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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 20 KB, 341x512, stephenie-meyer2(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1345088 No.1345088 [Reply] [Original]

Admit it; you'd fuck Stephenie Meyer.

>> No.1345095

Madness aside I probably would.
Ok, I definitely would.
She's still as shitty writer, though.

>> No.1345094

If I could limit myself to only seeing her from certain angles and in certain lighting conditions, yes.

>> No.1345097

Oh dear God never mind. Googled her ass....
I wouldn't touch that ever.

>> No.1345096

Yes, I would -- very violently. That whore deserves everything that my dicking could give her.

>> No.1345098

Just because her writing ability is non-existent, doesn't mean her vagina is. See: >>1345094

>> No.1345100
File: 11 KB, 245x292, SM+Cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't fuck whales.

>> No.1345101

no im team edward(gay)

>> No.1345102

She's fatter than that now....
Kind of a shame.

>> No.1345103
File: 73 KB, 414x500, sylvia-plath-photograph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead, how about a writer that wasn't a whale and could write?

>> No.1345105

I've fapped to Sylvia Plath's voice.

>> No.1345107

She's not too bad. And I could actually have spoken to her intelligently.
Hot author chicks thread?

>> No.1345109


I know it's just /lit/ but that's kinda cool.

>> No.1345111

Stephenie Meyer; Queen of the Fat Girl Angle Shot

>> No.1345114
File: 55 KB, 625x426, rv-ZADIE_021_la_0494776040..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's zadie smith reading the BLACK PPL DON'T DESERVE OXBRIDGE thread

>> No.1345115


She may not actually have been fat in OP's pic, but that's just speculation.
Nice trips by the way.

>> No.1345123

At least she's as much of a whale as her target audience, right?

>> No.1345126

Wow. Just looked up some pics of her. You must have found the only attractive one of that beast. No I would not fuck her

>> No.1345133
File: 86 KB, 333x500, Stepheneimoooyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one's pretty good albeit a bit bitchy.

>> No.1345138
File: 222 KB, 720x1000, virginia woolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A picture like that makes me think she's a professional at the Myspace Angle.

One of the few good pictures of Virginia Woolf.

>> No.1345142

That is a very good picture. You can tell she's not very pretty at all but there's a certain beauty to her profile.

>> No.1345151

I fucking came when I google imaged her.

>> No.1345152
File: 34 KB, 260x320, stephanie-meyer-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her lips are so damn wide

>> No.1345155

DSL. I bet she gives a mean blowjob.

>> No.1345166

Yeah, but with the size of her, I wouldn't risk it.
She'd eat the damn thing.

>> No.1345169
File: 24 KB, 319x500, complete poems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'd bite your dick in half if you put a cookie on it.

This cover for Anne Sexton's complete collection of poetry is the only picture I've seen of her; kind of attractive, I'd say.

>> No.1345173


Damn she is cute. At least from this angle.

>> No.1345176

I'd say a J. K. Rowling in her early 20s would be pretty attractive, but I don't have any grounds. Can't seem to find a younger picture of her.

>> No.1345179

how do you think she got twilight published?

>> No.1345180
File: 11 KB, 190x207, Anne Sexton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think we have a winner.

>> No.1345182

>I don't have any grounds

Unless she's had loads of plastic surgery after HP became a phenomenon, you could say that how she looks now is a good judge of being attractive in earlier years.

>> No.1345185

Well I concede, those also were my grounds.

>> No.1345189
File: 4 KB, 190x184, sylvia_plath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Writers in bathing suits?

>> No.1345200
File: 104 KB, 641x534, bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we're talkin.

>> No.1345202



>> No.1345227
File: 16 KB, 200x270, didion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contributing a non-whale who could write.

>> No.1345230
File: 158 KB, 475x591, joyce carol oates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contributing another writerly non whale.

>> No.1345234

inb4 shitty feminist author

>> No.1345309

This is an alright thread. :)

>> No.1345325


Christ, she looks like my TA.

I wonder if she sucked dick as well as my TA...

>> No.1345331


She looks like a hot Shelley Duvall

>> No.1345513

Young JCO is such a classic Birdlike Indie Rock Girlfriend

>> No.1345891

There's nothing wrong with chicks being a bit big from time to time.

>> No.1345910

I agree. There's a difference between whales and attractively fat chicks. Some women just have the bodies for all that extra weight. I like 'em soft from time to time. Chubbies, usually, but a little bigger than that is fine, too. I all depends on how she carries it.

