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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 52 KB, 680x457, albertcamus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13454255 No.13454255 [Reply] [Original]

>A fucking Chad tries to lecture people on suffering and how to cope with the meaninglessness of life

Yeah, it's fucking easy to talk when you have no less than 3 women on your dick constantly, you were a sports star growing up and you're basically a model-tier looking guy for your time.

Why the fuck do people listen to this hack?
He's the intellectual equivalent of "lol just be yourself bro".

>> No.13454268

This is my problem with Peterson too.

>Be the best goddamn plumber you can be!
Meanwhile he's earning at least 300k a month from book sales and patreon support.
>Don't worry about your limitations!
Meanwhile he was born with 150+IQ to a middle class family, was moved up a grade, excelled in school, became a respected professor.

>> No.13454273

also for all his talk on suffering and human dignity he still sold out his country

>> No.13454278

Can't take these people seriously. With all the advantages in the world it's easy to put in the work.

Who the fuck are you to talk to a snow plower, like you can understand what that man goes through.

This too. I've 0 respect for this hack.

>> No.13454279

>he still sold out his country

>> No.13454290

Albert was not your average chad. He was a based existentialist.

>> No.13454305

In his university lectures he talks about IQ and how you should work within your limits.

>> No.13454307

who gives le fuck

>> No.13454310

Yes? That's what I said.

>> No.13454326

>Why isn't this about ME?
Tumblr would be a more fitting place for somebody so blatantly narcissistic and whiny

>> No.13454335

>dont worry about your limitations
>work within your limits
These are the same?

>> No.13454339

Presumably if you're working within your limitations you aren't worrying about them. This type of pedantry is uninteresting to me anyway. The point is that he inveighs against resentment and self-loathing but knows nothing about being a low-IQ wagie.

>> No.13454345

Pretty sure Plato won some Olympic games as well, Socrates was a war hero. All of the truly great philosophers have struggled against the world. Socrates talks about this in the republic, how all you turbo nerds come to philosophy like beggars. Besides, Camus isn't even that great looking. A haircut and some basic fashion sense fools sluts 99% of the time.

>> No.13454347

Yeah but he crashed into a tree and die. How's that for absurd?

>> No.13454356

>rejecting philosophy if the author had sex
Oh God what a loser. Christian theologists don't count as incels btw, they could have had sex but made the choice not too.

>> No.13454371

The fact that Camus bended bitches like car seats makes me want to read him more.

>> No.13454376

>if you're working within your limitations you aren't worrying about them
People usually say "don't worry about your limitations" when they mean you can go beyond your limits.

>> No.13454378

it was him who got bent like a car seat in the end. how ironic.

>> No.13454383

Very absurd

>> No.13454397

Get outta here.

>> No.13454405

why does anyone listen to philosophers? its just someones opinion on life, form your own and fuck everyone else. in the end no one knows and will never know anyway

>> No.13454409

I love Camus

Read The Rebel

>> No.13454412

*hits bong*
bro... you cant know nuffin man... just form your own opinion and like... live and let live

>> No.13454415

All Philosophers ultimately search to connect their findings with others. He's no exception. He didn't write in a vacuum for no crowd. He wrote with expectations and hope that his words would reach people.

Of course it's about me. It's about anyone who has read Camus. He was the cream of the crop, a 1% type of guy giving lessons to little people like he could understand their hardships.

>Imagine Sisyphus happy
Are you fucking kidding me? Tell that Sisyphus himself, you fucking hack. You had it all, success, fame, women, an athletic prime. You had an easy fucking life, had a moment of sadness and overcame it. It's easy to say "imagine Sisyphus happy" when everything in your life is going well.

Like I said, the intellectual equivalent to "just be yourself bro lol".

>> No.13454416

pass me that shit
*hits bong*

>> No.13454422
File: 5 KB, 211x239, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks that not having his dick up some thots STD-ridden cunt constitutes suffering

>> No.13454428


>> No.13454452

What else is there in life?
Oh well, i'm not starving and i'm not homeless yay

>> No.13454465
File: 27 KB, 720x303, you again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What else is there in life? Survival?

>> No.13454468

No, you giant faggot, you're not capable of reading anything properly if you're so consciously looking for reasons to disregard it all just because YOU don't get laid.
Have you ever considered that he grew up in abject poverty without a father in a shithole country torn apart by civil war? No? Oh, that doesn't compare to the struggles of your pampered 21st century life of porn and videogames because girls don't find your fat ass effortlessly attractive, does it?
You're a whining nigger demanding that art be catered toward YOU, and using half-assed arguments about his "audience" to mask that really you want philosophy to be instructions for how you, personally, can make your hedonistic nigger life slightly more effortless.

