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13449274 No.13449274[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13449277

summer /lit/ is straight ass

>> No.13449284


>> No.13449287

Anyone who says this wouldn't last even 5 minutes out in the woods. Fuck you, technology improves our lives, it's the people who run society that use technology for their nefarious ends. Technology has improved more lives than any politicians empty promises

>> No.13449290

End the dichotomy already. Technology is good but free-market capitalism is dangerous. The worst problems we have now are overpopulation, international competition, capitalism, and low IQ masses. All of these problems are related of course

>> No.13449291

>could easily send himself back to pre-industrial civilization

>> No.13449292
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Take the tedlill
before it's too late

>> No.13449303

I'd like it of we could but I think it's kind of a pipedream. Technology gives too much power to ever be dismantled.

>> No.13449310

Technology is the hydra, capitalism, low IQ masses, and overpopulation are the heads.

>> No.13449320

The only people worth convincing to take the tedpill are high IQ people who have potential to get into high tech positions and fuck shit up. /lit/ is the wrong board.

>> No.13449348

Impossible. STEM university students don't give a fuck

>> No.13449353

How many have you talked to about it? If it's not a shit-tier uni, I'd be surprised if no one listened to you.

>> No.13449361

You are posting this from a computer faggot

>> No.13449368

You're probably the kind of person who accuses a multi-million dollar church leader of flying private jets and spending extravagantly instead of how Jesus teaches. Stupid.

>> No.13449369
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>hurrrr why you use technology to destroy it?!!!!!1!1!11!

>> No.13449399

What civilizations?

>> No.13449405

>abandon technology
>immediately subjugated and annexed

>> No.13449408 [DELETED] 

That isn't consistent with your ideas.

>> No.13449426

>tell other people to stop using drugs while being high on drugs

>> No.13449432

We could create a virus that kills off all nonwhites

>> No.13449434

That's not the point. If you really wanted to eschew technology you would go live out in the wild like your Uncle Ted. You don't because you are LARPing.

>> No.13449438

The oldest and most venerable, the self.

>> No.13449440


>> No.13449445


>> No.13449452

About 40 computer engineering students
Not a single person considered any possible negative effects of ubiquitous computing/IoT

>> No.13449457
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Excellent idea

>> No.13449460

Reminder that the average IQ is the highest it's ever been in recorded history.

>> No.13449471

No because the black population is growing much faster than the other races

>> No.13449477

>look mom i posted the hairy face guy again!!!1!

>> No.13449504

I'm a stem student and my friends agreed on most of the problems with technology, idk what dumb retards you hang with

>> No.13449510

Ted started mailbombing because he believed living on the woods wasn't the solution tho

>> No.13449519



>> No.13449534

Yeah but there is not a structure for super high IQ people to breed together. And really it's not about the average it's about the super bright people on the right end of the bell curve. In the past one could argue that landed gentry and royalty as a system allowed super high IQ People to breed with one another.

>> No.13449542
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Oh yeah, let's go back to our roots! What a fucking idea, anon, how could it have possibly popped into your dumb little brain? It's almost like your ghastly hunger to slurp up every last little gluttonous-piggy crumb and drop of culture has left you with the seeds of some form of... Enlightenment?
You're five fucking hundred years too late for "wait primitivism is cool" boat. Even if you tried to do whatever neopagan/animist/anti-industrial shit you think would reverse the current order of social relations, you wouldn't even slow the acceleration. You're such a pleb.

>> No.13449582

Why would a person forced to develop in a technology-obsessed civilization be expected to survive in the woods?

>> No.13449583

OP wouldn't last a day in the wilderness. Not because of living conditions, but because he's a neurotic little kid who's addicted to technology, porn, image boards, videogames and processed food/beverages. This applies to both "bloody revolution" commies and to Ted-tards. Something tells me that these two types of people who obsessively yearn for society's collapse would be the least equipped to live in the wilderness, definitely worse off than the average person.

>> No.13449591

how was technology detrimental to the lives of people from say, the roman empire to the middle ages?
It seems like the only pre-modern example you could take for the demonization of technology were the detrimental initial effects of changing our hunter gatherer lifestyle for a sedentary agricultural one

>> No.13449619

It was higher before it started dropping in the 90’s. Coincidentally the African population has doubled since then.

>> No.13449627

Most aristocrats and royals where of low genetic value.

>> No.13449640

If i'm not mistaken, whitey IQ is dropping as well.

>> No.13449643

It depends if you control for the flynn effect

>> No.13449654

Same as crime statistics, if you are going to consider hispanics and mutts as white that it is going to show a degeneration.

