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/lit/ - Literature

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1344133 No.1344133 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1344136


>> No.1344138
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>> No.1344141

Isabelle Huppert

>> No.1344142

I don't come on this board enough to be sure this answer is the same for everyone but..: Creep&Heavy

>> No.1344171

Who is all of them, Alex?

>> No.1344185

>Nuts that don't prosper in the wind return towards their shaft.

>> No.1344204


>> No.1344216

Actually, that's true.

>> No.1344223


You accusing other tripfags of faggotry is a bit rich, don't you think?

>> No.1344226

Using a tripcode is an easy way to samefag as anonymous without other people suspecting anything.

>> No.1344229

The joke is that he is literally a homosexual irl. Haha I can explain jokes with impunity on 4chan because it's Anonymous

>> No.1344236

Arcueid Brunestud

Pretty much all of them apart from Isabelle Huppert.

>> No.1344241
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>mfw no-one has said capsguy

>> No.1344247


>> No.1344254

think D&E is jelly of isabelle's maturity and comparatively larger intellect

>> No.1344256

CaN I PlAy ToO??

>> No.1344260
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>mfw no one remembers the summer terror that is Stagolee

>> No.1344263

Anyone that says TyBrax is a meanie without a conscience.

inb4 "hey TyBrax" ! :D

>> No.1344265


Some of us didn't forget.


>> No.1344268

Truman Capote

>> No.1344270

Virginia W00f

>> No.1344271
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i'm a good tripfriend :(


capsguy doesn't trip

>> No.1344276


He tried to convince me that I'd have sex with him once. I'm afraid of Virginia W00f.

>> No.1344278

well he's rotting in a chinese prison so no need to worry now

>> No.1344283

/lit/ was only made in 2010 yet nearly everyone here is a newfag.

>> No.1344286

I like to think he ascended to his place within the Ur-Yul Brynner/Hunter S. Thompson/Simon Pegg trinity

>> No.1344288

No you just post /b/ reaction images and contribute nothing else. There's no reason for you not to post as anon whereas Isabelle at least makes posts that deserve credit.

>> No.1344290


Yeah, and I wish he'd shove his dale cooper reaction pics up his ass. What a lamer.

>> No.1344302

Deep and edgy or that guy with the weird tripfaggity name.

>> No.1344307 [DELETED] 

The Lorax must surely be the worst tripcode user.
In real life I bet that this faggot is a loser.

>> No.1344308

Has anyone read a post by Koroviev?
It is maybe the most long-winded pseudo-babble one might encounter on this fine thread

>> No.1344313
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derrrp *board

>> No.1344315
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The Lorax must surely be the worst tripcode user.
In real life I bet that this faggot is a loser.

>> No.1344320

I almost never read long posts so I guess I missed that guy

>> No.1344327

The filthy, literal aspies that browse this bored are worse than any tripfag that's a huge faggot

>> No.1344330
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whenever i actually discuss literature people get mad because they can't think of anything to discuss and just say "HURR DURR TRIPFAG"
nobodoy on /lit/ reads books apart from the tripfriends
we identify ourselves to actually identify the posts worth reading amongst the shit anonymous fucks up the board with.
also my reaction images aren't from /b/


>> No.1344340



Yes! Good observation tripfag!

>> No.1344344


How long have you been using the internet? You don't seem to be very good at it. I think you need to lurk more.

>> No.1344351
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>using the internet

they're not the same ya know

>> No.1344376

I plan to never become a tripfag

I prefer no one being able to connect my posts to a "personality"

I don't need that kind of hate in my life

p.s. it freaks me out when my captcha is a form of my actual name (like now)

>> No.1344382

I vote Tybrax.
Capsguy doesn't count as a tripfag.

>> No.1344384

>Anyone that says TyBrax is a meanie without a conscience
Why? He's the most annoying trip on the board since Stagolee left.

>> No.1344390
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TyBrax had a hard life... ;_;

>> No.1344391

I find brownbear the most annoying, because he shows the least self-awareness.

>> No.1344396

Biggest faggot on this board?

Not too sure, but if anybody sums up the worst parts of /lit/, it's definitely Deep&Edgy.

>> No.1344397


hate to be so cliche but did it involve sexual abuse

>> No.1344405

>implying tybrax didn't just make shit up for attention

>> No.1344406
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no. just no.

>> No.1344408

His mum raped him because he was a faggot.

>> No.1344412

I generally prefer anon boards to stay just that - anon.
As for trip fags, especially the ones here, I think of them in the same way that I think of disabled people in real life: a burden the rest of us have to endure. They need help so...unfortunately it's our lookout.

>> No.1344418


tybrax left :(

>> No.1344427
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>> No.1344431
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>> No.1344440
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>> No.1344441


>brownbear - you have a massive ego but youre lame & everyone thinks youre a faggot when you're not there. go suck a dick.


