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13446756 No.13446756 [Reply] [Original]

I've never found anything of worth in the outside world.

Everything I enjoy, everything I value, everything I got anything out of came from art and the internal world. I have no interest in the outside world and no interest in participating in it. The only world that matters to me are the ones I visit in my mind via art.

>> No.13446759

He went and at the door of the church he found a beggar, barefooted and in rags. He greeted the mendicant saying: “Good day, my friend.”

“Thank you, sir, for your kind wishes, but I do not recall ever having had a ‘bad’ day.”

“Then God has certainly given you a very happy life.”

“That is very true, sir. I have never been unhappy. In saying this I am not making any rash statement either. This is the reason: When I have nothing to eat, I give thanks to God; when it rains or snows, I bless God’s providence; when someone insults me, drives me away, or otherwise mistreats me, I give glory to God. I said I’ve never had an unhappy day, and it’s the truth, because I am accustomed to will unreservedly what God wills. Whatever happens to me, sweet or bitter, I gladly receive from his hands as what is best for me. Hence my unvarying happiness.”

“Where did you find God?”

“I found him where I left creatures.”

“Who are you anyway?”

“I am a king.”

“And where is your kingdom?”

“In my soul, where everything is in good order; where the passions obey reason, and reason obeys God.”

>> No.13446770

What about nature?

>> No.13446776


>> No.13446792

I wouldn't know.

I live in the UK, 99% of the land here is farm land or housing. There are no forests easy to get to, there is no wild land nearby, the best you get within walking distance is a highly manicured park.

>> No.13446822

You kidding? UK has god tier landscapes.

>> No.13446825

>UK has god tier landscapes.
Not anywhere within walking distance. Go drive for hours to the middle of nowhere if you want to see anything.

>> No.13446829

Yeah, I thought so much. You've never experienced the outside world. Lose a loved one, have draught threaten your harvest or a fire destroy your house/company. Then you'll stop pretending that your imagination can be made equal to reality by calling it inner or outer world.

>> No.13446835

You're not going to the right places then. The Lake District has some absolutely idyllic scenery. It's summer so its a perfect time for you to travel there.

>> No.13446838

>Lose a loved one, have draught threaten your harvest or a fire destroy your house/company
You value those things in your imagination.
But they were not pleasureful in reality.

>> No.13446840

Basically this. Religion was the only thing that could get me out of my nihilistic modern rut thats all to propogatef these days. Life is magic but analysis is death

>> No.13446844

I had both sets of grandparents die within 3 years of each other. My brother died of lung complications at 2, for most of my childhood we were homeless and lived off the charity of relatives, I've never been in one place for more than 6 months.

So fuck off with your suffering olympics, I don't give a fuck about you.

>> No.13446854

Are you just some larping American or something? You saw some pictures on google and you think you know the country now?

The Lake District is 3 hours drive away, or £125 return on the train. How the fuck is that of any use to me retard? I stand by what I said, 99% of this country is farmland and housing and there's nothing within walking distance concerning raw nature.

>> No.13446866

tbqh Op, i think that you are an insufferable faggot

>> No.13446875

Thanks for the useless advice you stupid mutt.

>> No.13446876

Nibba, get out, get drunk/high, talk to people and flirt with girls, lmao.

>> No.13446881
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So? It's three hours away from me too and I still go there. It's literally the summer break right now unless you're working 7 days a week you have no excuse. Alternatively you can go to the Yorkshire Dales which are a bit further south.

>> No.13446889

LMAOing at the UK arguments in this thread. Where are my Leeds boys hit me up

>> No.13446893

Leeds is a shithole.

t. Live there and can't wait to get out

>> No.13446896

I don't drive and I can't afford £100+ for the train.

>> No.13446901


It's NIGGER. Say it or fuck off back to where you came from zoom zoom.

>> No.13446904

Oh mate same. Came here for uni 6 years ago and just stayed
It's an absolute pit

>> No.13446921

Learn to drive then. Presumably you're an 18+ student on his summer break I'm sure you can get one of your parents to teach you.

>> No.13446936

>Learn to drive then.
Can't. Afford. It.
>I'm sure you can get one of your parents to teach you.
They're dead

>> No.13446945

I refuse to participate in the oppresion of the Negro, you dumb nibba.

>> No.13446959

You have nobody in your life that can teach you to drive? If that's the case then I don't blame you for being such a depressed sardonic bastard and I hope your situation will improve sometime.

>> No.13446991

There's nothing wrong with anything you mention
Don't you feel the need to create art yourself though?