>> No.13449660

caring about people is cringe apparently

>> No.13449661

No, i'm talking about European whites like swedish, danes, germans etc. It has been discussed already, and the drop is slow but steady. I wish i could find the sources, but i haven't been on an HBD blog for years now

>> No.13449669

Are they taking into account the "new" danes, swedes and germans?

>> No.13449673

No. If they were, i wouldn't be talking about "white IQ" dropping.

>> No.13449677

if you are proposing a return to a more primitive way of life you should at least be able to live and show people how to live without modern technology. There are a million of survival guides out there, you people just expect others to drop everything and live in the woods without knowing how to live in them

>> No.13449687

If the Soviet Union couldn't overthrow the capitalist world order with its own technology, how the hell are anprim communities going to overthrow the capitalist world order with crude stone cudgels?

>> No.13449691

Basing life on fucking survival guides is just as bad. The point is to be develop ancestral knowledge over the generations and to drop any factors that might taint this (such as literacy or modern values).

>> No.13449699

You already outed yourself as a brainlet in the polymath thread, just stop now namefag

>> No.13449729

being a polymath does not entail knowing how to unplug your toilet

>> No.13449735

>polymaths don't have to understand hydrodynamics and the rhizome of the bowel

>> No.13449742

Yeah, you’re very low IQ. You probably did very poorly in school

>> No.13449767
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I can smell the STEMfagginess all the way from here.
A polymath is an educated man verse in the disciplines of philosophy, history, sociology, psychology, aesthetics, theology, etc. A man of culture that you can hold an enlightening conversation with. Leave the intellectual heavy lifting to us and focus on unplugging my toilet, grunts

>> No.13449786


>> No.13449788
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>argument.exe not found

>> No.13449793

While the so called Flynn effect (IQ steadily rising) has been used as an excuse for every new development, the effect has slowed if not reversed. Flynn himself said that it is probably just due to a change in how we think about intelligence: People didn't believe that Abstract reasoning was equal to intelligence but more practical and nature-related thought was seen as intelligence. Everybody began to wear scientific spectacles over the past century.

>> No.13449800

>computer engineering
I thought you said high IQ STEM students...

>> No.13449855

this is your brain in slave morality also we only get meme technology like new gadgets and other stuff. Scientists and Engineers should go full master morality and create actual technology.

>> No.13449864

>>13449274 (OP) #
>>13449277 #

(Sorry guys, I was on my phone here >>13449284 and got it backwards).

>> No.13450139

The problem with the STEM acronym is it contains both the CS/Engineering lot, which is lower IQ because of all the ones who just want to make bideo james, and Math/Physics students, who are invariably high IQ -- math in particular is /lit/

>> No.13450148

>improves our lives
By what metric/s?

>> No.13450154


>> No.13450156

You don't have to grow your own food, diseases that were fatal in the past are now curable, you can communicate with people over great distances, you can move great distances, you have food and water readily available, waste disposal is more efficient, I could go on

>> No.13450165

Thought of this too but instead it sterilizes all poor people and then we sell the antidote/vaccine for $100k. Then only the upper middle class and higher would have kids.

>> No.13450170
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do you have any idea how much of a cuck you are

>> No.13450173

Based bugman

>> No.13450178
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>> No.13450248

Well you couldn't really become upper class in those days, so high iq people born poor had no upwards mobility. Nobility was also prone to inbreeding and the number of genius/enlightened aristocrats was dwarfed by the number of vapid dumb-dumbs that just collected money and pondered on whether they were sitting on laying down.

>> No.13450446

I'm interested in understanding the widening disparity between the common people and monolithic conglomerates and how advancing technology is threatening to undermine human life to a potentially irreversible degree. Now, this looks like a good place to start, but I sure as fuck don't want to be put on a list for reading a terrorist's work. Is it worth it to go forth and hunt his books down?

Note: To all CIA, NSA, and FBI agents reading this, I will absolutely not send bombs to people I don't like because I'm not that big of a faggot and am not willing to endanger my ability to live somewhat freely by doing that.

>> No.13450489

Fucking kek

>> No.13450557
File: 14 KB, 224x224, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agent Smith here. Don't worry citizen, we can tell from your posting record and your shameless groveling that you are a coward. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear, have a safe day citizen.

>> No.13450824

>warning someone about a landmine in a language he understands instead of just reeeing at him in Portuguese.

>> No.13450834
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Based podestrian.

We must not avail communism!

>> No.13450852
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Stop eating.

>> No.13450859
File: 416 KB, 1910x1000, muskybrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet...