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/lit/ - Literature

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13454340 No.13454340 [Reply] [Original]

was Quentin a true visionary? was he right about literally everything?

>> No.13454355
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Yeah, he was right

>> No.13454373

Is this the same Quentin from the book club?

>> No.13454386

more like the Gramp Grimsley! LOL

>> No.13454402


LMAO no, this was the king tripfag on /v/ years ago

>> No.13454425

He truly was, until he was stopped by his parents.

>> No.13454427

>live a more healthier life
is quent a chicano? that's a very chicano way of speaking

>> No.13454441
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>calling the cops on them at the end

>> No.13454451

>not knowing quentin
>getting mad at someone for not knowing quentin

I should probably stop using this website sometime.

>> No.13454537
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>> No.13454567

I got more anti-social when I started reading, though. Everyone watches movies and plays video games, no one fucking reads.

"Hey anon, have you seen the new Game of Thrones?"
"Uhhh...hah, yeah not yet. I uh, well, have you heard of Gary Shteyngart?"

>> No.13454585

I read books and who needs girls I have my 2d waifu

>> No.13454616

I want to go back to 2011

>> No.13454742

so by 24 you become a "is math related to science" type intellectual? wow

>> No.13454834

Very good, now write a book about her.

>> No.13454845

How long before literature becomes trendy like science has been for the past decade or so?

>> No.13454856

newfag, get out and never come back

>> No.13454857

Quentin was both based and redpilled

>> No.13455368

I hope you realize he was on lit first for a very long time first.

>> No.13455441

i never quite understood the joke behind him constantly referencing gatsby. Is it because anyone claiming to be an intellectual has claimed that particular book to be their gateway into reading as a hobby or something?

>> No.13455456

what insufferable tripfag hasn't started on here first

>> No.13455464

Yup. He was a real nigger who stopped posting on 4chan when it became irredeemable shit and wasn't fun anymore.He wasn't stuck here forever.

>> No.13455510

It's better for literature to be unpopular with the masses. Literacy was a mistake.

>> No.13455516

If YA "literature" counts then it already is.

>> No.13455522

This. Even those who do real shouldn't make reading into some surrogate activity to "play with ideas" you really don't need to read much more than a hundred books in a lifetime to have an internally consistent worldview.

>> No.13455683

This. Imagine a world without SJWs dominating publishing for Commie propaganda reasons.

>> No.13455845

Considering that lit was created many years after the site, many, if not most

>> No.13456039


>> No.13456100
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>> No.13456105
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>> No.13456115

I'm 25 but at the 18 stage on the gamer side and 13 on the reader side minus the implication of reading being a recent hobby

>> No.13456125

if booktube is anything to go by, reading makes you gay and most of the kind of women that read regularly are annoying

>> No.13456132

its a "basic bitch" book. like any book that you had to read at school or in the shallow top 100s

>> No.13456142
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>> No.13456145
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>> No.13456177

completed acts can't be in moderation. genocide is not a genocide if its in moderation. book writers love that justification for thievery "I only take form big companies" " its insured" "The bankers take more than I ever could" these days the characters don't even have to give a part to the poor.

>> No.13456188
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>> No.13456191
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>> No.13456200
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What's Quentin's tax policy?

>> No.13456240
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>> No.13456244
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That's the last one I have, I hope you all enjoyed these

>> No.13456251

How did this Quentin thing start? Who even is he

>> No.13456252

>imagine thinking there isn't a genetic factor to difference in racial iq

>> No.13456255

GoT is a book tho...

>> No.13456259


>> No.13456298

ice and fire is a book.
This, even in book circles you have to be reading the same books which are usually easy YA books.

>> No.13456301

Not too late at 21 for transiting from the gamer to the reader side ? Or am I doomed

>> No.13456311
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>> No.13456313

Old /lit/ tripfag. He posted on /v/ too. Eventually someone faked a bomb threat at his school and blamed it on him after his real life identity came out. He got arrested

>> No.13456323
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>> No.13456329

And then what happened?
Did they check if the IP address that posted that bomb threat was actually someone else? They cracked his tripcode and used it to post that didn't they?