Would fuck every author in this thread except for Joyce Carol Oates.

>> No.1345925

if she lost a few pounds I would definitely fuck it.

It is such a shame how many fat chicks there are out there who would be hot if they just hit the treadmill more often.

At least skinny ugly women are unintentionally attractive

>> No.1345931

That's not really an accomplishment.

I'd fuck just about anything that calls itself a woman.

>> No.1345933

Ok, you got me. I would fuck her.

>> No.1345942

4chan is so full of people who will scream "MAN THE HARPOONS" when a picture of Calista Flockhart is posted.

>> No.1345954
File: 28 KB, 500x375, 1281465477581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would fuck Stephanie Meyer
>wouldn't fuck Joyce Carol Oates

>> No.1345959

I would, if she managed to lose 25 years.

>> No.1345967
File: 96 KB, 500x500, pbsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw she's 36

>> No.1345968

She writes to an audience sex depraved young women, westernized-anime/manga if you will. She serves a need for women, and hopefully is bringing out a generation of young women from their abstinent cocoons to become sexual butterflys we all know they can be.

I would fuck Stephenie Meyer not for her literary talent but for her service to society. And I would enjoy every minute of it.

>> No.1345975

Teenage girls were being whores just fine without the standards of men brought upon us by Twilight.

It's illegal to fuck minors because they're stupid; Twilight just made them worse.

>> No.1345984
File: 36 KB, 199x389, torialexander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tori Alexander?

But no one has read her work. Myself included.

>> No.1346039
File: 240 KB, 1280x1024, post-feminism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women brought those standards on themselves before Twilight with the feminist movement.

Welcome to Post-Feminism, now remember to never look at the camera. Watch the Director.

>> No.1346042
File: 8 KB, 271x323, dorothy_parker_150dpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1346045

>sex depraved young women

Not sure if typo.

Lol'd anyway.

>> No.1346046

That's... pretty ridiculous, honestly.

Twilight's pretty sexually repressive. It's too dramatic, it takes relationships way too seriously and mystifies the whole process in a way that sort of implies that you need some weird sexy god like Edward for it to be worth it. That's not sexually liberating at all, it's just repeating the same screwy sexuality that's been drilled into girls' heads for years.
No, a really revolutionary book would be one where a girl enjoys sex with nice boys that she gets along with, without the need for justification.

>> No.1346067
File: 8 KB, 120x120, 1276175846699.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stephen King hates her because he is jelly and think she is not a serious writer.

>myself I just finished the 17th chapter of the Gunslinger


>> No.1346082

She's a massive fucking whale. Myspace angles everywhere.

It's disssapointing because if she lost the weight she'd be so hot.

>> No.1346092

if you think Twilight is a terribly-written book, you probably haven't actually read it.

Dan Brown is an almost infinitely worse writer than she is. Meyer is honestly a pretty damn good teen romance writer who hit on vampires at the right time.

>> No.1346111

I've read both Meyer and Brown. They are equally awful. It's just Meyer is for teens and Brown is for adults. Shitty literature is shitty regardless of target audience.

>> No.1346113

Actually I did read the first twilight before it was all the fucking rage, and it was nearly unbearable. The writing is complete shit. The plot and character development is non existent. A loser series for loser people.

>> No.1346115

At the age that a lot of kids are reading Twilight, I was reading American Gods and Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman.
Now, I am not going to say that either of those were fantastic books. I'm just going to point out that there are numerous better options. Shit, kids would be better off reading Questionable Content or some other mid-to-high-tier webcomic.

>> No.1346136


Dan Brown has the ability to spin a yarn on ideas that don't have facts to support it. Meyer can't even do that right . . .

>> No.1346542

Maybe I'm just digging myself deeper, but in my opinion, Brown doesn't seem to understand what half the words he uses mean. When I was reading The Da Vinci Code, I kept a Word doc of sentences that, when parsed, clearly didn't mean what he intended them to mean. Meyer keeps it simpler and for the most part writes things that make sense. I think she's on about the same level as Rowling. I think they're both pretty good YA fiction authors.

And yeah, Meyer's plots are slow and simple, but at least they have consistent character, again, unlike Brown.

I'm trying to think of a YA author who is bad on the level of Brown. Maybe that Left Behind series guy? I haven't read an entire book, but I've read about 10 pages and they were pretty terrible.