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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 30 KB, 333x500, eliezer-yudkowsky-9819b12e-d4cd-4586-9c56-08cc2c93728-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13454435 No.13454435[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on rationalism, /lit. Did it end philosophy? Is it Based and Redpilled? Or is it Cringe and Bluepilled?

>> No.13454445

I hate this guy's face and BMI. I wouldn't listen to a word he has to say.

>> No.13454454

I have an irrational hatred for his writing style. It's just pure reddit.

>> No.13454455

One of the rare cases where rimless frames look WORSE because the guy is so fucking ugly. He would be better off with thick frame glasses because he looks so fucking bad.

>> No.13454460

Man, I just searched it and wow. You're right. Absolutely atrocious.

>> No.13454464

it’s not so much ugliness as just the insufferable expression on his fat face. extremely punchable

>> No.13454501

"Rationalism" is the condition in which you are so "rational" that you are mentally incapable of loosing weight.

>> No.13454508

What a fucking pseud.
>The police officer who puts their life on the line with no superpowers, no X-Ray vision, no super-strength, no ability to fly, and above all no invulnerability to bullets, reveals far greater virtue than Superman — who is only a mere superhero.

>Science has heroes, but no gods. The great Names are not our superiors, or even our rivals, they are passed milestones on our road; and the most important milestone is the hero yet to come

I hate this guy.
I hate his face.
His writing style. You can tell he puts a lot of effort in it and thinks it over several times and has a smirk on his face as if it's good. Imagine taking 3 hours to write the above. Imagine being such a brainlet that despite all your effort it looks like shit. Imagine unironically being named Eliezor. Fuck. FUCK HIM.

>> No.13454535

They seem to love him there so that'll be a yikes from me.

>> No.13454550

I can't believe rationalwiki isn't parody.

>> No.13454558
File: 63 KB, 542x475, 1561591618527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>However, Plato, Aristotle and Kant just weren't as smart as Yudkowsky believes himself to be.

>> No.13454561

It's based, but bluepilled

>> No.13454564

Not based in the slightest.

>> No.13454576

> Yudkowsky is not in fact all that invested in the Harry Potter 'verse. He wanted to use the fanfic as a platform to teach rationality to a wider audience, because he felt that lack of rationality was causing people to reject his ideas about AI and transhumanism. In the story a rationalist Harry (whom he has altered into a total Mary Sue author avatar[12]) tries to get his head around magic[13] whilst delivering lectures on science to his elders and the audience.

>It's a cracking good read for fanfic (though for best results, just skip straight from chapter 30 to chapter 100) and is very highly rated on FanFiction.net. Yudkowsky and his fans believe it is Hugo-quality material;[14][15] Yudkowsky asked his fans to spam the 2016 nomination for Best Novel[16][17]

>> No.13454593

Elmer Fudd
Elizor Yudd

>> No.13454637
File: 957 KB, 1328x2216, 1492217051408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The latter. Yudkowsky in particular is king of cringe.

>> No.13454639

Source? Ummm source. Yeah I'm going to need a source that explicitly state the argument you are trying to state. This is not tangential to the discussion. Correlation does not equal causation. CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CASUATION. *pushes glasses back* Please educate yourself before attempting to engage me again. Thank you and goodnight.

>> No.13454680
File: 759 KB, 1280x1740, Rationalists vs. The Future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the absolute Abyss of cringe. Nothing humanity has ever previously produced is as cringy as the Big Yud and his adherents.

>> No.13454683

Benedict would eat this chump for breakfast.

>> No.13454685
File: 33 KB, 502x380, Very Big Yud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13454694

only someone who got rekt and pwned by logic and facts would say this

>> No.13454704

then don’t starve yourself retard, just eat LESS. god what an idiot

>> No.13454716

>polyamorous sex cult leader
is he really?

>> No.13454733

Unbelievably, he has fan girls offering themselves to him all the time.