>> No.13456373

>Gary Shteyngart

Yeah I have he is a fucking hack and I would beat you up if you mentioned his name around me

>> No.13456380

>Intelligence in the normal range is a polygenic trait, meaning that it is influenced by more than one gene,[3][4] more specifically, over 500, and is thought to be 50% to 80% genetic in origin.


>> No.13456718

no self-identified reader has ever had sex.

>> No.13456733

Is it so improbable that they could be the same person?

>> No.13456736

A man who lectured us on how to be a well-adjusted human being, who is now serving hard time for threatening a school.

>> No.13456738

50% genetic isn't that much

>> No.13456785

>1/2 isnt much

>> No.13456796


Here's a gallery of images that I apparently saved from long ago, simply languishing in the depths of my folder directories. Enjoy?

50+ Quentin and others


>> No.13456797

His parents took away the internet because everyone said he was a school shooter

>> No.13456815

>Gary Shteyngart

>> No.13456824

He replied to me with a timestamp back in 2015 when I called him a faggot, last ai ever saw of him

>> No.13456841

Tripfag Quentin ended up being doxxed, so we know they are not the same person.

>> No.13456844

>a coin toss is much

>> No.13456864

Sounds like you pulled a real Gregory Berrycone there

>> No.13456906

Start now. Many well read people don’t start till after high school/college, as assigned reading is fucking gay. The longer you wait though, the harder it’ll be. Start now, it’s not too late yet

>> No.13456981

He was the fucking hero 4chan needed but didn't deserve.

>> No.13457028

I'm not sure. I've heard he went to prison, but I really don't know anything for sure beyond the fact that he's not allowed to post on 4chan, and his trip hasn't been used since then

>> No.13457063

holy shit quentin is based

>> No.13457085

>in coin toss there isn't much of chance of getting tails

>> No.13457443

>Gary Shteyngart
>Worked in a LOMO camera factory

>> No.13457446

50% is an amount, you retard, not a chance.

>> No.13457506

Haven’t read Lake Success yet, huh?

>> No.13457517

saddest thing Ive read this hour

>> No.13457602

it already is, if by literature you mean "harry potter" and by trendy you mean "comparing Drumpf with Voldemort"

>> No.13457621

>halving your IQ wouldn't make a big difference

>> No.13457632
File: 246 KB, 1387x843, 1341216679125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice collection

>> No.13457743

What did he used to post beside his meme pictures?

>> No.13457997

>quality Budd Light beer
has literally anyone ever said these words in this order?

>> No.13458005

His tripcode leaked on /v/ and then it was all over after that

>> No.13458011
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>> No.13458013


>> No.13458022

No one has ever been more right about anything than Quentin was when he first uploaded this image.

>> No.13458027

Stop shilling that fucking faggot.

>> No.13458086

it's ogre

>> No.13458116

>projecting your insecurity that hard in pic
Only pretentious fucks exclude entire mediums, some video games are philosophically on par or close to some really good books to be honest

>> No.13458118

Such as...

>> No.13458128

off the top of my head, Xenogears
Characters and amazing story aside, it explored some very weird and almost taboo things
the dude who made it even had to write 400ish page book to fully explain it

>> No.13458130

Dark Souls 3

>> No.13458151

hey redditor

>> No.13458152
File: 20 KB, 640x480, grahf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same guy, to add to this, one of its loose sequels also surprised me with how non pretentiously "deep" it got, basically some guy replaces the universe with a living simulation through some alien artifact, he initially does it in the name of science but slowly gets less and less clear minded, eventually naming himself the world's god. The whole ending explores whether he can himself god because he is the demiurge, some very thought provoking shit.

>> No.13458179

I choose to believe they are the same person.

>> No.13458273

where's the proof that's his tripcode though?

