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13452671 No.13452671[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do Vegans rationalize their pro-abortion stance? It's wrong to kill animals, but it's ok to kill babies?

>> No.13452709

On Abstinence from killing animals - Porphyry

>> No.13452745

Your post implies that all vegans are pro-abortion. Is that what you intended to imply?

>> No.13452761

Or did you mean to say 'how do those vegans who are pro-abortion rationalize their stance?'.

>> No.13452783

yeah i don't understand this. I am not pro abortion.

does this then mean all omnivores are pro abortion?

>> No.13452864

Vegan and anti-abortion here

>> No.13453027

We need to minimise overpopulation and reduce suffering. Less humans in the world means less suffering

>> No.13453046


>> No.13453047

I'm not vegan for moral reasons.

>> No.13453048

>utilitarianism doesn't exist

>> No.13453052

Profound suffering will abound when the iq drops below whatever threshold is necessary for maintaining an advanced technological society. Imagine 15 billion humans, the deadliest animal of all time, facing worldwide food shortages, imagine them teeming over the earth in vehicles consuming everything in sight. If you care about the future of animals and people we should be exterminating blacks.

>> No.13453057

Utilitarianism is complete bullshit. Why do people still use it?

>> No.13453061

I regularly cook for vegans and use meat stock instead of vegetable without telling them.

They don't respect my choices so why the fuck should I respect theirs?

>> No.13453063


>> No.13453066

I said I was against overpopulation and animal suffering. Can't you read? Lmao

>> No.13453068

Vegans are always annoying leftists or liberals.

>> No.13453070

yes, kill everyone except asians. Because they have the highest iq.
Have you ever wondered if a big part of IQ(if it's a valid concept we should pay attentionto) is part of nurture?

>> No.13453072
File: 35 KB, 228x300, 96E7DE36-392E-4DC0-A1B9-60EC2E803EF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave California

>> No.13453083

Almost all western vegans are okay with killing animals as a concept, they just don't want unnecessary killing. You'd have to get into religion to find vegans who were against it conceptually.

>> No.13453084

Most Asians are soulless and ugly though. We should iq test everyone across all races and then kill all under a threshold.

Or alternatively keep everyone alive above 125 and a good few million below 100 (use as manual labour)

It's the 100-125 range of midwit liberal redditors which will end us all

>> No.13453087

God I hate those annoying liberals, annoying me with their annoying liberalism.

>> No.13453088

How will you rationalize to your parents your voluntary suicide?

>> No.13453091

Be more original anon

>> No.13453095

During the first trimester there isn't a person by any stretch of the imagination. It's incapable of suffering or cognition.

>> No.13453096

True midwit response when faced with his inevitable crushing realization that for the good of society himself must be removed from the earth.

>> No.13453100

>Most Asians are soulless and ugly though.
>It's the 100-125 range of midwit liberal redditors which will end us all
So having a good I.Q is also bad? This invalidates you're whole point about black people.
You're just looking for an excuse to justify you're hatred.

>> No.13453101

I'm not going to come up with an epic reddit-tier retort. I have nothing to prove to you and won't reply again.

>> No.13453103

You just use a semantic loophole and deed anyone before x amount of weeks not a human

>> No.13453109


>> No.13453112

I am a different anon. Apologies for the confusion

>> No.13453113

How do pro-lifers justify their non-vegan stance? It's not okay to kill fetuses but it is okay to kill farm animals which are infinitely more sentient?

>> No.13453115

troll thread but can a fetus suffer? no, can an animal suffer? yes

>> No.13453121

Your sacrifice for the betterment of society is a noble one anon

>> No.13453122

What part of utilitarianism rustles your jimmies?
I find that it neatly aligns with the intuitions we have about morality. Sure there might be some edge cases where it doesn't work. But for our day-to-day life it's a useful framework

>> No.13453123

Isn't most pro life for religious reasons and in the bible it says that God gave man dominion over animals.

>> No.13453131

some people are vegan due to dietary intolerances for meat you edgy retard

>> No.13453134

Why don’t they respect your choices?
Because you heard a YouTube video making fun of vegans once so now you assume all vegans are secretly out to get meat eaters?

>> No.13453136

If bees can suffer so can a fetus.

>> No.13453148
File: 49 KB, 640x640, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le epic troll
The most obnoxious people aren't vegans, it's the militant meat-eaters who can't be chill

>> No.13453159

>what is natural selection

Also that's rare as fuck and nobody has died or fallen ill die to my hijinx anon

I have hated the herbivorous human since before YouTube even existed. I don't waste my time with the folly of watching videos online, hence why I read books instead. From my personal experience vegans and vegetarians to a lesser extent are irritating and what I'm doing is justified. I will not be proven otherwise.

I get enjoyment out of it, what's the problem with that? I've even noticed that I get more compliments on my dishes when I forgo the vegetarian ingredients so I must be doing something right

>> No.13453162

>what I'm doing is justified.