>> No.13454753

Yes, but they're not very good-looking bitches. It's a polyamorous sex cult for the metabolically disprivileged.

>> No.13454755

yeah, i mean when it comes to attractiveness fame trumps all as far as women are concerned

>> No.13454775

>Before anyone asks, yes, we’re polyamorous – I am in long-term relationships with three women, all of whom are involved with more than one guy. Apologies in advance to any 19th-century old fogies who are offended by our more advanced culture. Also before anyone asks: One of those is my primary who I’ve been with for 7+ years, and the other two did know my real-life identity before reading HPMOR, but HPMOR played a role in their deciding that I was interesting enough to date

>> No.13454781

Starving yourself isn't even that bad

>> No.13454784
File: 60 KB, 258x245, 1553899348015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I REFUSE to believe this guy is seriously. What a fucking joke

>> No.13454789

This. Fuck this fat fucking faggot fuck him fuck him fuck himfuck him fuck him fuck himfuck him fuck him fuck himfuck him fuck him fuck himfuck him fuck him fuck himfuck him fuck him fuck himfuck him fuck him fuck him

>> No.13454801

he sounds like the kind of guy Houllebecq would write a book about. reminds me of possibility of an island

>> No.13454880

"Polyamarous" is a euphemism for guys whose wives I fuck more than they do.

>> No.13454885

oh you naughty boy

>> No.13454920

I didn't even have to read his name to tell that he was a fucking Jew.

>> No.13455013

Can't crud the yudd.

>> No.13455264

He crudded himself.

>> No.13455335


>> No.13455357

dude didn't even finish high school who gives a fuck what he thinks

>> No.13455463

Plato didn't finish high school. Aristotle didn't finish high school.

>> No.13455565

Why do laypeople abuse the term 'rationalism'? Rationalism is a history of philosophy term... stop abusing it to describe materialism and other movements

>> No.13456127

But >>13454558 !

>> No.13456175

I've been in his house and know his friends AMA

>> No.13456198

Is he a character? I can believe someone can be so much of a s 0 y numale beta cuck estrogen filled faggot.

>> No.13456264

I'm sorry to here that. Where did he touch you?

>> No.13456310

I bet Yudkowski is a 5incher. You can see in the attitude those who are in the 7-8 inch range such as myself. Seriously, it must be so sad for him to have to be a 'polyamorous' person (that is, a cuckold) because he can't satisfy his wife. I wish i lived in the USA. I'd go on Lesswrong and refute every single argument of his and then do a scathing critique of HPMOR, and then search for his 'wife' of 7 years, and seduce her and cum in her face and forward a picture to his public facebook profile. That's how much i'm mad at this redditor.

>> No.13456317
File: 51 KB, 480x480, microwave brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13456325
File: 256 KB, 2047x788, chad rationalist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13456333

>a man who can't even control his own weight wants to control 'thinking'

>> No.13456348

Yes. Bigger brains take up more energy and most very intelligent people never gain weight. I eat 4000 calories a day and remain at 60kg. Look at James Watson or Pope Benedict, the two most intelligent living people. Skinny their entire lives. Their high energy brains consume their calories. Yuddster the huckster doesn't have one.

>> No.13456392
File: 65 KB, 404x521, goose mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting to see Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz
>it's LessWrong bullshit
They don't even bother to really read philosophical literature. There are pseuds on /lit/ better than them just for that alone.

>> No.13456401

Major crud on yud.

>> No.13456420

Do you have any arguments at all against Bayesian reasoning, retard? Yes, i thought so, you can go back to your fiction, i mean, philosophy.
>yeaa dud like you cant now nuffin man...
2000 years of philosophy and you can't get past that.

>> No.13456433

t. Seething Yudd and bounded rationality used only to justify his obesity and leechery.

>> No.13456444

t. Yud
Only way in hell someone can be this fucking mad.

>> No.13456666

I tell ya what it is is ya can't spike the kike