>> No.13454469

WOW even more based

>> No.13454484

>did you kill that guy? we dont even care
>ok so you are going to jail now
>this priest will let you go if you say you are religious, are you religious
>death it is
>oh woe is me
this book sucks ass

>> No.13454502

>oh woe is me
The book is like, 100 pages and you couldn't even make it to the end?

>> No.13454504

>Why the fuck do people listen to this hack?
Because his charisma transcended his own lifespan and chads people to this day.

>> No.13454506

His dad fucking died in WWI and he was poor as shit and had tuberculosis as a kid wtf are you talking about? You post on /lit/ in an air conditioned room sad that girls don't want your dick.

>> No.13454509

am i missing something pal? p sure the priest thing at the end was it, that and some reflection

>> No.13454515

Literally any book ever written can be made to sound retarded with reductionism
>Hurr muh jew on a stick
>Hurr he kill pawn lady and feel bad
>Hurr he hunt whale and die for no reason
Absolutely worthless complete non-contribution, and I don't even think The Stranger is that good

>> No.13454516

>Have you ever considered that he grew up in abject poverty without a father in a shithole country torn apart by civil war?
I did, exept for the "without a father" part.
And i have to say, that the most frustrating thing is not getting pussy.
I didn't gave a shit when my grandparents died, neither i gave a shit about the fact that i live in poverty or the fact that i grew up alone cause both my father and mother were at work most of the time.
Knowing that you probably will never reproduce is the worst imaginable feeling.

>> No.13454518

This thread is why everyone hates incels. Camus grew up poor without a father, and his "sports star" career ended when he was 17 because of tuberculosis. If you're going to complain about privilege (a concept incels often seem to deny), pick someone who had more of it.

This I can get behind.

>> No.13454523

>Socrates was a war hero. All of the truly great philosophers have struggled against the world. Socrates talks about this in the republic, how all you turbo nerds come to philosophy like beggars.
The Socrates of Memorabilia is the GOAT, tricks the popular new hooker into sleeping with him for free and rambles about how feeble it is for a man not to get swole.

>> No.13454524

But those interpretations are actually correct.
Everything is shit anon.

>> No.13454527

>And i have to say, that the most frustrating thing is not getting pussy.
What a child lmao

>> No.13454529

Camus will always be based go back to redit you faggot.

>> No.13454538

Then you're an insufferable autist and your opinions are as worthless as they are annoying.
The reason girls don't like you isn't because they don't understand you, it's because they DO understand you, and they realize you're a sack of shit incapable of seeing any meaning in life beyond putting his dick in a hole.

>> No.13454539

>Hurr he kill pawn lady and feel bad
Crime and Punishment literally is this stupid though.

I mean I actually agree with your wider point but for real, this was the worst example you could have chosen.

>> No.13454546
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 1543299854193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daamnmm, look at all these angry incels lmao

>> No.13454548

Tell me anything that you would actually consider a problem in life anon.

>> No.13454555

nigga you experienced parental neglect and poverty are you on top of all that legit retarded

>> No.13454562

Imagine being such a chad that your life makes people rage this hard sixty years after you died
Stop posting you soulless failed-hedonist nigger-faggot

>> No.13454566


>> No.13454569

>they realize you're a sack of shit incapable of seeing any meaning in life beyond putting his dick in a hole
That is the meaning of life anon, anything else is either a delusion or a lie.
Also, jesus imagine being so retarded to think that women don't have sex with men who just want sex (actually all men do, it is just that some lie), this happens all the time. The problem are the looks of the male in question.

>> No.13454570
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>> No.13454575
File: 24 KB, 840x405, fa9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should just an hero. You can't even contribute meaningfully on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

>> No.13454578

An none of those things are actually a problem you racist cunt.

>> No.13454589

I know a guy who fucked over 200 girls posing as a playboy camera man, nowadays he drinks himself to death and plays LoTRs Online most of the day. He's married to a real bitch he knocked up and she likes to rack up debts. His law career never took off so she makes more than him at a city level HR job. He won't divorce her because he's a country guy at heart, and they'd both end up homeless due to their debts and other such things. His children hate him. His brother had a stroke and is cared for by his aging mother. His dad, now dead, used to beat him and was also an alcoholic. I'm glad I met you though because now I can tell this guy that he doesn't have any problems because he got sum pussaaayyy hell yeah bitchezzz.

>> No.13454598

Thanks for the suggestion, but i have yet some fun things to do before the end of this comedy.

>> No.13454599

>Literally nothing in life matters but getting laid
Why is somebody this myopic reading philosophy at all? Why are you here? This isn't /r9k/ or some safe space for you to cry about your dry dick. We don't care.
Camus claimed there was only one philosophical problem, and I think in your case it has a very clear solution.

>> No.13454615

>you racist cunt.
where do you think you are?