>> No.13458462
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>> No.13458571


>> No.13458662

I read every day, currently averaging 70 pages a day, and I am also playing Silent Hill 2 when I can make time as well as doing other things. I definitely play a lot less vidya than before and have a lower opinion of some particular types, but I don't see why I should shun them forever as long as I'm not a retard about it.

>> No.13458683

Video games are toys, not art.

>> No.13458696

play a story driven game instead of tetris, grandpa
or better yet, a vn, which is literally a book as a video game

>> No.13458708

nvm I fell for that bait
how could I fail myself as a 4channeler

>> No.13458775

The absolute state of videogamefags. And you expect to be respected?

>> No.13458785

>no argument

>> No.13458857

literally nothing was wrong with those two posts
seethe more grandpa

>> No.13459084

Quentin is the most based user in all of 4chan history. he would counter-signal sneedposting though even though sneedposting is the most important meme today

>> No.13459179

They're absolutely art and quite possibly the most complex form of it considering it includes all other forms with the added layer of interaction, but that doesn't excuse the manchild behavior that Quentin rightly shit on and doesn't change the fact that 99% of the world only understands it as a toy and only gets value from it as they would from a toy.

>> No.13459762

ASOIAF is a saga; AGoT is a book.

>> No.13459767

is that actually him? he looks frail and emotionally tender.

>> No.13460382
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>guy makes lighthearted oc cartoons to express that something is bad for people, seems to care.

>gets arrested for terrorism cos he was a tripfag

>> No.13460550

Glad to hear that, man. Currently starting at 23

>> No.13461238

The people who framed him are probably still out there. They're the actual ones who bragged about trying to do terrorism

>> No.13461348

Quentin is so fucking based

>> No.13461489

This, kids, is why you don’t post your real identity on 4chan

>> No.13461509

Today, he'd just be your average /pol/ trad larper

>> No.13461530

>tfw you're schizoid
Can't find motivation for either of these pursuits. What do?

>> No.13461545

>book writers love that justification for thievery "I only take form big companies" " its insured" "The bankers take more than I ever could" these days the characters don't even have to give a part to the poor.

Are any of those wrong?

>> No.13461565

implying you would even dare to speak back to me

>> No.13461569

a handsome man

>> No.13461584

you think its an accomplishment to still shitpost on an anime forum in your mid 30s?

>> No.13461589

Threads about how marijuana is bad and other moralist type stuff.

>> No.13461739

>50% of something isn't much
whoa, so this is the power of a sub 60 IQ brain

>> No.13461756

I'd post my STEM degrees but ok

>> No.13461777

Good he got off light. Tripfags should die.

>> No.13461797

Smoking weed is a complete action.
Genocide in moderation is still genocide. For example, if you genocide the Palestinians and the Lebanese Arabs but you don't genocide any other Arabs, that could be called genocide in moderation.

>> No.13461807

>it wasnt even his tripcode
Goodnight sweet prince

>> No.13461867

>using quentin's pic for this garbage

>> No.13461873

>the weed blunt that appears after he's "made his point"

also yeah I remember lots of people hating him because there was a lot of unironic tripfag shit coming from him beyond the comics

>> No.13461977

He should never be mentioned on any bored ever. I am ashamed I even know who that is. And they're referring to Quentin Tarantino I'm pretty sure.

>> No.13462051

I've been seeing this shit since 2011 and I still can't tell if this guy was being ironic or not.

>> No.13462088

we're all impressed by your anonymous credentials

>> No.13463013

are you an actual retard

>> No.13463034



>> No.13463040
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Worse, he was just an anon who cared.

>> No.13463050

He was an autistic narcissist who used a mary sue to spout his flawed retard logic. But his work is hilarious, gotta give him that.

>> No.13463071

>autistic narcissist who used a mary sue to spout his flawed retard logic.

like I said, an anon who cared

>> No.13463073


meant for >>13463050

>> No.13463077
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Or was it?