>> No.1344442
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>no. just no.
you post this when you don't have an adequate response as a defense mechanism to avoid showing your own stupidity

>> No.1344444
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>*Gasp* TyBrax dead?
>No, Tybax IS dead ...

>> No.1344445
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>His mum raped him because he was a faggot

>> No.1344447


i'm not a brownbear fan, but you do realise the post he responded to was regarding tybrax?

>> No.1344452

LOL Mogwai didn't get a shout out.

I would say Mogwai but he's not even a /lit/ tripfag and is generally pretty cool on /mu/.

>> No.1344453


check what post i'm referring to there bubba!

and tybrax was confirmed as lying about pretty much everything, i remember some random anon said he was probably abused and then people just ran with it.

But no, he wasn't abused.

i admit, i lol'd when i saw it too.
but it still hurts :(

>> No.1344459

You guys know that JimProfit doesn't work anymore, right?

>> No.1344464
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>> No.1344468

Does anyone know if he left uni?

>> No.1344473


tybrax, that is

>> No.1344477

TyBrax is best tripfag.

>> No.1344481
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Maybe it's a metaphor.

For being banned from real life.

>> No.1344492

QUENTIN WHY DIDNT YOU TURN UP ONE WEEK SOONER THIS COULD ALL HAVE BEEN AVOIDED...........................................................

>> No.1344511

>tybrax was confirmed as lying about pretty much everything
My ass he's not a social retard.

>> No.1344523

remember when everyone thought he was a girl? lol

>> No.1344530

ty was pretty cool. i've had a few good convos with him. ty did troll quite a bit though.

>> No.1344534

TyBrax = Quentin

I called it first.

>> No.1344536
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ohai :3

>> No.1344539



>> No.1344540

i thought virginia w00f was d&e

>> No.1344550

duuuude. i always thought the same thing.

>> No.1344556


Is that him?

>> No.1344560

>newfags don't know that stagolee and tybrax are separate posters.

>> No.1344562

I thought onionwrong was boreo was crapsguy was flatro was arcoon brownstud

let this henceforth be known as generic tripfag tier

>> No.1344564

/lit/ - tripdrama

>> No.1344590

^------- all these post are tripfags with or without their trips

Any post after this post is also a tripfag.

>> No.1344594

GTFO tripfag

>> No.1344628


that's not Tybrax, that's Richard Hamilton from Curryfree Ireland

we did a simple tineye search and established it as a trololol

oh he's a massive social retard, but he was lying about being a girl, being abused, people talking to him on the train, some girls saying he's cute blah blah blah.

apparently he's a tall neckbeard with a deep voice who walks with a bounce as if he's always wanting to get away from something. He also is extremely socially awkward.

>> No.1344638

It applies to every single of the tripcatamites

>> No.1344640


where u find this secret info? scottish meetup guy?

>> No.1344641

>walks with a bounce as if he's always wanting to get away from something

>> No.1344647


this. wtf lol

>> No.1344652

yep, God (what he nicknames under) told us all that after they met up for some coffee.

iirc he said that conversation was very hard and he practically did all the talking, until he started talking about computer code (they do a similar course) when tybrax started actually replying for a little while.

and yeah he walked with a bounce and was very nervous, twitchy and adgitated.

>> No.1344656
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inb4 Bowling for _ (wherever he's from)

>> No.1344659


lol'd at the description

I'll keep an eye out for such a figure next time I'm in Waterstones

>> No.1344661

wtf? tybrax has a beard?

>> No.1344663


yeah he's a bit strange apparently, looks kinda like that guy he posts pictures of, that Tyzondai Braxton or whatever his name is.

I'm sure God could tell you more but he's having internet trouble because of the snow

>> No.1344685


>walks with a bounce
>deep voice
>social spaz

lol wtf

>Unrelated note: I'd like to meet God again

>> No.1344698

Exactly this sounds like the caricature of a guy that mutilated animals in his childhood and was forced to pee the bed. LOL.

>> No.1344703

Are you saying God from the /lit/chat is Tybrax, or are you saying God met Tybrax?

>> No.1344713


Add in >pathological liar and BY YOUR POWERS COMBINED ....

>> No.1344714

God = TyBrax = Master Troll

possibly the master work of Stagolee?

>> No.1344727

where the fuck are you faggots from?

>> No.1344741

God MET Tybrax

also ty doesn't cut himself or any of that shit, he's just an introverted weirdo.

and i think they're from Glasgow, definately Scotland anyways

i'm from England

>> No.1344752

>emplying I don't hate every one of you sacks of shit

>> No.1344760


Yeah that's where they're from

>> No.1344780
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>mfw no one ever implied that