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/lit/ - Literature

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13454172 No.13454172 [Reply] [Original]

I start an internship at a (fairly literary-minded) press in a couple weeks and one of my questions during my interview was what three books or authors I would bring with me to a deserted island. I responded (after gauging what type of answer the head of the press might like) Shakespeare, Proust, and Rilke. I got the internship. What are your answers?

>> No.13454175

Lord of flies and Castaway the novelization

>> No.13454178

a survival guide, complete manual to teaching yourself latin, and Divine comedy in latin.

>> No.13454198

Gulliver’s Travels
Complete Works of Shakespeare
Brothers K (Garnett translation, of course)

>> No.13454208

Does Garnett's translation preserve all the Russian nicknames and diminutives? I actually had a really good time with the PnV, and its run on sentences felt like they preserved some of the rambling structures you're allowed in a such a synthetic language like Russian. Then again, I'm basing most my disdain for Garnett off of literally one quote by Nabokov.

>> No.13454209
File: 18 KB, 800x450, FB6078A5-C242-4F28-891E-9B57CCF8170F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> divine comedy in Latin

>> No.13454222

Garnett remains the only excusable translation of Dostoevsky. Ignore other translations, and sentence P&V to an auto-da-fé.

>> No.13454235

What are some good works taking place on an island? Robinson Crusoe, but what else?

>> No.13454237

Can you say something a little more substantive regarding why?

>> No.13454243

The Magus by Fowles comes to mind, isn't quite deserted though. Conrad definitely has some island scenes here and there (namely the end of Nostromo)

>> No.13454272

We usually say auto-de-fé, just saying

>> No.13454275

Because she, rightfully so, eyes him from another continent. Any other translations attempt to "bring out the voice," to be friends with the text they mean to so dearly betray. Garnett's work has none of these faults: Nabokov was right, you're reading Garnett instead of Dostoevsky! A true traduttore.

>> No.13454297

Thanks, I didn't notice.

>> No.13454309

>ywn survive round one of your literary interview
Guess I'll stay in the erotica pits afterall. Good luck, OP!

>> No.13454344

ty anon, we can read anais niin together

>> No.13454461

Sounds like an interesting read, thanks