>> No.13454623

He is a retard though.
He needs escapism because he made some stupid decisions in life, such as marrying a non-virgin and thinking it would go well.
Also, all of his problems are in his head. He can move to a different country any time he wants and leave the cunt and the goblins that he produced to survive on their own.
Lmao what a cry baby

>> No.13454629

On a forum for nazi and commie virgins larping as intellectuals.

>> No.13454631

>marrying a non-virgin
she was a virgin lmao
>bruh just move out of the country!!
So this is the refugee mindset

>> No.13454634

At least one of the problems clearly seems to be in his brother's head.

>> No.13454635

Maybe you should start actually trying to improve yourself. Stop posting here. Go outside, travel somewhere, develop normie hobbies make some friends. If you want to be happy do something about it instead of whining on the internet. Would you want to fuck some incel crying anonymously on an anime website?

>> No.13454640

You're a fucking NPC dude

>> No.13454699

>just because YOU don't get laid
Exactly why did you make this assumption? I get laid, monogamously these days (for the time being at least) but I don't have 3 bitches on my dick at all times and people throwing themselves on my feet wherever I go.

>he grew up in a blah blah blah
So fucking what? I grew up in poverty myself, I didn't see an ounce of stability until my mid teens in my life. You think he suffered more than other people?
I train Boxing 4x a week, you don't see me getting some "epiphany" from something as base as training with the fellas like he did.

The reason why you're so (pathetically) trying to deconstruct my life instead of analysing the criticism I gave this Billie Eilish of philosophy is because you bought into it like a fucking chump. That's why you're hurt and why it pains you, because you're the kind of moron that believes in self-help books and motivational speakers. That's why this hurts you. You have a notion of yourself of depth and wisdom, but essentially you bought into the printed word of what is more or less a "HANG IN THERE" cat poster.

Besides being a brainlet you're almost 100% sure someone your hero would despise.

>> No.13454713

>boxer is a retard
color me unsurprised

>> No.13454722

>Would you want to fuck some incel crying anonymously on an anime website?
God, if only there was some lonely ugly virgin girl complaining about not having a bf, who was actually those things and not pretending as usual, i would be the happiest man on earth to have a chance with her.
Though obviously she would only want a Chad or a rich dude.

>Go outside, travel somewhere, develop normie hobbies make some friends
Go outside? To do what? Walk around the city?
I don't have money, not even a penny.
And i certaintly don't want or need friends, is it really a requirement to get a gf? I don't think so. Chad can be a loner, but he is cool cause he has a massive jawline and he is tall.
>omg he is so weird an mysterious, me so wet

>do something about it instead of whining on the internet
I usually spend my time doing other things, though you incelphobes are such insufferable pieces of shit that some times i feel the need to explain things to you retards.

>> No.13454725

Neck yourself.

>> No.13454730

suck my dick, bitch

>> No.13454736

All of your posts are endless whining that the world isn't catered towards you
Nobody cares, and philosophy really isn't something you'd be capable of grasping

>> No.13454746

Make me, faggot.

>> No.13454749

*unzips dick*
on your knees, faggot

>> No.13454758

Yeah he got dealt a great hand and he fucked it all up because he is a worthless retard. What a sob story

>> No.13454783

I'm not even Op.
But anyway i agree with him, i think that you can't separate the philosophy of a man from his lifestyle and in this case it is inconsistent and it isn't applicable to other people.
Also, you realize that you are complaining about me complaining?
Why does it trigger you so much?

>> No.13454799

>Actually telling a toddler to stop banging on pots and pans makes noise too so you're a hypocrite
Go to /r9k/ and cry there
Post about books, not your pathetic life

>> No.13454855

Lmao you retard.
Some anon made an example of how supposedly people experience much worse things than not getting pussy and i just explained why he is wrong.
I didn't post to get advice or compassion, just to explain why he is wrong.
You are just butthurt because you are incapable of proving me wrong.
Please wash your vagina, cause all that cum is preventing you from thinking properly.

>> No.13454867

People who have it all didn't get it for nothing. It's the result of good breeding. You should worry more about doing a better at life so your children can reckon meaning in their lives beyond toil and subsistence.

>> No.13454905

Like all the French """""""""intellectuals"""""""""" of the 20th century, Camus is all style and not an ounce of depth. Best avoided.

>> No.13454908

Genetics are more important than money anon.

>> No.13455007

>Wow it's fucking nothing: the post

>> No.13455020

>you cant know nuffin man... just form your own opinion and like... live and let live

pragmatically this is about all philosophy will ever tell you no matter how much you study. It's about the movement from skepticism to understanding of and identification with these platitudes that takes hundreds of pages and years and years.

>> No.13455027

Hey man, death can seem pretty tempting at times, but wanna know what's better? Choosing life and being better than your own destiny! Haha yeah don't be a pussy bro, you don't wanna miss out on all this prime teen gash!

