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13451306 No.13451306[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Ayn Rand

>> No.13451320

how will women, lolbertarians, and the jewish race ever recover from this devastating critique

>> No.13451321

oh god lmao

>> No.13451391


>> No.13451397 [DELETED] 

aynal randy


>> No.13451758

laughing my arse off

>> No.13451956

Russian woman who had a knee-jerk full-inverse reaction to the communist world she was used to.

>> No.13451967

damn, you right.

>> No.13452802

I hope that is a face of euphoria. Reading Atlas Shrugged was truly an orgasmic experience for me.

>> No.13452820

She tried to Nietzsche-ify liberalism, which is pretty cool desu