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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 114 KB, 713x475, lightbox_6358463239987450003950906_19_WMAG_20151201_JS_040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13448078 No.13448078[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so, yes, i believe that the princess of /lit/ is on the market


i fucked her

>> No.13448087

Don't know who this is but if she isn't a virgin she is a whore.

>> No.13448093
File: 374 KB, 1200x900, 1523753160324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt blonde wit cute Russian name

>> No.13448098

Schrodinger's girlfriend. Just don't look in the box and you never have to even care.

>> No.13448105

Pump and dump at best

>> No.13448265

I have mild obsession, last time happened with rose, many many years ago

>> No.13448367

I feel legitimately bad for Adam. It seemed like he put a lot more into the relationship than Dasha did

>> No.13448377

No idea who that is. Why should I care?

>> No.13448385

you shouldn't it's some ugly bitch redditors cream themselves over

>> No.13448461


>> No.13448632

Holy FUCK nobody cares! Die in a car crash!

>> No.13448685

>she's not that hot.
>she has an annoying voice.
>she has dumb opinions from trying to intellectualize and justify her own pointless existence
>she's indistinguishable from every other seward park dimes square art girl
>a pillhead
>i fucked her

a 19 year old philosophy major but in an anorexic 30 year old's body. the former is worth it for a while, the latter is just an exercise in masochism.

>> No.13448717


>> No.13448736

she's a shit poet too

>> No.13448737

What kinda feet is she sporting?

>> No.13448746

stop posting eceleb gossip and actually read books you fucking cunts. i will come to your fucking house and beat you into compliance with my iron dick.

>> No.13448761

>these are the girls who spam Catholic threads on /lit/
oh no no no

>> No.13448832

hoes mad hoes mad

>> No.13448867

>i fucked her
yeah after she fucked me she was telling me about she was gonna go see a guy with a small dick lol

cute ones

>> No.13448882
File: 35 KB, 341x354, 3f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck is this? Is this some R*ddit shit? I've been on 4chan for 11 years but I've never been to R*ddit, so I wouldn't know.

>> No.13448895

cum town is probably more important than anything you are reading

>> No.13448905

She’s cute and sensible and has better politics than 99% of Americans. Venom for no reason says a lot about you. In other words, have sex.

No, no you didn’t. Is this a meme or are you unironically faking sexual exploits on 4chan?

>> No.13448909

looks like we redpilled her on the JQ hehe

>> No.13448912

I thought this was a rare pic of Kurt Kobain crossdressing from the thumbnail.

>> No.13448914


>> No.13448930

I don't even know what Cum Town is.

>> No.13448987

>She’s cute and sensible and has better politics than 99% of Americans
i said she has dumb opinions. lots of people with good politics have dumb opinions and sensibilities

it's not a meme. i fucked her 6 times.

>> No.13449004

That's probably why she dumped him. The typical woman's thought process/automatic control system assigns low value to potential mates that don't act like they have options.

>> No.13449009

this guy is telling the truth, he came in right after me

>> No.13449037

So to keep a woman youre dating in line you have to almost somewhat act like youre still "on the market?"

>> No.13449044

That hasn't been confirmed, it's literally just reddit detective shit and conjecture.
Also this isn't /lit/.

>> No.13449055

This. Remember to sage and report.

>> No.13449453

i fucked her 7 times actually..

>> No.13449462

no! whatever happened with them was complicated, obviously! they were being so lovey dovey like last month even. i think she might have just gotten cold feet or something

>> No.13449486

its /lit/ related because all of you fags would probably kill and die for a trad wifey who reads lacan and has a BFA in sociology. and she likes cum town

>> No.13449488

Who? Who cares?

>> No.13449513

>>13448882 (rlly ugly reaction pic, i hate you)

cum town is more important than anything you are reading

>> No.13449521

Is there a purpose for the way these sorts of women act or is it just autism?

>> No.13449589

Stop shilling your incredibly stupid podcast here, faggot.

>> No.13449596
File: 44 KB, 599x474, 1556135401713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be Peter Geach

>> No.13449620

who tf told yall she was catholic lol?

>> No.13449626

jesus christ luke fuck off

>> No.13449656

I don't know anything about this woman but that really is poor poetry.

>> No.13449751

this is going to sound so stupid but im really sad about this break up..

i am just such a romantic i really wanted them to get married and have little kids. plus i love their two podcasts, though i always kind of thought dasha belonged with nick

>> No.13449764

dasha is weird name