>> No.13455031
File: 51 KB, 700x394, 90ED2567-F272-47BA-89C4-B65761F772BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but he was a chad purely from personality. he was ugly as hell. one of his girlfriends even said that he looked like a monkey. look at this guys ugly mug

>> No.13455042

The Chad Camus vs. The Virigin Sartre

>> No.13455070

Sisyphus was a sick fuck and got what he deserved though.

>> No.13455097

>tfw i look like him

>> No.13455101

You two are perfect for one another.

>> No.13455105

post pic

>> No.13455187
File: 74 KB, 776x429, maslow-hierachy-of-needs-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That anon was incel faggot, but I think people on this board underestimate how strong biological imperative really is. Only small fraction of people can live like some autistic volcel genius (for example Newton and Kant). The rest of them probably gets seriously fucked in the head if they get old without a partner or family of their own.

>> No.13455207

This. Basically the only reason I work for is to get a family.

>> No.13455250

>The rest of them probably gets seriously fucked in the head if they get old without a partner or family of their own.
Execute them

>> No.13455291

>they could have had sex but made the choice not too.

>> No.13455307

Camus didn't wrote a manual on coping though.
He just had something to say on the fact that the world is alien to us and when you sit down on a bus,you should have every right to ask why the fuck are all those people on the bus and why does the bus exist in the first place. Not that you'll get an answer, but you may as well understand that some things that we take as normal, are brutally absurd, and at some point it becomes difficult to deal with it unless you take a specific approach to life. He didn't prescribe a specific life you should lead though.

Peterson's playing a different tune though.
He banks on the fact that when he prescribes rules, not everyone can follow them and that creates anxiety, sense of worthlessness, and sense of inadequacy in his readers and listeners. The reason he has so many viewers isn't because his message is "relevant". It's because no one can fucking do what he can but they like listening to him. I'm not sure if he's doing this deliberately, but I find it to be a shady move, personally.

>> No.13455341

That is how it should be. This board will try to meme you into myriad of different life-affirming philosophies but the best one can do is try to start a family and build it from there.
I think a lot of this is actually the fault of current system. One of the short stories we had to read in school was about 70iq retard who was set up with some annoying hag by peasent parents. It written only 2 or 3 generations ago but similar mechanisms do not exist anymore and today they would both end up alone and even more miserable. Also houellebecq offers decent critique of this

>> No.13455382

He grew up dirt poor in Algeria and his father died in a war before he was born.

>> No.13455398

>A haircut and some basic fashion sense fools sluts 99% of the time
Why do all incels fail to grasp that? It is not hard to attract an average to decently good looking woman.

>> No.13455409

because finding a good haircut and developing a sense of fashion is hard

>> No.13455449

read some men's magazines. Copy the popular movie stars or pop singers. Again IT IS NOT HARD.
A clean white, fitted linen shirt and a pair of black linen bermuda shorts, a 'gay' haircut, don't be a fatty by eating a shit diet, don't glower and send out scary bitter stalker vibes and you too can get laid.

>> No.13455455

>Got dealt a great hand
Yeah man everything is just about appearance and has nothing to do with your psychological makeup or environment; his entire life was great just fucking sluts all day because that's what we're all here to do. Have you ever even read a book you nigger?

>> No.13455488

oh no no no

>> No.13455579

Obviously he got dealt a great hand since he was good looking enough to attract 200 woman. Were they all sluts? He should stick to decent one and than he wouldnt end up with a bitch he knocked up

>> No.13455585

>not everyone can follow them and that creates anxiety
Name one rule that he has, that everyone can't follow

>> No.13455588

he wasn’t good looking at all, he just had a sexy personality

>> No.13455597
File: 279 KB, 960x1280, 1404823685181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please advice me a good haircut

>> No.13455599

Easy. All twelve.

>> No.13455610

I think that's why OP said he was good looking for the time.
Personally, I don't find him good looking at all. He was a chad though.

>> No.13455611
File: 5 KB, 275x183, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wasn’t good looking at all, he just had a sexy personality

>> No.13455635

Big whoop.
People grew up in worse conditions.

He played football all his youth, always had women, was lucky enough to fool some idiots into thinking he was deep (I mean, Camus is legit entry level Philosophy, he's barely a step up from Benjamin Franklin and his self-help shit) and he got mad pussy because of it.

Thinks he has some insight because he was sad for a little bit.

>> No.13455643

So people can't:
>Stand up straight with your shoulders back
>Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping
>Make friends with people who want the best for you
>Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today
>Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them
>Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world
>Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)
>Tell the truth – or, at least, don't lie
>Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don't
>Be precise in your speech
>Do not bother children when they are skateboarding
>Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

Can you explain what is the difficulty here?
Unless you are on a wheelchair, so you can't fix your posture or something.