>> No.13453165

Why do you think they don't respect your choices you edgy retard? They have a moral objection to the literal holocaust of trillions of animals and the large dissipation of CO2 that comes from the meat industry. They don't respect you supporting that, but they don't take your food away and force you to eat vegan food as you're doing to them.

>> No.13453168

because it makes retards like you mad

>> No.13453173

High IQ causes depression and suffering. Low IQ gives you blissful ignorance

>> No.13453186

I'm not mad, I'm legitimately interested. Because meat-eaters (sorry for the term, I don't like it either) instantly get defensive about their habits and won't bring actual reasons besides making jokes or deflecting.

>> No.13453187

I'm a more rational and intelligent human being than anyone who chooses to go vegan since the inability to see that animals are lower and worthless lifeforms makes you closer to them than to my level of intellect.

Furthermore I enjoy eating meat and don't see why I should make concessions for people who I am working hard to please. If they want to serve me vegetarian food I won't complain. Also as I said the food tastes better and they know it.

If you don't like CO2 emissions maybe they should all stop driving cars and flying on plains. Maybe they should boycott anything produced in an Indian or Chinese factory. And they do force me to eat vegan food when they cook for me so I don't see why what I'm doing is any worse.

>> No.13453194

>People who chose not to eat a thing I like are dumb, regardless of the many valid reasons for doing so!
I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and follow a strict vegan diet in order to combat the inflammation. I've been doing it for a year and have found it to have huge benefits, its even allowed me to lower the dose of immunity suppressants I have to take. Am I "irritating" because I care about my health?

>> No.13453199

I mean yeah thanks for showing your baiting

>> No.13453207

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.13453217

You can choose whatever diet you want, I really don't care. Most vegans are that way for so called 'moral reasons' though which really bothers me and that's why I feed them meat on the sly.

Imagine thinking animals have feelings

>> No.13453222

>but it's ok to kill babies
What a loaded question. Abortion isn't "killing babies" to people with a pro-abortion stance, so there's no moral discrepancy there.

>> No.13453225

Fetuses aren't babies. They are not conscious and cannot suffer. Animals can. How is this difficult to understand you absolute retard.

>> No.13453227

>having sympathy (a human trait) for non-humans makes you more like an animal
this is that "rationality and intelligence" you're banging on about, huh?

>I enjoy eating meat and don't see why I should make concessions for people who I am working hard to please
see this is what I mean, you don't have sympathy for animals, but you can't even be courteous to humans either. If you don't have any respect for anyone or anything then its no wonder you're too dull-headed to see the value in veganism

Also agriculture is probably the biggest and most primary issue to solve w/r/t global warming, for someone who claims to be so smart you really aren't that well informed

>> No.13453235

It bothers you that people want to act on their moral values? God forbid people actually try to do things about issues that matter to them. If everyone was as apathetically amoral as you then the world would go down the fucking toilet

>> No.13453239

Why do you think people hate right-wingers like you? Is it because culture has become too PC, or is it just that youre an ignorant insufferable asshole?

>> No.13453258

>being rational

>> No.13453260

Animals are not people. They exist to sustain us. To not recognise this is irrational and stupid.

I am courteous to them. I cook delicious food for them which they enjoy and they are none the wiser. What they don't know can't hurt them. I am allowing them to eat good normal nutritious food without the unneeded guilt.

Also transportation is the greatest CO2 factor not agriculture.

Their morality is misinformed and objectively wrong. I'm not amoral I just have different morals.

>> No.13453263

vegans don't allow eating shelfish either you stupid fucking dunce

>> No.13453267

Wow very mature discourse.

>> No.13453283

Simple, they flip the script on your argument: If you are pro-life, why do you support the inhumane treatment of your food? It's not a coherent argument, but the rhetoric is a powerful tool regardless.

>> No.13453287

Jesus we just need to eliminate those who can’t reach the intellectual bar of technological society get out of here you eugenicist.

>> No.13453288

I appear to have touched a nerve

>> No.13453300

Nice projection.

>> No.13453305
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No, my friend, no. In fact, you.

>> No.13453314

>/lit/ - Debate Club
fuck off

>> No.13453320

More like a desperate scraping for the tiniest nugget of victory, lefties are the type to correct a typo rather than reply with an argument, because they don’t actually have ideas that they’re trying to share with their posting they are just totalitarian retards.

>> No.13453323

Reply back to me when you've learned how to use full stops and semi-colons, conservative.

>> No.13453326

>Their morality is misinformed and objectively wrong.
>I'm not amoral I just have different morals.
Pick one you absolute brainlet.

>> No.13453330

My morality is superior. It's not hard to understand.

>> No.13453333

There's one difficulty I'm having, though. I'm really finding it hard to understand how your morality is superior when, in fact, my morality is superior.

>> No.13453349