>> No.13463106
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If it wasnt I wouldve just been reafirming myself

>> No.13463117
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Is that what you were doing?

>> No.13463165
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Shut up.

>> No.13463174
File: 15 KB, 232x213, frood3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem upset.

>> No.13463180

My nigga

>> No.13463332

he needs to take the neck pill

>> No.13463360
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>> No.13463405
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>He doesn't do both

>> No.13464239

I was wondering this for a while, is Quentin the one who drew the original Virgin Walk?

>> No.13464299

hook line sinker

>> No.13464306

i'm looking for the dota edit of this since forever

>> No.13464355

this is missing a third column describing most of /lit/, a guy who is mentally stuck on the left side but wishes he was on the right, so he sits there all miserable suffering through a copy of the iliad he can't make heads or tails of while wishing he was playing assassin's creed 17

>> No.13464365
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>> No.13464439

Does no one remember this kid getting doxxed by /v/ for threatening to shoot up his school?

>> No.13464459
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>> No.13464467
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>> No.13464475
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>> No.13464528

>for threatening to shoot up his school?

>> No.13464530

Where is he now? What does he do now?

>> No.13464564

>Argue why shit is bad for your health. No argument? Haha I guess I won.

>> No.13464585


my friend knows him, he is probably rotting away on his own private final fantasy server

>> No.13464607

Genocide of serbs in Kosovo was still genocide even though they didn't finish up completely.

>> No.13464643

you mean he's probably leading a wholesome life and about to start a family

>> No.13464646

So he avoided jail?

>> No.13464732


lol no


he is white and wealthy, of course he did. anyway, this thread is getting too gossipy for my taste, you're like girls

>> No.13464764
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>> No.13464796

literally /ourguy/

>> No.13464859

Quentin unironically got me into reading so I guess that makes him based

>> No.13464860

There's not a single flaw in any of his arguments. Get fucked, stoner.

>> No.13465557

what books are most like Thracia?

>> No.13465992
File: 532 KB, 640x480, 1563122365282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the jutting man face out and you get a mother with two daughters

>> No.13466710

You really don't see it? Do I really have to explain this?

>> No.13466810

Tripcodes are like self proclaimed geniuses. For every 999 Dunning-Kruger alumni, there is 1 actual genius stating the truth.

>> No.13467533

>imagine bringing up IQ scores in 2019
>imagine being a /pol/tard in 2019

Holy shit, just end your parody of a life, my guy.

>> No.13468096

I gotta love Quentin. It's a good read while having a blunt.

>> No.13468114

Literature is already becoming "trendy."

>> No.13468138

Wrong. Do some research before trying to talk shit

>> No.13468147

No. The virgin walk cams years after Quentin left. If it were the same guy, there’d be no way of knowing

>> No.13468340

Quentin was a troll. Was in same wow guild around 2011 and again in 2014, he smoked weed and jerked to anime.

>> No.13468355

Last I saw he was hanging with the erp trannies in /xivg/ a couple years back.

>> No.13468385

the art style is really similar, I instantly thought of quentin when I saw the virgin walk pic for the first time

>> No.13468391

It’s fucking stick figures

>> No.13468411

no it's not >>13456145

>> No.13468830

Dead link

>> No.13468858

No just Love Story but it was terrible

>> No.13468869

cringe. at least say dark souls 1

>> No.13469346

It's never too late to start, but the best time is always now.

>> No.13469457

Cringe. Games as philosophy is a flawed use of the medium. Games as competition (you know, what games have been for far longer than computers have existed) seem like the most natural realm for vidya. Interactive stories can be cool, but I just play tabletop RPGs for that.

>> No.13469471


>> No.13469572

Is this Battletoads?

>> No.13470643

There was a girl on Tinder who said, "if you don't like Bud Light, swipe left"

>> No.13471212

it worked recently, i guess it got taken down for some reason

>> No.13471761

Man I've been here far too long.

>> No.13471780

Duke Nuke'em