>> No.13455674

Uh did you miss the part where he pretended to work for playboy? oh also he was 6'4 lol

>> No.13455714

Wash your penis. Hard for woman

>> No.13455725

>born with 150+IQ

>> No.13455730

>Read half the thread
>One single post referring to a single thing camus actually said.
>People finding lots of things to argue about anyway.

Kids, the nearest intersection can't be far. Lie down in it and make Sisyphus happy.

>> No.13455736

It's a poor bait, but since I'm in the mood for writing, then I'll let you have it.
>Unless you are on a wheelchair
Well, you said everyone. I think some people are on a wheelchair or have specific injuries that prevent them from being able to live by all the rules related to physical activity.
>Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping
Good luck with that. Most people cannot afford to do that, simply because they do not, and never will, have enough resources to sustain moderate, fairly manageable levels of stress.
>Make friends with people who want the best for you
That's as much dependent on them as it is on you. In addition to this, you can be a pretty horrible person and still have good friends. This shouldn't be a rule anyway, it doesn't make sense that way.
>Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today
In a competitive culture, you will be forced to assess your results against results of others, that's how it works. While I generally think it's a good idea to focus on yourself as much as you can, it is not realistic to only focus on yourself unless you have the luxury to life that kind of life.
>Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them
Maybe when you stop working 9 - 5 with your parent to be able to actually give some time to your child, you'll be able to take more control of how the child is brought up. Unless you do that, there's a myriad of other influences you're not in control of.
>Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world
Again, what is this a rule for? Do you clean your room before saying that you're close to burn out in your job and that you're not the only one to blame for that? Things that are shit, are just shit. While I generally I agree that people should not focus on politics and other nonsense they have no control over, you can call spade a spade without using Mr. Proper on your floor.
>Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)
Check the job ads and housing prices. We'll talk about this one later. Or not.
>Tell the truth – or, at least, don't lie
Again, being able to do that is a form of luxury. Some people go through life lying in one form or another because not doing so would have much worse consequences than simply "people not liking you."
>Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don't
Well, congratulations, we do that all the time. I don't think I've ever thought that I know everything a person has in their mind. This is a good one.
>Be precise in your speech
Yeah, well if you happen to be a diplomat, or a lawyer, your speech may be deliberately imprecise. How about that.
>Do not bother children when they are skateboarding
While this one is pretty easy to implement, you may actually check what they're doing.
>Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street
If I took this advice, I'd probably spend more time at my doctor's than I'd like to.

>> No.13455790

>150 IQ
>gets destroy by sniff man

>> No.13455798

he was pseud who had a hard-on for the bohemian lifestyle like any other intellectard

>> No.13455801

read sartre then. his ugliness is a big part of his existential dread and he talks about it in his philosophy

>> No.13455814

>mad because he bought into a dime store "philosopher"

>> No.13455821

But I'm not ugly.

>> No.13455831


>> No.13455866

He was the Jayden Smith of his generation

>> No.13455889
File: 62 KB, 900x900, 1556420907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not joking. Kill yourself OP. Nobody will ever love you. No woman will ever want to have sex with you. K I L L Y O U R S E L F

>> No.13455901

See >>13454699
But read the entirety of it.

You're angry because you fell for the Camus meme, like all teenagers who start reading entry-level Philosophy do.

Read a book, loser.

>> No.13455907


>> No.13455912

oh did that happen already

>> No.13455916

Shave, grow your hear out a bit, look after it better, and look into surgery.

>> No.13455935

You assume too much. I unironically advocate suicide for most people. Including everyone in this thread, like you, who cannot come up with an argument against anything camus actually said, and things they're spending time wisely by arguing about jordan peterson and tuberculosis.

>> No.13455944


>> No.13455953

t. Cioran

>> No.13455955

>and look into surgery.
That is what inceldom is all about faggot

>> No.13455957

>how all you turbo nerds come to philosophy like beggars

>> No.13455970


>> No.13455971

I'm not a fan of Camus. Just kill yourself.
>I get laid
cope harder

>> No.13455990

No one addressed my criticism of Camus, focusing instead of trying to deconstruct my life and calling me an "incel" or whatever buzzword of the month you actual involuntary celibates might be saying.


>> No.13455996

>Now he's mad because he doesn't get laid
A well adjusted human being, for sure you are.

>> No.13456058

>Why the fuck do people listen to this hack?
Same reason people listen to Sartre. French "philosophers" are mostly style over substance shallow cunts. I advise anyone who asks not to bother because it's a waste of brain cells.

>> No.13456070

Still no argument.

>> No.13456086

Cope, duped by a Philosophical snake oil salesman retard.

>> No.13456233

Still waiting for an argument. Not because I think "Imagine sisyphus happy" is a solid argument. But because I know you're an incompetent retard.

