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/lit/ - Literature

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13444853 No.13444853 [Reply] [Original]

What are some essential short story collections?

>> No.13444877

A Tomb for Boris Davidovich

>> No.13444891


-I'm given to understand that Dubliners is good.

-I have a Kafka reader with the Metamorphosis and other short stories that I haven't touched in years, but with my regular /lit/ use I started wanting to pick it up again. Then I started reading some philosophy which cites some of its story-fragments and now I'm actively reading it again in between other things. And now a blogpost: a young woman at my work quickly formed the opinion that I was well-read and so she asked my opinion on The Metamorphosis, what it's really about. Since I was her immediate supervisor, I refrained from explicitly stating the real answer, that it's an allegory of the author's own jewish self-hatred. Instead I made a very slight reference to this and explained it as simple body horror, quickly comparing it to The Fly. She seemed impressed with my little midwit analysis.

-I also read The Thurber Carnival years ago and enjoyed it, that's worth a look.

>> No.13445091

>I'm given to understand that Dubliners is good.

I'd also recommended The Garden Party and Other Stories by Katherine Mansfield if you don't mind reading stories by icky girls and the Collected Stories of Lu Xun. You can find collections of Henry James' shorter works (I had one that had Turn of the Screw, Beast in the Jungle, and the Aspern Papers). Penguin has a good edition of Thomas Mann's Death in Venice, along with other stories.

>> No.13446092

How about:

John Updike, The Early Stories
John Cheever, The Stories of John Cheever
Alice Munro, My Best Stories
Mavis Gallant, The Collected Stories of Mavis Gallant

>> No.13446096

The Star Diaries by Lem
The plain in flames by Rulfo
All things that rise must converge by O'Connor
All fires the fire by Cortazar
Fictions by Borges
Metamorphosis by Ovid

>> No.13446155
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Good catto

>> No.13446613


Dandelion Wine
My World and Welcome To It
Burning Chrome
The Size of Thoughts
A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again
Colourful Stones (Adalbert Stifter)
War Party (Louis L'Amour)

>> No.13446642

Lais by Marie de France
Adagio by Félix Leclerc
and The Anglo-Saxon World by Crossley-Holland I think

>> No.13447559

Why does this thread have nothing but thoughtful answers and good recommendations? I'm not sure how this happened, but I like it.

>> No.13447583

>collections of Henry James' shorter works
Annoying there isn't a standard. To pick up all his major short fiction you have to get a few collections which usually overlap

>> No.13447584
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everybody cannibalizes him
but nobody gives credit

>> No.13447586

The Collected Stories of Eudora Welty

Welty is funny, whimsical, sad, all while writing luminous prose.

There are two short story anthologies on the theme of the fantastic, edited by Alberto Manguel. They left a lasting impression on me.
Black Water I & II

>> No.13447644

Anyone know a good Chekhov collection?

There's so many different ones.