've known online are mentally adult at 14, euros at 15-16, americans seemed to actually get there at ~18 so maybe you're not memeing)
then why are there way more rapes in islamic countries? they fuck little boys en masse. (see: Pakistan's hidden shame)

>> No.13457261

I guess I will just be the one to say it- I had sex with adults, ranging up to the age of 28, during the ages of 15-17(im a guy). I can discern no specific harm that came from it that didn't also accompany my relationships with girls my age.

>> No.13457284

seconding. my first time was at 16 with a 24 year old girl. if sexes were reversed, it shouldn't be a big deal.

>> No.13457303

Gayanon here. I was sucking off older men was I was 13.

>> No.13457344

well, if it was your own initiative, it's weird but still acceptable. i think young gay men are more vulnerable in this sense than straight females because they can falsely believe those older man "truly understand them" or are the first ones to explain the unusual attraction to them, though these days it's not such a forbidden&unknown thing so it's probably getting better

>> No.13457366

Jesus christ, THIS. We should print this statement out and staple it to the forehead of every pedotard on 4chan.

>> No.13457386

Do NOT have sex!

>> No.13457392

true. just like it's nornal to find random girls sexually attractive but unacceptable to go around complimenting their asses or saying they got your pp when it's clearly unsoliticed.

>> No.13457409

>if it was your own initiative
Of course it wasnt. What did you know about blowjobs at 13? Breeders a cute!

>> No.13457598
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