Let me just skip ahead of you here. When you do try to construct an argument, no amount of fortune or misfortune in camus' life will amount to authority on whether or not life is worth living. And pointing to his fortune or misfortune will never amount to a competent argument against anything he said. Now, be the first person in this thread to argue against something he actually said.

>> No.13456248

Your story is about doing the best you can do with whatever you have. It's not possible for you to be the best, but you can be the best you can be. Even if you couldn't, it means your circumstances prevented you.
Just pat yourself on your back every day. You're still alive and whatever you managed to do was all you could do with the mindset, body and means you were given. Put chad in your shoes in your body with your memories and he'd do the same.

>> No.13456256

>I think "Imagine sisyphus happy" is a solid argument
About as solid as anything Rhonda Byrne in "The Secret".

>Just picture a guy doing the most miserable task imaginable for eternity is happy doing it
If you honestly fail to see how intellectually dishonest this "argument" from Camus is, you're as big of a brainlet as anyone who bought into his bullshit.

Cope. You got duped by a con man.

>> No.13456283

I said that I don't think it's a solid argument. Sorry that was more clear.

Again, not an argument. I'm not even disagreeing with your premise. I'm just waiting for you to construct a post that sounds like a big boy put it together.

>> No.13456312

>if you fail to see.
See what? Defend a claim.
Who are you arguing with? Neither I, anon, or Camus said that.
I don't see a single post in this thread where anyone claimed anything positive aboit Camus. Literally just you and a dozen retards arguing with the voices in their head while we all wait for you to stop projecting and defend a single statement you make.

>> No.13456374

kek. I like Cioran's short burst writing freestyle though.

>> No.13456382

>"NO U!!!!"
Not an argument.

>> No.13456427

I'm not arguing. I agree with his premise. I am unconvinced by "Imagine sisyphus happy"

I don't need to defend being unconvinced. What i'm waiting for is defense of many of anons olympic level conclusion jumps.
Not because I want him to be convinced of anything. I just want to flesh out the retardation as much as possible.

>> No.13456439

You haven't even stated what your issue is besides saying this is "retardation".

Take it with the Anons you specifically disagree and quit fishing for (You)s, brainlet.

>> No.13456447

the amount of Camustards ITT is astounding

>> No.13456465

>Sends his wife into a mental breakdown due to his excessive cucking
What a fucking bloke Camus was

>> No.13456503

Says alot more about her character than his.

>> No.13456514

All jokes aside, you’re wrong, when you’re married, you’re committed to that person only, he was making every hot bitch he encountered wet as fuck soaking, foaming through their panties, he was a successful author also, he was controlling this bitch, handling this bitch

>> No.13456550
File: 123 KB, 640x640, 1541552930860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born with 150+ IQ

How much glue did this man have to sniff to half his IQ?

>> No.13456579

uh why would that be wrong?

>> No.13456667
File: 36 KB, 600x600, 1556422799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I fuck up? Are you not the incel that's been complaining about his sexlessness in this thread? I wasn't telling you to kill yourself because you didn't like Camus.

>> No.13456693

OP is an insufferable faggot but is basically right. Towards the end of his life, Sartre came in contact with Vietnamese boat people. He helped them together with his longtime rival Raymond Aron and the experience lead him to the conclusion it empirically and emphatically proved existencialism wrong.

Also Camus was never truly an existencialist. He was happy with the Myth of Sisyphus which he considered terrible and refused to call himself an existencialist, prefering to be merely an absurdist with no ambition to be able to find meaning.

>> No.13456731

there’s more than that

>> No.13456803

You got the wrong guy.

>> No.13456820

We are born starving and naked into cold world, where have to fight for our survival everyday. Surrounded by bither numbness answering our screams for meaning in this dark abyss. now you tell me, why is it worth living?

>> No.13457590

fuck henri cartier-bresson for making this rat look like a 10/10 model

>> No.13457678

The problem is not that he fucked 200 girls. The problem is that he knocked up a thot and decided to marry her. That's where his life went wrong. Don't make it sound like it wasn't his own idiocy that fucked up his previously good life.

All married men I've ever met were more or less miserable. Single men have more money, more free time, and they travel to Russia and SEA to fuck young bitches. That's how it is.

>> No.13457716

Just read Sartre dude, he said similar things but also was an unfuckable goblin. Nonetheless, he managed to get some pussy during his lifetime, which should help you put things in perspective about why you don't.

>> No.13457873

Answer the question anon

>> No.13457878

>desire to become the most one can be

>it is not the daily increases but the daily decreases

>anatta in general

fucking maslow meme

>> No.13457880

Ok coward

>> No.13457881

>He's goodlooking, therefore he can't feel pain like me

>> No.13457882


>> No.13457890

Cioran hated Camus apparently for the same reasons I think. They were style over substance.

>> No.13457895

>He isn't even that great looking, in my fashion standard, an anglo from a different cultural background 60 years after his death
Tough one buddy

Also Camus fought in the trenches of WWII and overcame his depression when he wrote The Myth of the Sysiphos, but all these based synopsis reading posters who exlusively think in their incel mentality will never grasp what this means. If you never experienced hardship in your life other than mom turned the wifi off again you'll completely miss Camus' point. Then again, I post here as well so

>> No.13457904

He didn't fight in the trenches fuck wit he was working on the magazine COMBAT in paris.

>> No.13457908

Sartre spent his whole life white knighting for Simone. Wheres your proof he ever got laid?

>> No.13457909

>I fuck and /fit/ also I had a hard life as well in my teens, almost like a civil war
Based copeposter

>> No.13457910

>Also Camus fought in the trenches of WWII
What the fuck are you talking about, retard? He fucked off to Algeria when the war broke out, and then came back when the war was almost over to write in some faggy ''resistance'' newspaper.

>> No.13457911
File: 202 KB, 430x500, 1538876164639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generally I hate Ayn Rand, but seeing these poorshit cope r9k threads on here really makes you think.

>> No.13457919
File: 976 KB, 245x280, e05a0bf5eae413f7486d3bda35760453-imagegif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Camus claimed there was only one philosophical problem, and I think in your case it has a very clear solution.

>> No.13457921

Recommend some philosophers with depth please

>> No.13457942

Reading this thread makes one seriously doubt that anyone on /lit/ reads more than wikipedia articles on books.

>> No.13457949

camus is from a working class family and was brought up in algiers
also he was a goalkeeper

>> No.13457952

Buddha. All of them. Also the Daoists.

>> No.13457966

>Why the fuck do people listen to this hack?

Because they're hacks just like him.

>> No.13457984

What is so good about being a "sports star"? When you are an athlete, you are chasing the ideal, you want to become better than you could ever possibly be. Each obstacle along this path causes untold suffering and frustration, each setback is akin to a small death. Granted that the victories are sweet, and the social recognition is undeniably a bonus, but at your core you remain hollow, you remain unfulfilled as long as you chase the ideal. Your fulfilment remains a slave to circumstance, constantly outside of your control.
It is as Kirkegaard said, like chasing a shadow. In the morning it is ahead of you, so you chase, as noon approaches it gets closer, you chase even faster. Soon it is almost next to you, but still outside you. Next it moves behind you, your best days are done and you still chase this spectre, your efforts are doubled, and yet your rewards are halved. You never arrive at your destination, you are never fulfilled. Only looking back can you realise the futility of it all, but then it is too late.
This is the fate of all athletes.

>> No.13458060

Well, life is generally about what you can recall and be able to retell. If you can look back at victories, it's much more pleasant than not looking back at victories. You can compromise with your ego to achieve some state of not caring, but I wouldn't do it personally.

>> No.13458090

>Just read Sartre dude, he said similar things but also was an unfuckable goblin. Nonetheless, he managed to get some pussy during his lifetime, which should help you put things in perspective about why you don't.

Well. I wouldn't advice on imitating the way Sartre managed to get pussy nowadays unless you want to end up jailed.

>> No.13458091

Life is about the present. The solution to this problem is to live live on an Ethical basis. Identify yourself with your freedom to choose, and do not chase ideals. Once you do this, each choice in life becomes important, and has the potential for satisfaction. You have arrived at your goal, each choice allows you to realise your freedom, and choose what is the "right" thing to do at that moment. Not the right thing in the contrxt of some ideal, but the right thing period. By this statement I by no means suggest an objective morality. The right thing will be different for all of us. Once you make the choice to live your life identifying yourself with the freedom to choose between right and wrong, your life will acquire meaning, even in the most sorrowful moments. In these moments you can still find fulfilment, as you still possess the freedom to do what is right.
Read Kierkegaard, specifically, read Either/Or. It will prove my point to you in a way that is almost irrefutable.

>> No.13458099

Simone groomed young girls for him to fuck. There's a reason he and Foucault petitioned the French government to scrape the age of consent bill.

>> No.13458120

Life is about the present only if you happen to have Alzheimer's. Otherwise, you will have your past and thinking for the future. It is completely senseless to assume there's no future.
The problem is, you immediately judge sport as being futile because the sportsman chases ideal. They may do that just for the fun of it, and happen to get better overtime. Adaptation to the progressive overload is a natural thing. Similarly, doing the same thing over and over helps you get better at that thing. There doesn't have to be any chasing for that. Additionally, you can say this everything. Kierkegaard wrote because he chased the ideal of writing, so he played with words to cure his own depression. See, this line of thinking doesn't lead anywhere. If it's different for anyone, you cannot judge it in such way.

>> No.13458288

Talk about judging a book by his cover.

What does it matters if he was all that? Fucking read the book and make your ideas and philosophies out of it, that's just such a self-help book readers habit. Reading about the authors life instead of his books.

>> No.13458325

You are missing the point. I am judging the sportsmans view to life to be flawed, I have no problem with his activities. What I am saying is this. Chasing ideals and goals as your primary focus in life will only lead to hollowness and unfulfilment. The best way to live is to live life as a series of ethical dilemasand make it your goal to make the right choice and do the right thing in each one.

>> No.13458336

Bad wording at the end. Make it your choice, not your goal, to live in this way. In making that choice you gain fulfilment.

>> No.13459386

>Cioran hated Camus apparently for the same reasons I think. They were style over substance.
This. Cioran at least had actual insight in his writings. Camus was like the rest of the French "Philosophers" of his time.

>> No.13459392


>> No.13459401

>bitching about "cope r9k"

>> No.13459407

I did read his books. First as a teenager and I had to go through that croc of shit again in college because he was mandatory for a class.

His message never resonated with me. Then I read about his life and it all made sense why. Like I said, it's the intellectual equivalent to "lol just be yourself bro".

>> No.13459434

Nice cope coward

>> No.13459499

>He helped them together with his longtime rival Raymond Aron and the experience lead him to the conclusion it empirically and emphatically proved existencialism wrong.

Huh? Where can I read about this?

>> No.13459518

>"N-NO! U!"

Have sex, incel.

>> No.13459560

Wait that's the 'oh no Stirner is evul for having opinions' guy

There are similarities, but even Camus is miles above Peterson, the latter is a youtube self-help guru who couldn't get laid in France if he paid

>> No.13459606

Lol do you like stirner anon

>> No.13459901

Tbh Imo they're essentially the same type of intellectual fraud
Camus just happens to be a lot more respected

>> No.13460380

he worded it poorly but OP is right
Camus is a talented writer but not a great philosopher
his subject matter is lacking in depth because he wasn't immersed in what he wrote, his life was for most part a piece of cake after reaching adulthood

>> No.13460394

I have always had a similar criticsm of Camus and the idea of 'imagining sisyphus happy' is categorically incorrect. There is no conceivable way a man of sound mind can find happiness in an endless and completely futile task, there has to be at least an illusion of progress or value in it. That essay alone proves to me that Camus was a decorated fuckboy who didn't know what he was talking about.

>> No.13460408

It's quintessentially the "money doesn't buy happiness" from an average rich guy. Complete intellectual dishonesty.

>> No.13460660

Just imagine Sisyphus happy

>> No.13460714

>150 IQ
>couldn't get into ALBERTAN LAW SCHOOL
Lmao hell no.

>> No.13460755

The hate boner this board has for Peterson is hilarious

>> No.13460945

A grifter nothing more.

>> No.13462207

So, like all French Existentialists?

>> No.13462353

Yeah, I don't take him seriously as a philosopher on suffering or meaning anymore. His shit is high school tier. But his novels are pretty comfy and sort of interesting to pass the time. And that's really all life comes down to.... just find ways to pass the timee..

>> No.13462388

Those capable of recognizing themselves as Sisyphian are not "little people".

>> No.13462610

I haven't met a Jordan Peterson hater that wasn't a chapofag.

>> No.13462955

>he wants to reproduce
i understand the desire to fuck but get your priorities straight bud. you should understand better than anyone that the proliferation of your genes would be a net detriment to the human species.

>> No.13462958

The Fall is my favorite novel. I used to be a lawyer so I am kind of the target audience. I was a Chad in my 20s but it never ment much to me. I don't enjoy women. That said I don't care for the Sisyphus or The Stranger at all. But The Fall speaks to me. The plauge was ok.

>> No.13462962

I'm so fucking tired of you incels who take the chad v virgin thing seriously

>> No.13463172

>read sartre

What else is worth a read, other than Nausea? I don't feel like tackling his philosophical works.

>> No.13463428

I fully agree on all you typed out, but his philosophy is also shit for other reasons. "just be happy and find meaning even if you're gonna go to nothingness after you die, bro" is extremely retarded.

I'm not a Peterson fan, but what do you want him to say? The obvious fact is that you have two choices - either lament your destiny or use your resources as much as you can. I can understand someone doing the former, there are many unfair things in life that can get you down and I won't judge anyone for doing that (as long as he doesn't harm other people), but I think it's better than you do the latter.

>> No.13463980

Now you've met an anon who hates him for being a shekel grabbing spaz and isn't a chapo lover, you're welcome

>> No.13464157

Maybe sniff man is simply 200 IQ?

>> No.13464307

Why should he provide an answer you could never understand? You'll come to the realization some day, but right now there's nothing that your mind will accept other than your own truth

>> No.13464322

The same reason pol fags are

>> No.13465155

Show me a writer that didn't have it easy.